Ask Me (GregCentauro) Any Question Ya Want


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
What is your theory on a doughnut shaped universe


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Why do you close your eyes when we make love?


Lord Dipstick
Can you be IN a situation when you ARE "The Situation"? :dunno:



Hi, Greg ! :wave2:Are you yawning r-i-g-h-t...... Now ! ? I am.
What did you have for desert tonite Gregory ? I had a banana split :yummie:

I think that I'm gonna debur and de-scale my overgrown curled yellow toenails whilst taking a bubble bath atta 'bout 11pm central standard time 2 nite, would u care 2 join me in parallel from 'cross the fruited plain ? We can twit 2 gether while tubby tubin' :lovecoupl

R u an innie or an outie ? Do u shave it ? You should have seen the lint ball I just thrust out of my navel :uohs: ... Yep ! I finally bought a pair of needle nose vice grips~
Incidentally, how does a guy bleach white his overgrown curled yellow fungi-ed toe nails anyway ?



Postal Paranoiac
Q: What's that stuff oozing out of your ears?
Will you go on a date with me? :iloveyou:


Hiliary 2020
Dont mind if i do.
I always wondered is that a question or statement?

but seriously gc, alot of your fans wonder what your name means
whats the story behind that?

And finally how much do you tip a leg waxer i have to know by thursday?
Dont mind if i do.
I always wondered is that a question or statement?

but seriously gc, alot of your fans wonder what your name means
whats the story behind that?

Greg Centauro is a porn star. Everybody knows this. He just hasn't been granted OCSM status yet. :rolleyes:
Who is somebody that you haven't worked with yet, that you would like to?

Wait! you don't work right?