unemployed and have a facebook page?


Lost at Birth
better set it to private ;)


For better or worse, online screenings may be a permanent part of the 21st-century hiring process. The Microsoft survey found that 79 percent of U.S. hiring managers have used the Internet to better assess applicants.
Dan Eggers of Partners Marketing Group in Marietta, Georgia, is among that 79 percent.
"We review and certainly do research on anyone we're looking at hiring or using as a contract employee," Eggers said. "We would Google their name, look at LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter."

dang, whatever happened to the days when i could say i was formerly the lead scientist at NASA and the hiring company would just take my word for it?? it's just getting harder and harder to misrepresent. the times they are a changin....

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Ahhh I don't give out my Email address to anyone but friends. that way I can keep my alias for all the naughty stuff I wanna look @, that way only my friends have my real name / email address, so I don't think anybody is gonna much incriminating or damaging, or negative info on any of my personal pages that my friends frequent. for instance, you know when restaurants, gimmick contests, surveys, or just any places that ask for emails..etc.. whatever or whomever it is, if they are not my friends, I just tell them I don't have an Email account. And I am absolutely lying through my teeth, I just tell them I don't use the internet. :rolleyes: just sayin its easeir too avoid running into NOSEY MF'ers trying to dig up something nasty or incriminating against ya. :2 cents:
I never use email addresses in job applications. I don't plan on emailing coworkers or any of that shit. I'm looking for a job; not friends, not acquaintances, not someone to be another added number in a social website friend list; just a job! You don't need to look at my MySpace, you don't need to look at my Facebook, I don't own Twatter, fuck you! You either call me in for an interview or don't waste my fucking time trying to look at my social networking sites to decide I'm good enough! What I do on my own time is my own fucking business! As long as it does not effect my job performance on company hours YOU CAN FUCK OFF OUT OF MY GODDAMN PERSONAL LIFE!

Fucking hell what happened to just hiring a son of a bitch for a job? Pisses me off.
People are just plain stupid with Facebook, Myspace, et al.

If you don't monitor what is published about you online, then expect employers/schools to see it. If someone makes it online, plan on having every employer/school/future partner/whoever seeing it.

Manage what makes it online. Plain and simple.
My sister found evidence of her soon to be ex husband affairs because the dumbass and his friends posted it on facebook.


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I never use email addresses in job applications. I don't plan on emailing coworkers or any of that shit. I'm looking for a job; not friends, not acquaintances, not someone to be another added number in a social website friend list; just a job! You don't need to look at my MySpace, you don't need to look at my Facebook, I don't own Twatter, fuck you! You either call me in for an interview or don't waste my fucking time trying to look at my social networking sites to decide I'm good enough! What I do on my own time is my own fucking business! As long as it does not effect my job performance on company hours YOU CAN FUCK OFF OUT OF MY GODDAMN PERSONAL LIFE!

Fucking hell what happened to just hiring a son of a bitch for a job? Pisses me off.
100% agree. The thought of these employers nosing through other people's personal profiles and making judgments about them and who they are is pathetic. I shouldn't have to make changes to the content that on my page just because my fucking asshole of a boss might go through it and then shake his head in disapproval. :thefinger
100% agree. The thought of these employers nosing through other people's personal profiles and making judgments about them and who they are is pathetic. I shouldn't have to make changes to the content that on my page just because my fucking asshole of a boss might go through it and then shake his head in disapproval. :thefinger

Fuck the boss and his personal preferences! Suppose I get a liberal boss and they see that Neal Boortz is in my friends list, which he is, you know damn well that would be used against me. Or suppose I have a really uptight conservative boss and he sees me with two women at a bar and he happens to be anti-alcohol. This social networking site is bullshit.

Which is why I never put down any personal information on social sites except for first name and state. If that. Big fuck you to the nosy dicks out there who want to get a 'Aryan-esque' work force under their belts.

Hire me because you know I'm going get the job done right and proper. Not because you liked my fucking facebook! That sounds like something that would happen in high school!

Oh, I'm sorry, you can't work here because I don't like your facebook. You play Farmville as I play Farm Town.... Sorry.