12 year old arrested for drawing on a desk


Adults can be so stupid sometimes , Im sure everybody has scribbled on a school desk at one point in there lives , it wasnt even as if she was writing gang shite or anything nasty down

Too heavy handed & if I was the parents I would take them all to the highest court in the land

But one things for sure , she wont do it again
There are many schools where they proudly show off desks carved by famous past pupils.
"Winston Churchill is among the names carved into the old desks in the Harrow classrooms." (Mail on line)
I'd waterboard this student to find out about possible future desk graffiti attacks. There will be a zero tolerance policy about desk graffiti!

it was reported and the 12-year-old girl was handcuffed in metal cuffs (Not even the plastic ones they use on hardened criminals), led out of school and detained at the police station across the street.

At least the police station is across the street so wild kids like this can simply be escorted across the street where they all belong. Also, has anyone checked this girl's green card? I suspect she is an illegal. I have a keen sense about this kind of stuff...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Normally, we just make the kid clean the writing off the desk. :dunno: What's next, executions for speeding tickets?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
When her Spanish teacher saw this, it was reported and the 12-year-old girl was handcuffed in metal cuffs (Not even the plastic ones they use on hardened criminals), led out of school and detained at the police station across the street.

Why are they trying to make this story worse than it is? I mean, why bring up that they didn't use plastic handcuffs and then try and make it seem even worse than it was by acting as if even "hardened criminals" are given some sort of luxury by being put in plastic cuffs. What a bullshit thing to say.

A kid did something that they shouldn't have done, the school overreacted and here we are. If the school wanted to press charges against the student, then the police officers HAVE TO arrest her. It's not like the police officers at the scene could've been like, "Naw, we're not going to let you press charges". They were doing their job. It's not like they threw her up against the car, roughed her up and went out of their way to embarass her. They cuffed her, put her in the squad car and took her to the station, just as they would with anybody else.

It was THE SCHOOL that overreacted here; not the police.
I know some kids who had been waterboarded for less than that :tongue:
Why hasn't this bitch been sentenced to the death penalty yet!? :mad:
Should have tazed that punk ass kid. Criminal in the making if you ask me. We don't need scum like this in our society.


Why are they trying to make this story worse than it is? I mean, why bring up that they didn't use plastic handcuffs and then try and make it seem even worse than it was by acting as if even "hardened criminals" are given some sort of luxury by being put in plastic cuffs. What a bullshit thing to say.

A kid did something that they shouldn't have done, the school overreacted and here we are. If the school wanted to press charges against the student, then the police officers HAVE TO arrest her. It's not like the police officers at the scene could've been like, "Naw, we're not going to let you press charges". They were doing their job. It's not like they threw her up against the car, roughed her up and went out of their way to embarass her. They cuffed her, put her in the squad car and took her to the station, just as they would with anybody else.

It was THE SCHOOL that overreacted here; not the police.

Sorry, but you got your head up your ass. I don't know if you've ever been handcuffed, but I have. Now, as a 220 lb. male combat vet, I can take it, and quite a bit more. But a 12 year old girl whose idea of "vandalism" is "I love my friends..."? This is way out of line, and you shouldn't have to be told that. It's a big shock when those cuffs get put on, and she didn't do anything to rate that kind of treatment. I don't think she should have had any kind of restraint used. What was she going to do? Kick out the back window of the patrol car and hijack a plane to Costa Rica? Give me a fuckin' break.

Seriously, what the fuck is the matter with you?