How to get a free McDonald's meal



Closed Account
waiting in between two windows like that no way it would work in America!! Im sure someone inside would stick thier head out drivethru window and ask why your sitting there and wondering why your not moveing your car if you did not order anything.
waiting in between two windows like that no way it would work in America!! Im sure someone inside would stick thier head out drivethru window and ask why your sitting there and wondering why your not moveing your car if you did not order anything.

Not to mention a little thing in America called:


Also, it is America, people will kill someone trying to steal their fast food quicker than someone who would be trying destroy the constitution. ;)
Perhaps free tasty and Mc Donald's in the same sentence is an oxymoron?
Times are tough,but Im not to that stage yet. Hope he enjoys his freedom fries!
in pol don't work:(
Thats funny. I must admit I've done the same accidentally once. I went to order a meal because I was starving, the realised I had not brought my card with me. So I informed the girl on the till and she cancelled my order. I drove on into the queue as there was no way of getting out of it. When I got to the window my phone went and I was talking on it and completely forgot about cancelling my order. I even argued with the service hatch that they had forgotten my McFlurry. I got it and was about half way home by the time I realised what I'd done.
Dang, that guy aims high and lives large, I must say.

(Kinda disappointed that someone in France would be doing a celebratory "Whooooo!" after ripping off some McD's "cuisine")
After this vids (Remi Gaillard) , lot of people in france try to do it, so it don't work more now.
Try to search remi Gaillard on goole, that really funny , especialy when you can see that police in France really, but really don't love him.
I was at McDonalds or Burger King once, pulled out a fifty to pay and held it out thinking the guy was going to grab it, but he was talking on his headset and not really paying attention. He stepped away to get the drinks or the food, I remembered I had a 20 in my pocket. I pulled out the 20 and paid my bill, he handed me the change and my food. As I was driving away, I realized he had given me change for a 50 even though I paid with a 20. I was thinking about going back to straighten it out, but then I remembered all the times they fucked up my order over the years and said "fuck it"


Postal Paranoiac
That's a lot of work just to get some shitty food. Maybe he should use his "talents" to beat blackjack in Vegas.