
Haha...that was a great pick for Cal!

Cindy is a cutie too. She's worth a roll in the ferns for sure. Hmmm. Monica Dean. Yummmm..
The best Lost girl is Naomi:bowdown:

her eyebrows turn me off. also I don't like people with accents. haha. I know, everyone thinks they are sexy... I just think they are people who don't know how to pronounce words the right way.
her eyebrows turn me off. also I don't like people with accents. haha. I know, everyone thinks they are sexy... I just think they are people who don't know how to pronounce words the right way.

haha ok, but I have accent too xD Naomi is very hot ^^
her eyebrows turn me off. also I don't like people with accents. haha. I know, everyone thinks they are sexy... I just think they are people who don't know how to pronounce words the right way.

:thumbsup: Good attitude to have Poonster. It will leave many more hotties of the world for me to conquer....:angels::thefinger
I just saw this weeks episode anticipating that Farday was going to explain something. As usual nothing was explained.

One thing I noticed was that Widmore told Farady that when he returned to the island, he would not remember about the fake Flight 815 that Widmore placed out in the ocean.

They showed nexts week preview and it looks like Jack is convinced that if he follows Faradys journal, he could get them back where they belong. It seems that that my earlier theory is coming close to being true about the show ending where the Pilot started. Its starting to look like a time loop thing going on and they have no memory of themselves repeating what is happening.

I'am starting to think Jack is the one behind all this craziness. He is intentionally doing something or unknowingly doing things.

Since Farady is out of the picture, it looks like Locke will most likely be the one to answer all the questions since he seems to be the one that has put all the pieces together.
I don't think they can pull it off, preventing themselves from crashing, because if they prevent the incident and they don't crash on the island then there will have been no one back in 2004 to have gone back to the 70's to prevent the incident so it creates a time paradox or at least an alternate universe. I believe they were always there and them trying to prevent the incident will probably just lead to the incident that requires them to push the button in season 2.


Official Checked Star Member
I'm going crazy trying to decide whether it is possible to change things in Lost world or if whatever happened happened. There are convincing arguments on both sides of debate. For instance, why would Widmore and Eloise be so determined to steer people in the right direction if destiny is at work. Wouldn't they do what destiny wants without their involvement?

But at the same time, we saw that Charlie couldn't escape death no matter what Desmond did. And it seems the same happened with Daniel in the last episode.

I think I side with the whatever happened happened group and I agree with you DJ Cowboy, I think Jack etc are going to cause the incident by trying to stop it.


Hiliary 2020
if ellie was on the island in 77 when ben was shot by sayid ( it was stated in the scene where sawyer and kate bring ben to richard), then how were ellie and daniel in some house together and how/where did ellie raise him at leat prior to 77?

and whats to become of sawyer and juliette being found out by radzinksky? can't wait to find out.

diid anybody catch that radzinksky is the same guy who drew the blast door map and killed himself in the hatch?
::scrolls down the bottom of page to avoid reading spoilers::

Damnit, I missed last weeks episode.
I don't think they can pull it off, preventing themselves from crashing, because if they prevent the incident and they don't crash on the island then there will have been no one back in 2004 to have gone back to the 70's to prevent the incident so it creates a time paradox or at least an alternate universe. I believe they were always there and them trying to prevent the incident will probably just lead to the incident that requires them to push the button in season 2.

Since Faraday is dead (assuming the island won't bring him back to life), then the Swan hatch is going to be completed. I really doubt Jack or Kate will be able to decipher Faraday's notebook. If they can do that I will rage...:mad: They kinda setup Faraday as a loony toon, and it would defeat that whole characterization if Jack or Kate could understand his notebook.:2 cents:

Meester: I did catch that about Radzinsky popping up in the 70s. I should go rewatch that episode where his partner tells Desmond about him and the hatch map to see if there's any setup clues about him which payoff for us now. I didn't catch that he was a security type. He seemed more like a lackey back in Season 2....
eh. the 70's shit is still boring. I'm glad that it's finally moving on. I don't really care what they do. I don't really see them being able to change the past (plus, with Dan dead, who the hell knows how to set off the bomb? it's not exactly a matter of just flipping a switch.) and if they did, then we couldn't have a show anymore. what would the last season be, just them going about thier mundane lives?

that being said, the time loop theory was so predictable that everyone saw it coming as soon as the prospect of time travel even came up and it will have effectively resolved nothing and making this whole season just a waste of time filling in the details, that honestly, we already knew about. It has maybe explained two episodes worth of stuff and all of the rest that has been revealed was always there all along for anyone paying attention to the backstory.

What did we really finds out?
That Dharma was there in the 70's doing experiments and that they were at war with the hostiles. We knew that.

That Ben turned against Dharma. Knew that.

That Widmore was the leader of the Others/ Hostiles. Knew that.

That Ben replaced Widmore as the leader and that Widmore had left the island. Knew that.

That Alpert visited Locke as a kid to recruit him for the new leader. Knew that.

That there was an accident with electromagnetism at the Swan that made them have to push the button and it caused the plane crash. Knew that.

That Rousseau killed her crew and Ben took her baby. Knew it times infinite.

All we really learned was how Dan and Miles and Ms. Hawking were conected to the Island. And that the smoke monster is connected to the Temple. We already knew that it assumes the form of people.

We still don't know why the Island is magical, What's up with the smoke monster, Who Jacob is why Alpert is immortal, or how the 06 traveled back to the Island and through time and why.

But there is a glimmer of hope because I have no idea what John Locke is up to and I couldn't be happier about it.
And we still don't know anything about the new people on the Island. They seem to have been forgotten about for the time being.
Loved the new episode! Locke's new self is an amazing transformation and Terry O'Quinn deserves a nod for displaying the completely confident Locke. Hurley being quetioned by Chang was great too.
I'm guessing that whatever Jack and Alpert do in the tunnel with the bomb triggers the release of the smoke monster; just a guess

Still waiting for the Richard-centric episode!
I know, I loved Hurley's scenes in this episode. I did enjoy this episode quiet a bit. And there has been some really good episodes this season, but the problem is that they are scattered here and there between ones that for the most part I just found to be rather dull. I just really didn't feel any momentum like this show usually builds up and I don't see much hope that the finale will leave me satisfied with any kind of anticipation or resolve as the previous ones always have.
Loved the new episode! Locke's new self is an amazing transformation and Terry O'Quinn deserves a nod for displaying the completely confident Locke. Hurley being quetioned by Chang was great too.
I'm guessing that whatever Jack and Alpert do in the tunnel with the bomb triggers the release of the smoke monster; just a guess

Still waiting for the Richard-centric episode!

Thats a great theory about the smoke monster. I am looking forward to next week already. Loved this episode.
I have to agree with calpoon in post #994.

This season is becoming a big disappointment.

It's obvious Locke has a full understanding of the island and what it is about and how it relates to everyone. I'am also thinking that when they explain Alperts past that should explain some things, but with this show who knows.

I just hope the time loop theory is the main plot and they end the series withthat as the answer.


Official Checked Star Member
Loved the new episode! Locke's new self is an amazing transformation and Terry O'Quinn deserves a nod for displaying the completely confident Locke. Hurley being quetioned by Chang was great too.
I'm guessing that whatever Jack and Alpert do in the tunnel with the bomb triggers the release of the smoke monster; just a guess

Still waiting for the Richard-centric episode!

This was the closest we got to a Richard-centric episode so far and I loved it! I have no idea where Locke is going with wanting to kill Jacob, maybe he is trying to out Richard and Ben's lies about their connection with Jacob?

I'm still on the whatever happened, happened camp and think Jack will cause the incident. Although Jack is lucky Sayid showed up to help him, Jack on his own would definitely cause the incident!

I'm going to be so sad waiting for the finale this week with the clip episode but I think the finale is going to be killer!