I voted with the hope of diplomacy.But the whole issue with Israel and it's
neighbours will never be resolved,unless a miracle is performed by either
God or Allah.
So all I can say is thank god i'm a Scottish Boy
You can keep Scotland luddie. It's too friggin' cold. The Highlands are heartstopping though.
The Arabs will not change. They are obtuse. Besides, almost each and every one of them is brainwashed, filled with hate and rage beyond redemption in the present generation.
It is like myself trying to be big buds with black folk. As much as I wish I could join in the conversation, hang, I know just to keep my mouth shut and avoid eye contact. I don't understand what they are prattling about, I don't appreciate the constant life-threatening, militant demand for 'respect', and I sure as nuts can't stand their music.
I never felt such pure racial hatred from a people until I came to the US. This, from an ex South African.
Yet, here we are, all getting along just fine. If I do happen to bump heads with someone, I feel fairly confident we can rationally, calmly talk and explain differences without resorting to violence, at least in most cases.
I can in any case be quite a duffer and put my foot in in my mouth when I speak so I would rather shut up, listen and try learn.
This is because I am willing to change. (And I don't want to be beaten to death).
So, it can happen.
However, when it is a matter of national pride+Jihad+we hate Israel+Israel in encroaching left, right and centre, things take on a different meaning. They go up to a whole new level.
There is very little opportunity, motivation and will to concede on both sides.
As far as I have seen over the years, Israel has not allowed Palestinians easy access over their borders, for good reason. This has damaged everyday life, commerce, socail life in Palestine.
Put yourself in the Palestinians' shoes. You want to live a normal life, trade, raise your children, but when you step too far outside the door, there is a gun pointed at your head.
People are people. I am sure deep down the Palestinians just want to lead an ordinary life, but their hands are tied, both by the Israelis and within their own 'state', Hamas on the one hand and Fatah on the other.
Ever since British rule these people have been controlled by an external force. No wonder they want their own statehood.
I have always maintained the future lies with the children. If they can play together, work together, the next generation is taken care of. There has to be agreement on the part of parents to allow a curriculum to exist that would allow for peace. There then has to be cross border schooling. That is the solution.
However, like Bob Dylan said, 'The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind.'