Pirate Attacks

Granted Blackwater doesn't have a great track record of protecting innocents. They tend not to make a distinction between aggressor and innocent. They just eliminate them both.

BUT...even I have to believe that Black Water contractors couldn't fuck up a simple assignment like protecting a tanker.:dunno:

Or, am I putting too much "faith" in Republican-managed entities?:dunno:

Sounds like they got their training from playing too much first person shooters from Playstation 2
No, that wasn't just because of the NATO. There was much more than that going on between our countries over the last decades.
But, the citizenry was "generally antagonistic" towards you in the last few years that some Texan was running wild in the White House and his deputy Rumsfeld was going ape shit on us and belittled us because we didn't want to polish his car. We have a certain pride, too, you know. Behaving like that towards us (and our hate-love-neighbors, the French) was not very kind. The German public was a little bit "upset" by that.
But we love you now once again. Obama all the way. :D Even if this makes Germany less attractive to some Americans, according to a public-opinion poll held in december more than 80% of all Germans wanted Obama as US president. Who would've guessed...

We have more in common than we don't.

Sounds like they got their training from playing too much first person shooters from Playstation 2

BWUSA operators among others are as good at defending in a maritime theater as any organized paramilitary or security force in the world.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I just don't understand why they don't just blow these peices of shit out of the water, they're in international waters, they're attacking, sounds like reasonable case for self-defense to me. :violent:


Closed Account
I just don't understand why they don't just blow these peices of shit out of the water, they're in international waters, they're attacking, sounds like reasonable case for self-defense to me. :violent:

That Captain didn't sign up to get blown up by his own Navy:dunno:

Those pirates will die or serve time ,but they will never be allowed to see Somalia anytime soon.

Maybe in the future crews will (if they please) sign some type of release that allows the Navy to conduct raids to rescue them if negotiations stall..
But in the meantime should they just blow the poor Captain up?

The US Navy has much more Intelligence on the situation than we do & if it were that simple to end this they would have by now.
We have more in common than we don't.

BWUSA operators among others are as good at defending in a maritime theater as any organized paramilitary or security force in the world.

They damn better be with all that money they get paid.

I am really starting to get concern bout this guy they have as a hostage, I wish him and his family a happy ending to this stand off.

Can anyone tell me why is Hillary laughing bout this thing in one interview?

PS2 and XBOX 360 FPS are the best way to train..
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They damn better be with all that money they get paid.

I am really starting to get concern bout this guy they have as a hostage, I wish him and his family a happy ending to this stand off.

Can anyone tell me why is Hillary laughing bout this thing in one interview?

PS2 and XBOX 360 FPS are the best way to train..

BWUSA is the best prepared because they are the best trained. Many are former military Special Operators who already have the best tactical training in the world.

A hostage situation is never easy..invariably there is a standoff and at some point the best of a few bad decisions will need to be made by either the "tangos", the "hotel(s)" or the rescue team.

The toughest part of this one is the fact that the boat the hostage is on is covered and you can't see who is where otherwise they would be easy targets for synchronized sniper fire.

Also, if I can make a suggestion. Don't go playing xbox then thinking you're ready to deal death on a battlefield. While it may desensitize you to pushing the button on a target or help you objectify life easier you don't learn what it takes mentally or physically endure combat sitting on your sofa with a two hand plastic controller.


I put my money on the SEALS...I know, Titsrock won't like that 'cause they're probably all Republicans, and as we all know (just ask him) Republicans are the evil people responsible for everything bad everywhere, and how they have held all the kind and benevolent Democrats prisoner all these years is gonna be his longest post yet.
But...given time (translation: lifeboat sitting in warm weather, surrounded by the US Navy) the Somalis will begin to get crazy, and imprisonment will start looking pretty good compared to the alternatives.
Since the other hijacked ships have turned back (gee, I wonder what caused that?:D) even the crafty pirate leaders are beginning to see the light...this event has brought things to a head...time for more rescues and disabling hijacked vessels. Like the accepted method of dealing with hijacked airliners.
I don't see any wriggle room left to the shipping interests and the Navies of the involved countries...too much money maintaining ships of war in one area, too much calling the shots on the pirates part.
I gotta admit, this is the most interesting event to come along in a while...
I put my money on the SEALS...I know, Titsrock won't like that 'cause they're probably all Republicans

Well I know for a fact they are all not Republicans. Erik Prince, founder of BWUSA is a fomer US Navy SEAL and a Republican. BWUSA employs former SEALs, D-Boys, Army SO, Polish GROM, British SAS, SBS, SRR, etc.

What private security firm is more capable than that? Currently USSOCOM is being directed centrally out of McDill (a change under Rumsfeld) which in some cases has impacted responsiveness and availability. Certainly most of USSOCOMs interests have been directed at the two conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq so that's a consideration.


Closed Account
According to CNN: U.S. Cargo Ship Captain Freed : 3 Hostages dead & 1 captured

If the US Navy had listened to many of the macho hot heads a brave citizen would be dead. Those pirates knew they were surrouded & unless they were suicidal it was over & it was best to let him go. The captain was all they had.

Hope the guy gets some money off a made for T.V. movie or something. I would have grabbed a mop bucket & pretended to be a Cabin Boy.
According to CNN: U.S. Cargo Ship Captain Freed : 3 Hostages dead & 1 captured

If the US Navy had listened to many of the macho hot heads a brave citizen would be dead. Those pirates knew they were surrouded & unless they were suicidal it was over & it was best to let him go. The captain was all they had.

Hope the guy gets some money off a made for T.V. movie or something. I would have grabbed a mop bucket & pretended to be a Cabin Boy.

3 "hotels" dead?? Don't you mean 3 "Tangos" dead and 1 captured? Also, the details have not been made public. HOWEVER, how else would you surmise 3 targets are dead and 1 is captured without some degree of "macho" being dealt out by the Navy or some other rescue force???:dunno:

If you're the kind of person who would sacrifice your crew and act like and crew member....don't be a captain IMO.

I would say chalk up another one for our boys.


Lord Dipstick
Stupid pirate bastards!.....They stood NO Chance against "our boys"!


Closed Account
3 "hotels" dead?? Don't you mean 3 "Tangos" dead and 1 captured? Also, the details have not been made public. HOWEVER, how else would you surmise 3 targets are dead and 1 is captured without some degree of "macho" being dealt out by the Navy or some other rescue force???:dunno:

If you're the kind of person who would sacrifice your crew and act like and crew member....don't be a captain IMO.

I would say chalk up another one for our boys.

My bad 3 pirates dead & 1 captured. People were calling for action/ bombings last week when it was obvious these guys weren't gonna escape with their lives/freedom. It was only a matter of time but I was referring to the impatient calls for something to be done when obviously planning has to go into this.

I don't know what happened yet & thanks for the advice on not being a ship Captain, Rambo(rolls eyes).A little fun self deprecation doesn't go over well with you I see.
Rambo(rolls eyes).


But yes you do surveillance, identify and bomb these fucks before they attack...


Closed Account

But yes you do surveillance, identify and bomb these fucks before they attack...

According to CNN the knuckleheads let the Captain jump overboard AGAIN & snipers were ready & waiting this time.:1orglaugh & finished them off.

Good job by the Navy:thumbsup:
According to CNN the knuckleheads let the Captain jump overboard AGAIN & snipers were ready & waiting this time.:1orglaugh & finished them off.

Good job by the Navy:thumbsup:

Agreed! Good job for all involved especially . Consider this though, a part of his maritime training as a Captain, 1 hostage is better than many and your best opportunity to allow special operators to rescue you is to separate yourself from your takers.

He did so the first time and they apparently couldn't guarantee his safety during rescue....this time they were.:nanner:
Respect to the Captain! I am so satisfied to hear that these pirate assholes were killed, I really hate them. And I am happy when no ransom is paid to them.
Good end of the story with this particular vessel, but still the problem exists. Many countries prefer to pay money... If everytime it was a heavy military response to pirates it would be much better!
BWUSA is the best prepared because they are the best trained. Many are former military Special Operators who already have the best tactical training in the world.

A hostage situation is never easy..invariably there is a standoff and at some point the best of a few bad decisions will need to be made by either the "tangos", the "hotel(s)" or the rescue team.

The toughest part of this one is the fact that the boat the hostage is on is covered and you can't see who is where otherwise they would be easy targets for synchronized sniper fire.

Also, if I can make a suggestion. Don't go playing xbox then thinking you're ready to deal death on a battlefield. While it may desensitize you to pushing the button on a target or help you objectify life easier you don't learn what it takes mentally or physically endure combat sitting on your sofa with a two hand plastic controller.

I know bout Blackwater, I saw a lot of them during my two combat tours in Iraq, oh yeah and I know the difference between a controller and M4 rifle which I happen to carry with me.

I was being cynical bout trigger happy people and how some wanted this to be resolved fast.

Good news is that guy has been rescued by the ever deadly NAVY SEALS, does poor thugs never had a chance, these guys once they go in they hardly ever hold back.

Now this was a happy ending for that man and his family and a warning for those pirates wanna be that is no game when the SEALS go in.
The toughest part of this one is the fact that the boat the hostage is on is covered and you can't see who is where otherwise they would be easy targets for synchronized sniper fire.

According to reports, synchronized sniper fire appears to be the what ended the situation.:glugglug::thumbsup: