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  1. Wainkerr99

    Hi and Bye Whims. Thanks for your friendship. You kept me going quite a few times. I wish you...

    Hi and Bye Whims. Thanks for your friendship. You kept me going quite a few times. I wish you all the best my friend. Ciao. God bless.
  2. Wainkerr99

    Hey D-Rock. Just looking in to say Ciao. Thanks for all your cool posts. You are the greatest...

    Hey D-Rock. Just looking in to say Ciao. Thanks for all your cool posts. You are the greatest. Stay well my friend.
  3. Wainkerr99

    Avatar : Did you saw it ? What do you think about it ?

    The romance 'Dear John' has usurped the highest grossing opening week tickets sold place 'Avatar' held. Seems the ladies have great pull in market sales.
  4. Wainkerr99

    12 year old arrested for drawing on a desk

    Looks like Islam has a very wrong view on US justice after all.
  5. Wainkerr99

    Avatar : Did you saw it ? What do you think about it ?

    It was $11.50 in the States.
  6. Wainkerr99

    Hey China, how about throwing some of that sweet lovin' our way?!

    Bu, or 'no' in Chinese. Not that there are really words for yes and no in Chinese. Talk about being a stranger in your own land.
  7. Wainkerr99

    Hey China, how about throwing some of that sweet lovin' our way?!

    There are so many Chinese in Oregon, it seems some days they as good as own it.
  8. Wainkerr99

    At what age would you like

    Now would be a good time.
  9. Wainkerr99

    Obama's state of the union.

    und Herr Goebbels.
  10. Wainkerr99

    What do you hate about your country?

    About as difficult as it is to say 'gumment'?* :1orglaugh *Ex President Carter.
  11. Wainkerr99

    What do you hate about your country?

    Neocons? And what's wrong with Joel Osteen?
  12. Wainkerr99

    do you know hungary or german other porn forum

  13. Wainkerr99

    Crap poop

    The bare assed cheek! But yeah, you're right. Grin and bare it. There's a lot to be grateful for. :hatsoff: It would be kind of funny if, on leaving the country, someone were to ask me the reason why. Oh, you know, the toilets.
  14. Wainkerr99

    SLIM Naturally BUSTY Young Women / Thin Chicks, Big NATURAL Tits!

    Re: SLIM Naturally BUSTY Young Women One of my favourite models, I would rep you if I could.
  15. Wainkerr99

    Crap poop

    Maybe something along these lines? "As with Marx's analysis of revolution, form lags behind content, in the sense that content changes within the parameters of an existing form, until the logic of that content works its way out of the latter...
  16. Wainkerr99

    pink hair

  17. Wainkerr99

    Crap poop

    I have been to England, Wales, Eire, Tenerife, San Juan, and all over Southern Africa, yet never have I ever had the poop nightmare actually come true, (the one you have when your system is trying to wake you up to go to the loo), until coming to the States. I cannot, for the life of me...
  18. Wainkerr99

    Law Enforcement Officials Who Support Legalization of All Drugs

    Re: Former Police Chief says Legalize All Drugs Sounds too good to be true. It also sounds easier than it is. Now that people believe they have more entitlement to things generally than they ever did before, they would feel it part of their right to be in a haze or daze most of the time. Mind...
  19. Wainkerr99

    Ask Me (GregCentauro) Any Question Ya Want

    Are you here all week?
  20. Wainkerr99

    Roxxxy is the world's first sex robot.

    So this is what we have come to. If your wife were to burst in on you one day, what would she think? That you need therapy, banishment, or just 'a divorce you over active perv'?
  21. Wainkerr99

    Hi, we're the biggest fags in the world

    I am going to go with the assumption the pohlice don't taser folk in Merry Old England. Because if they did, well, oh what joy it would be to taser some of those guy's balls.
  22. Wainkerr99

    Could America take to cricket?

    Maybe as a touring sport with a whole lot of coverage. I don't see Americans brought up to play catch with a baseball in the back yard, or equating baseball and basketball with All American, suddenly taking up cricket.
  23. Wainkerr99

    LOST and FOUND in Translation

    He he. Oki only the slightest bit lost in translation. 'Dalk' in Afrikaans is 'maybe' in English. So, it would translate they might move this thread. Probably a derivative from the Dutch dadelijk. You see how it influences mr google to then feel a bit sad? Can you imagine the task of mediating...
  24. Wainkerr99

    LOST and FOUND in Translation

    Hulle sal dalk hierdie draad in die Games seksie uiteindelik pos. O, nog een dingetjie, ek dink Afrikaans is veel makliker as of Duits of Hollands.
  25. Wainkerr99

    Mischa Barton

    Mischa Barton is a pregnant prostitute:
  26. Wainkerr99

    Five key moments in Britain's sexual revolution

    It was the end of an era.
  27. Wainkerr99

    The FBI Sucks at Photoshop

    I cannot believe the CIA don't know where Bin Laden is. Llamazares looks like the actor Judd Hirsch who played Jeff Goldblum's dad in 'Independence Day'.
  28. Wainkerr99

    Peace in the middle east

    You can keep Scotland luddie. It's too friggin' cold. The Highlands are heartstopping though. The Arabs will not change. They are obtuse. Besides, almost each and every one of them is brainwashed, filled with hate and rage beyond redemption in the present generation. It is like myself trying...
  29. Wainkerr99

    Megan Fox

    Looks like she might be getting married:
  30. Wainkerr99

    This made me so mad last week...........

    Facebook slows too. Sheesh they need a server upgrade or something.
  31. Wainkerr99

    Conan O'Brien Puts Tonight Show for Sale on Craigslist

    He is doing well. His viewership has increased, so it seems America is in tune. They must expect him to pull some rabbit of of the box. Hat. 'Ratings soaring for Conan Controversy bolsters O'Brien -- even past Letterman By...
  32. Wainkerr99

    Wu-Tang vs The Beatles.

    Hip Hop, STDiva. Especially rap and the R&B stuff. I have been listening to it for years every day. At work it is all they played, at College where I am it is the same. I am talking years now. It is the same tap beat with the same type vocals. All the same. The rap is such a lot of words it is...
  33. Wainkerr99

    This made me so mad last week...........

    Yeah. I had a friend on FB, from College, that now ignores me flat. My profile is fine. Check. I sent her stuff I actually paid for for her Farmville. Check. I approached several friends of my own so she could have neighbours. Check. I treat her with respect and dignity. Check. Now she avoids...
  34. Wainkerr99

    Train vs. Tornado

    It puffed it aside like a toy.
  35. Wainkerr99

    Wu-Tang vs The Beatles.

    ^^ with respect. :hatsoff:
  36. Wainkerr99

    Rush Limbaugh Stands by Haiti Comments

    American money should have been spent in Haiti. Houses should have been built, pools constructed, an infrastructure built, jobs provided. Wait, hang on a bit, the earthquake would have destroyed that too.
  37. Wainkerr99

    Most beautiful female that does porn?

    ;) and the winner is
  38. Wainkerr99

    Wu-Tang vs The Beatles.

    STDiva, is this your dream? Did a brotha put a gun to your head and say 'Yo post this mothaf*cka or I bust a cap in your brain yo?" PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAse let this music just DIE already. I have never been into this kind of sound. I doubt I ever will.
  39. Wainkerr99

    All R-Rated Films To Be Treated Like Porn In South Australia

    So the pot is calling the kettle not entirely black next to the black one. They put not quite porn titles next to porn titles. In a DVD store it would sort of keep children away from perusing such titles. However, these films still show on TV. It also puts into children minds that porn is...
  40. Wainkerr99

    Bush Heckled At Pizza Place :)

    Wow the American public is getting scary. No more lone gunmen, it seems the POTUS needs to watch his back.
  41. Wainkerr99

    Nature did it first

    Mother Nature, some amazing, unknown, unfathomable mystery to be discovered through the fascinating electrical processes that go on via the neurons in the mind. All of it is astounding. No need for discombobulation. Or neoconisation. Ya know. Somehow, after millions of 'years' as we...
  42. Wainkerr99

    Nature did it first

    Gee wow one whole post.
  43. Wainkerr99

    Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want

    Bree, good job. I had planned to say something else, but one doesn't want to offend th mmffgno owhaddawhadda uno. What teas do you like dahling? Early Grey, Orange Peco, Darjeeling, Green tea, Jasmine, Peppermint and Ginger? Do you only drink coffee? One lump or two?
  44. Wainkerr99

    Nature did it first

    There are so many thread titles one can use here, This is fascinating, a plant animal, an example in Nature of of cells being carried across to assist in own development: 'The babies of thieving slugs retain...
  45. Wainkerr99

    My friends fertilised my chickens!

    Just to announce my friends fertilised my chickens, (on Farmville).
  46. Wainkerr99

    Space for Coke

    I thought this quite funny, and disturbing. Pity the poor dude who stashed the white stuff in a NASA hangar. Stoopid. "A bag containing a small amount of white powder residue that was later confirmed to be cocaine...
  47. Wainkerr99

    Welcome to the Newest Members of the Moderation Team!

    Congrats you guys. Ya'll my buddies, right? Right? Lets hope you don't start slowly going insane like poor M12. Shame. :D
  48. Wainkerr99

    The sexiest ad ever made wth topless women skydivers

    And its the blonde that misses the 'chute. Great looking women though.
  49. Wainkerr99

    R & B Singer Teddy Pendergrass Dies at Age 59

    That is too young. RIP Teddy, you did good.
  50. Wainkerr99

    At least we are safe from diaper bombs on planes

    Ha! Beat me to it. A better title, but not sympathetic. I would have been nicer - which is probably one of the reasons why my threads fizzle. Anyway didn't Mickey change his name, to Francois?