There's nothing like a 2d side scroller, the games were designed around reaction time and finger dexterity! and longevity was almost endless. I regulary play genesis, snes and nes emulators, some of my favs are, streets of rage, Final fight, breath of fire, Castlevania, Sonic, Wow so many to consider. so many great titles out there
I still break out my old SNES once in awhile. My favorite games are "Super Star Wars," "NBA Jam T.E.," Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island," and my all time favorite, "Street Fighter II Turbo."
I have Regular Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Gamboy Advance, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Playstation 2, Sega Dreamcast, Gamecube, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, and Xbox 360. I love my video games. I have all of my old games too.
I have a fc twin I missed my old super nes & I couldn't find one then I saw the fc twin it plays both nes & super nes games I like the 1st generation fc twins suck (the red & white ones) but the new ones are just fine (the gray & black ones) if someone wants to play nes & super nes games but don't have the consoles just get an fc twin they're only $60 ohh & my favorite nes & super nes game well games are contra 3 alien wars & teenage mutant ninja turtles the arcade game
I have a SNES but its broke
I want to hook my Wii up to the internet so I can purchase some of the old greats with Wii points, but I don't have a wireless connection. Double
Anyway, I think the SNES was one of the best systems ever.... Chrono Trigger, Zelda 3, Super Punch-Out, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Contra 3, Final Fantasy 3, Double Dragon 4, Mystical Ninja.....I could go on forever.