ps3 games with nude and sex ?

I dont think there are any. Its hard enough to find any console game that has nudity in it(see xxx games thread) let alone a system like the ps3 that is still fairly new with not a lot of games
you should probably look at a list of japanese ps3 games they usually have porn games they had alot for the ps2 and psp


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Doesnt exist. Learn japanese and get your hentai fetish going. Otherwise.. give it up already. NOT.GOING.TO.HAPPEN.
Seriously this is sad.. lol. find a GF


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
mh not for ps3 but for xbox 360^^ called dead or alive extreme 2

There is neither nudity nor sex in that. Lots of beautiful, bountiful, bouncy boobage, but no nudity or sex...
I read Conan has nudity on it but have not played it yet. I am currently playing God of War on Playstation 2 and it has nudity in it. God of War 3 is coming out sometime for the PS 3.
Conan has toplessnes in it and some quite cheesy lines from the damsel captives you free, likes of 'Crush me with your barbarian love'
closest thing would be in one of the God Of War games theres a bonus video with Kratos in a fountain/pool with two women and you can get them topless.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
The Guy Game - PS2/Xbox
Rumble Roses XXX - Xbox
Plumbers dont wear ties - Panasonic 3DO
Leisure Suit Larry 8:Magna Cum Laude - PC/PS2/Xbox - Dating sims section.
any one know of any good PS3 GAMES with nude and sex in them?? if so list them plzzzzzzzz.:wave:

:rofl:...... there's already a thread about ps3 xxx games already......

The PS3 just came out so I think Sony isn't going to allow many games that shows full nudity or even a sex scenes. I know there's a lot of PC games and a few PS2 games that include nudity or a sex scene.

Don't waste your time finding a game with porn.... that's what the internet is for.
does a good game nedd sex scenes..OF COURSE
no I´m joking...but I personly liked the relatoinship between jackie and his girlfriend in the darkness