i remember the first time i played FFVII and didnt want it to end

. FFVII is a truly epic game, everything about it was amazing, and it was ahead of its time in the gaming era. All the FF's that have come after have been amazing too but there was always something about VII (VIII came pretty close, thats an awesome game in its own right.)
I seen a video not long ago of a FFVII remake on the ps3, it was just a cutscene (the starting cutscene where it shows you Midgar and then Cloud jumps off the train), it looked awesome, but im not sure if i would want a remake of it, maybe it would be better to leave that game as it is.
To end my rant, my list of epic games would have to be:
1: FFVII of course
2: Metal Gear Solid
3: Resident Evil 1 / 2
4: Call of Duty series (purely for the online entertainment)
5: Mario