Cheney backs Limbaugh

Of course Obama won just because he's black.

Yes, it's all part of the plan. Black people created slavery, and then when that fell through, much to thier annoyance, they manipulated the government into discriminating against them for another hundred years to ensure that they would be the most impovershed members of society just so that the other 90% of the non-black population of the US would hate theselves and vote for Obama because he's black.

So to make it clear, the Democrats are all racists that voted for Obama just because he's black, and the Republicans are color-blind and did not vote for Mccain just because he's white-actually they didn't even know that he was white until I just said it now.


Of course Obama won just because he's black.

Yes, it's all part of the plan. Black people created slavery, and then when that fell through, much to thier annoyance, they manipulated the government into discriminating against them for another hundred years to ensure that they would be the most impovershed members of society just so that the other 90% of the non-black population of the US would hate theselves and vote for Obama because he's black.

So to make it clear, the Democrats are all racists that voted for Obama just because he's black, and the Republicans are color-blind and did not vote for Mccain just because he's white-actually they didn't even know that he was white until I just said it now.

Now, now...don't get all carried away.
Blaming Black Africans for slavery is like blaming car dealers for traffic congestion...
Obama got millions of votes from completely non-political people because he was black...the informed population is way smaller than the voters who like the candidates voice or skin color, and they vote on a whim more often than not...which is why (do you really need to be told this?) politicians promise whatever it takes to get elected (Obama is a classic lying politician, and didn't even wait the famous 100 days to reverse many blatant campaign lies); get elected, and then do what you intended from the beginning.

Democrats are white folks, and many Black folks...uber-religious and predominantly Black supporting...and many many Black Americans couldn't tell you who the VP is or was, who the speaker is, or what any issues are...but they knew they were voting for Obama 'cause he was a Black man. Did you miss that, or are you unwilling to face an unpleasant reality that cancels out your sarcastic statements about all Repubs and conservatives, and all Dems and Liberals?
You're like those Ghetto boys walking around with their Pitt Bulls..."My dogma can whup your dogma!"
Philbert;3210844 Obama got millions of votes from completely non-political people because he was black...the informed population is way smaller than the voters who like the candidates voice or skin color said:
And Bush didn't get millions of votes by adopting "9/11" as his middle name:rolleyes:

I suppose classic lying would include Bush's no nation-building and his Iraqi Freedom reversal too huh?
many many Black Americans couldn't tell you who the VP is or was, who the speaker is, or what any issues are...

I'll let that qoute stand on it's own.

But OK, let us suppose that black people only voted for him because he was also black... that doesn't explain why white people voted for him, according to that theory.

I think that is pretty simple and obvious that no matter what their level of politcal knowledge or allegences people voted for him because he was not connected with the Bush administration.

I would like to think that the American people are not so guillable that they beleived all the promises he made, but then they did vote for the previously stated asshole at least once, so I guess that is too much to hope for.

Will E Worm

I'll let that qoute stand on it's own.

But OK, let us suppose that black people only voted for him because he was also black... that doesn't explain why white people voted for him, according to that theory.

Maybe, some of them were intimidated by the Black Panthers who were at the polling buildings. But, let's not talk about that. The media sure didn't. :yinyang:
Because it's bullshit.

You've heard of Ockahm's Razor? Well now we should have Will E's Razor: The most unlikely solution must be the right one.
Now, now...don't get all carried away.
Blaming Black Africans for slavery is like blaming car dealers for traffic congestion...
Obama got millions of votes from completely non-political people because he was black...the informed population is way smaller than the voters who like the candidates voice or skin color, and they vote on a whim more often than not...which is why (do you really need to be told this?) politicians promise whatever it takes to get elected (Obama is a classic lying politician, and didn't even wait the famous 100 days to reverse many blatant campaign lies); get elected, and then do what you intended from the beginning.

Democrats are white folks, and many Black folks...uber-religious and predominantly Black supporting...and many many Black Americans couldn't tell you who the VP is or was, who the speaker is, or what any issues are...but they knew they were voting for Obama 'cause he was a Black man. Did you miss that, or are you unwilling to face an unpleasant reality that cancels out your sarcastic statements about all Repubs and conservatives, and all Dems and Liberals?
You're like those Ghetto boys walking around with their Pitt Bulls..."My dogma can whup your dogma!"

it don't get dumber than this, folks


it don't get dumber than this folks

You give me more credit than I'm due...every one of your posts is a benchmark of "dumber than this".
You are the undisputed King, the "Patrick of FreeOnes"...:thumbsup:

You really shouldn't read any of my posts, I know they give you a headache...:D
You give me more credit than I'm due...every one of your posts is a benchmark of "dumber than this".
You are the undisputed King, the "Patrick of FreeOnes"...:thumbsup:

You really shouldn't read any of my posts, I know they give you a headache...:D

I was wrong. it does get dumber


And Bush didn't get millions of votes by adopting "9/11" as his middle name:rolleyes:

I suppose classic lying would include Bush's no nation-building and his Iraqi Freedom reversal too huh?

How does any supposed previous bad behavior cancel out the same bad behaviour by Obama, the current Prez? Is your answer to anything you don't like, "well, he did it first"?
I wasn't talking about either Bush, and have not made any excuses or comments on either Bush.
I guess that's your way of saying I'm right...O.K.
What happened to Rush & the Dick? Both men have a certain kind of intelligence and need to marginalize human beings in their quest for power, so it should be no surprise that the former VP has thrown his support behind the one of the world's highest paid bigot. When Limbaugh first came to mass popularity(circa 1989-90), I thought America could not be this stupid. Two decades has shown that some Americans are always going to embrace stupid, jingoistic crap passing as real political commentary and thought. With how precarious the world is at the moment, and the amount of media access Limbaugh and the people behind have, it would not be surprising that Rush makes a political play in the 2012 election.
I don't see the remotest possibility of Rush running for anything.First he has way to much baggage plus it would be a major pay cut for him.What Cheney was saying was who should be the voice of the party and what direction that he thinks it should head in.More right wing with Rush or more moderate like Powell would advocate for.

And to the people who think the dems have the same problem and are seen by majority as far left I think you are deluding yourselves.Their not winning elections because they are seen as far left but because they are offereing what most americans see as rational middle of the road answers.
People like Spectre of PA who just switched to dems are not lefties.Dems may have had that problem in the 80s and were seen as captives to the left but they moved to the middle with things like the more moderate DLC(Democratic leadership council) and won the white house with one of those Bill Clinton who I know the righties here will not agree with but was no lefty eithier.Neitheir is Obama some extreme lefty,not in the way he ran and not in the policys he is pushing.I wish he was more lefty but you take what you can get lol.

Republicans as I said earlier will follow Powell and others who are saying the pubs need to move to the middle eventually.The longer they wait to do such the more difficult it will be for them to be a party that can actually win elections again.
I have a lot of respect to Secretary of Defence Cheney back in 1990 when Cheney and Powell won the Iraq War.

What the hell is Cheney doing in 2003 invading Iraq again ? Speechless
Re: Good ...

While Rush hasn't said anything overtly racist, a lot of his stuff has had racial overtones throughout the years, like the McNabb incident, which wasn't just not politically correct, it was far from being factually correct either, all the way to recently where he pretty much said the reason Colin Powel endorsed Obama wasn't because he saw him as more qualified but because they were both black. As an objective observer I find it very VERY hard to see Rush as having no racial biased.

Especially when the Democrats start having to explain how healthcare got so bad because of HMOs, restrictions on how you can get private coverage, etc..., how the institution of funding and mandating unions actually reduced choices and freedoms for workers and destroyed their employers, etc...

It's those arguments I want to get to, instead of the stupid ones that the Republicans keep making.

I hate to brake this to you but for most people that live in the real world and don't make six figures (or at least 50K+) either their health care is already really bad now, baring if they have state or federal job or maybe work in a good unionized place (highly ironic considering your point of view)...or they have none at all. Considering reasonable health care should be a human right and not treated as a normal business having the government covering everybody as adequately as reasonable is tremendously more important than small innovations that continually escalate in price, have diminishing returns, where less people can afford them even if they come about, and something that runs up the price for the entire system in the name of profit where it will reach the point sustainability can‘t be maintained.

As far as unions go, while they are not without fault, corruption can seep into any system run by people, it's also been obvious they make things better for workers and are better than their complete absence. None of those people I just mentioned (barring having capitalistic brainwashing all their life) really care or actually believe for a second it will reduce "choices and freedoms" for the vast majority everyday people in any tangible real world sense. They also don't believe it will destroy decent employers nearly as much as capitalistic free trade has. I guess if your one of the lucky ones that have it made or are already wealthy, are at the very top of your field, believe in a Darwinistic economic society, can thrive in a cut throat world at the expense of the people around you who will get hurt, or just have plain dumb ass luck on your side then it's bad for you. Everybody else just rolls their eyes at your way of thinking.

It's ideas like that and having their heads in the clouds that will make it so economic libertarians won't be taking over any time soon either. They would only be better than Republicans on social issues, and that isn't hard. With a handful of exceptions (although those handful are a major fault of the party) like affirmative action and Second Amendment rights Democrats already fit that bill on social issues, and are more in tune with the people on economic ones than libertarians are.