It's really simple people. The reason why Americans don't care about hockey is because they aren't very good at it. Look at the major American sports: baseball, basketball, and football; Americans clearly dominate those sports. Americans just don't care about a sport that they're never going to be the best at. It's the same reason why soccer has never become big in the US.
Also, I actually think Versus is doing a way better job than ESPN has ever done in covering hockey. Keith Jones and Brian Engblom are smart guys and good analysts. However, being from Canada, it's just not the same watching an American hockey telecast. The camera work is shotty at best, the announcers have no idea how to call a game, I want to vomit every time the play-by-play guy jizzes in his pants when a goal is scored and goes WAY overboard on screaming "HE SCORES!" with some girlish enthusiasm that just hurts my hockey-loving ears. CBC has got the art of broadcasting hockey perfected. The camera work is always perfect, they zoom in on the net at the perfect time, they cut to close-ups of bone-crushing hits just at the right moment, they cut to a fight as soon as the gloves are dropped, etc. American hockey broadcasts miss this stuff, or cut to it just a bit late. And NBC just absolutely sucks at broadcasting hockey, I'd almost rather not watch the game than watch it on NBC.
Also, fuck the Sean Averys of the hockey world. Hockey does not need villains, or should I say: hockey does not need piece of shit garbage human beings in their league. Enforcers, or even agitators, are fine as long as they aren't scumbags. Despite the "violence" of hockey, it is a game of gentlemen, and Sean Avery is anything but that.
The NFL is full of piece of shit garbage human beings who only care about their salaries and their bonuses. It's a league of individuals. You'd may as well not even call it a team sport anymore. Thank God hockey doesn't have "characters" like that.
Hockey is the best sport to watch. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience, when you live in a REAL hockey town, as I did in 2006 when the Oilers went all the way to Game Seven and lost :weeping: there is nothing else like it in the world of sports, save the World Cup of soccer (which obviously has crazy-ass fans). However, I think playoff baseball is incredibly good to watch because of the way you hang on each and every pitch. And a really close, back-and-forth style basketball game is also very fun to watch. All better to watch than an NFL game.