Search results

  1. Wainkerr99

    Avatar babe - Would you hit it?

    But? But? But? But? But? Oki, Red Indian comparisons here anyone? Big bad White Man bring disease. Well, Cameron & co have a point imo. Thing is, they all trooped off back to a 'dying world'. Without going into too much depth, the film did drive home the point that we as a race have caused...
  2. Wainkerr99

    Damn. This board needs to be more suave...

    You still remember this?!? :eek: That keyboard wheeze was so popular back then. :glugglug:
  3. Wainkerr99

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    Yeah well, love to take credit, but, it's the Whimster's. :( Oh gaaawwwwd. Me and computers.
  4. Wainkerr99

    Any Car Guys on the Forum?

    Hi there Ms Bree. Give me a nice muscled up Opel Tigra. For that I would have to move back to South Africa or to Germany though.
  5. Wainkerr99

    Avatar babe - Would you hit it?

    It is at once a pity and an eye opener that there are things like you alive today. What really bothers me and opens my eyes is how popular you are, and how everyone agrees with you. Well, like they say, what goes around comes around. Eventually.
  6. Wainkerr99

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    It might be less discombobulating if someone had bothered to put the names in alphabetical order.
  7. Wainkerr99

    Trudat, but you have a job, it should be paying at least $20 an hour, and your retirement...

    Trudat, but you have a job, it should be paying at least $20 an hour, and your retirement package makes it all worthwhile, despite taxes. I think. Hang in there, you might have saved up enough moolah to start some sort of business after you retire; maybe you could buy another house, then rent...
  8. Wainkerr99

    GM launches Pontiac and Saturn fire sale

    If anyone can give some input as to why an Opel is not promoted in the US - like the Cub, Astra or Tigra it would be great. The Saturn Astea is sold here but not in large numbers. Opel is one of the best cars on the road. A few electrical problems with Opel but basically it runs on a whiff of...
  9. Wainkerr99

    GregCentauro has entered the Miss Freeones contest!!

    And, you know... 2010 was starting all quiet like.
  10. Wainkerr99

    What are you listening to right now?

    'Hey Hey My My', Neil Young and The Crazy Horse Band. Real Grunge:
  11. Wainkerr99

    Why thank you. [img] A very happy and prosperous new year to you too.

    Why thank you. [img] A very happy and prosperous new year to you too.
  12. Wainkerr99

    Ja! Und a verry happy New Year to you sah. I hope your year turns out great. [img]

    Ja! Und a verry happy New Year to you sah. I hope your year turns out great. [img]
  13. Wainkerr99

    Let's Talk Meat???

    I ike sosinges, beef sosinges, and mutton. Spam spam spam
  14. Wainkerr99

    Heading to Times Square in about an hour.

    In this weather, they are really brave, as they were last year. I wouldn't.
  15. Wainkerr99

    please define me

    read = do what I say. It looks increasingly on this board that people expect others to fit into a certain mold or follow a certain type of thinking, or be labeled as something else. I am almost certain this isn't what you meant, titsrock. :dunno: If being free to express my opinion includes...
  16. Wainkerr99

    Obama is sleepy

    It seems a president's job is addressing a few major issues, screwing them up more in alignment with well written policies, then leaving the mess for the next guy to fix. Or woman, hopefully, if it isn't too late. (Not Palin).
  17. Wainkerr99

    please define me

    Oh boy I didn't have much sleep last night. I want to stay awake, but I am so Ya know?
  18. Wainkerr99

    THE Happy New Year Thread For ALL !!!

    A Happy New Year to all Freeones boarders. (It kind of IS like a boarding house, innit?) :glugglug: :hatsoff: :wave2: It is now 00:h12 in the U.K. We still have 7 hours and 50 minutes where I am, Pacific Northwets. Actually, let me leave it at wets, because that is what it is. :) Soon, it...
  19. Wainkerr99

    Thanks Whimmy Whims. :wave: :nanner: :hatsoff: :glugglug: :cool: :)

    Thanks Whimmy Whims. :wave: :nanner: :hatsoff: :glugglug: :cool: :)
  20. Wainkerr99

    Happy New year to you. Behave!

    Happy New year to you. Behave!
  21. Wainkerr99

    A Happy New Year to you. May you have a good year.:glugglug: :angels:

    A Happy New Year to you. May you have a good year.:glugglug: :angels:
  22. Wainkerr99

    Hiya. So gepraat van fantasy, have you read 'The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever"...

    Hiya. So gepraat van fantasy, have you read 'The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever"? There is some amazing reading there. Also the 'Dragonlance' series. Good stuff. Here is a site which gives a recommended reading order:
  23. Wainkerr99

    Top 3 Wishes for the New Year

    My sister is married to an Iranian. I believe she could not have found a more loving husband. That people grow a conscience. That I get all my College requirements done. That I pass my exams.
  24. Wainkerr99

    YouTube short video leads to $30M Hollywood contract

    Me, if I was going to invade, I wouldn't make such a mess. V have it right I tell you. Wow that's a success story if ever there was one. A bit of money for South America, putting Montevideo on the map. Good for him. It shows what can be done.
  25. Wainkerr99

    Catch a Pithecus by the Toe

    She lived in the court of King Caracticus. ("If you want to see the scintillating stitches in the britches of the boys who put the powder on the noses of the faces of the ladies of the harem of King Caracticus, it's too late! They've all passed by." Roger Whittaker.)
  26. Wainkerr99

    Best erotic films (softcore)

    'Stealing Candy' with Jenya Lano, 'Sex and Lucia' with Paz Vega. There was something a while back, Emmanuel 2000 and 2001 and 'Animal Attraction Carnal Desires' that had Mia Zottoli in it. She is one of the most erotically formed beautiful women I have ever seen.
  27. Wainkerr99

    Average Net user now online...

    Just about half an hour. I then go and study math and science. *ahem* It would be less, though, if there weren't constant connection problems, - like now I had to wait a minute for this thread to load - if I didn't have to wait sometimes for Kaspersky to either...
  28. Wainkerr99

    Why mariah milano is so fucking hot??

    Well they kicked her off the board so I guess it didn't work out. Maybe too hot? Usually full natural lips, big eyes and big other features all well paced look exceptional. She's Latin, what can you say?
  29. Wainkerr99

    Shoppers return to malls

    I guess if you want quantity not quality. It is for families mostly I surmise. Rather than hope to be at the right place at the right time, I know there are places I can get good clothing for less any time of year. Also, I would rather save to buy one or two really swish items that have a drawer...
  30. Wainkerr99

    Nigerian attempts to blow up Northwest flight

    ^^ Well I'm guessing they will have a whole line of flags for that kind of name in the future.
  31. Wainkerr99

    Didn't see that one coming, a Christmas I'll never forget.

    Well, uh, your'e still alive to tell the tale.
  32. Wainkerr99

    Mich. Muslims join Jews for Christmas Day Mitzvah

    I am very glad to see this thread. I would not have made one, although I wanted to. I really am happy and at peace. Today, or yesterday, I went to have Christmas dinner at the Beth Israel temple of Northwest ministries. But for that I would have been serving myself sockeye salmon all on me...
  33. Wainkerr99

    Your Top Sci-Fi Movie Spaceships?

    After searching for half and hour I get nothing, so here is the link: This is the Daedalus from Stargate S.G.1. It is a Firefox document so cannot be copied. It is a beautiful ship, though, based methinks on the Asgaard...
  34. Wainkerr99

    >>> Merry Christmas from Alexis Texas!!

    Thanks Alexis. A very merry Christmas time to you too.
  35. Wainkerr99

    The Europian Union, an Orwellian society in the making.

    Want to hear something funny? The rich, condemning government for not looking after their safety, employ private armed security. :rolleyes: It then costs them more.
  36. Wainkerr99

    Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful, fulfilling and peaceful Christmas season. All the very...

    Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful, fulfilling and peaceful Christmas season. All the very best for the New Year. [img]
  37. Wainkerr99

    I'm trying to find the hottest red head

    Red Hot:
  38. Wainkerr99

    5 Questions on the Origins of Christmas

    ^^ He just HAD to have last word, didn't he. :1orglaugh Maybe this thread can be moved later to the games section as 'last one to post here wins a Pine tree'.
  39. Wainkerr99

    Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

    I just had an idea for a T-shirt. You know the one where you put your T-shirt on back to front, especially when you are in a rush? Well, this one you can simply put on, it will be right both ways. One side will say 'Merry Christmas", the other 'Happy Holidays". You could add some colour to it...
  40. Wainkerr99

    Ten Commandments

    Eating souls just means it will be paid in kind. What goes around comes around.
  41. Wainkerr99

    The Europian Union, an Orwellian society in the making.

    I don't see how that's possible, Gordar. The money is already spent on policing. The budget is already in place in most countries. A lot of people left South Africa due to crime. 'The primary driver for emigration among all groups, but especially whites, who still retain the majority of South...
  42. Wainkerr99

    The Europian Union, an Orwellian society in the making.

    ^^ Why do you think criminals are allowed to flourish in the first place? It would be so easy to get rid of the majority of crime. I did not think I would say this out loud, but it is beginning to sound like a page out of the Protocols of Zion, where the Elders vow to squash everyone's...
  43. Wainkerr99

    Merry Christmas from ~~Whimsy~~ -- Twas the Night Before Freeones Christmas

    Whimsy's Santa clauses and phrases. Nice gift there, thanks Whims. :glugglug: :hatsoff: And a Merry Christmas to everyone. Love you all. He didn't mention my name. Can't believe he didn't mention my name. And I was so good.
  44. Wainkerr99

    Cancel Christmas. Jesus Christ was born on June 17

    Finally. They have been speculating on that for the longest time. So, either Gemini or Cancer huh? Either way, my body clock is completely wound down this time of year. I am exhausted.
  45. Wainkerr99

    The Japan Thread *Japan Lovers* (People Who Love Japan) The Country Japan

    The world wide Japanese influence is immense. It is the one country that has changed the face of our world without hardly firing a shot. Instead of corporations being against Japan, they have embraced the Japanese management style. As far as the zen garden is concerned, I have one on my 'farm'...
  46. Wainkerr99

    10 ways to traverse deep space.

    ^^ Yeah huh. I was going to mention that. Space station first, space ship later. Of course there would be a lot of back and forth for a while, though, with either ready made parts or raw materials. That could prove to be costly. Plus, it would help to have shields. They may not be Star Trek...
  47. Wainkerr99

    Look at her nice . . .

    Never put your finger in the door jamb. I prefer a door with bars so you don't walk into them. Must have been a sunny day. Nice shoes. let's see...what else. Ummmm.
  48. Wainkerr99

    Manly men

    Seems to be some early version of 'Jackass'.
  49. Wainkerr99

    Water . . .

    Trying to see if water will cause the bikini bottom to dissolve.