Five key moments in Britain's sexual revolution

Hmm. I was expecting the Lady Chatterley trial, the legalisation of Homosexuality and the introduction of the pill. Terrence Higgins, I'm not sure that was a key moment for anyone outside the Higgins family.
They don't mention anything about the day when BlueBalls discovered his wiener. :eek: :banana:


It's good to be the king...
Hmm. I was expecting the Lady Chatterley trial, the legalisation of Homosexuality and the introduction of the pill. Terrence Higgins, I'm not sure that was a key moment for anyone outside the Higgins family.

I would have listed Lady Chatterley's Lover, legalisation of Homosexuality and The Pill too.
Would even have a case for the sixties decade..


Postal Paranoiac
What about Margaret Thatcher's sex-change operation?