Really? Pity that he changed his mind about that. I hated the Ewoks.The Ewoks were never even supposed to exist,they were supposed to be Wookies.
Really? Pity that he changed his mind about that. I hated the Ewoks.The Ewoks were never even supposed to exist,they were supposed to be Wookies.
Really? Pity that he changed his mind about that. I hated the Ewoks.
There are so many things that Lucas changed in Return Of The Jedi.
The Millennium Falcon was originally supposed to be destroyed and Han Solo was supposed to get killed in the process.
The Ewoks were never even supposed to exist,they were supposed to be Wookies.
There are some other things but I just can't remember them off the top of my head right now.
i remember when I was a little kid,my brother had the very first Star Wars novel called Splinters Of The Minds Eye.I was too little to read it but here's what the story was about if you don't already know.'s_Eye
There's also a graphic novel of it.I might check it out just to see what it's like.
I agree.A setting as expansive as the Star Wars Universe offers plenty in the way of cool stories. As long as they focussed on plot instead of special effects (as they did in the prequels), I'd welcome more Star Wars movies.
As much as I'd like to believe that I'm a discerning movie go-er, I think I'm inclined to agree with you....but if there is ever more Star Wars movies, i will watch them regardless. :o
Spoken like a true fanboy, boba_fouts. You accept Lucas as your lord and savior. He can do wrong and everything is does is excellent (except midichlorians, evidently).
However, free thinking individuals who have seen the prequels know they are pure rubbish. :tongue:
Lucas was good decades ago when he was fresh out of film school and could get the basics of a story right. Since then he has become a special effects addict to the point where he doesn't understand they are to be used only to advance the story and are not the story in and of themselves. I'm sorry, but most of us don't suffer similarly and what he's put out in the last decade is shallow and unworthy of the name Star Wars. :nono:
I totally agree with you."I'm watching The Phantom Menace right now, and it still really bites they didn't keep Darth Maul alive at least another movie, that character was one of the better things of the prequels. Plus his entrance when Duel of the Fates starts playing was just fucking badass."
That's the problem with Lucas. He can get a few scenes dead-solid-perfect ... but the story, writing, directing of the actors, etc ... all suck so the whole production comes off as really shallow and disappointing.
I think the best scene in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is at the beginning when Indy and his buddy are pulled out of the trunk of a car off screen ... then he puts on that hat and you can just see the shadow of him. That was brilliant!But the rest of the movie sucked ass. :wtf:
"I'm watching The Phantom Menace right now, and it still really bites they didn't keep Darth Maul alive at least another movie, that character was one of the better things of the prequels. Plus his entrance when Duel of the Fates starts playing was just fucking badass."
That's the problem with Lucas. He can get a few scenes dead-solid-perfect ... but the story, writing, directing of the actors, etc ... all suck so the whole production comes off as really shallow and disappointing.
I think the best scene in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is at the beginning when Indy and his buddy are pulled out of the trunk of a car off screen ... then he puts on that hat and you can just see the shadow of him. That was brilliant!But the rest of the movie sucked ass. :wtf:
so the empire would be the new rebellion? interestingIf you read the Timothy Zahn novels, Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command, the Empire is still around but not as strong as they once were. An alien named Grand Admiral Thrawn leads the Empire to a new fight with the New Republic with a jedi master he found somewhere.
It's been a good while since I read these novels but I consider them the closest thing to Episodes 7-9. I would love to see CGI movies made of these with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher lending their voices. But thats kind of a pipe dream.