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  1. Wizard Sleeves

    Wow. Is she a stripper, member of family or both?

    I actually posted the first pic too a while back. Oh well.
  2. Wizard Sleeves

    thanks for the rep primeguy. nice profile page too, pink is definitely your color.

    thanks for the rep primeguy. nice profile page too, pink is definitely your color.
  3. Wizard Sleeves

    So I Walk Into my Basement Bathroom and Find 4 of These Varmint on Wall

    Lucky bastard. I got a family of about 1000 brown spiders that decided to take my place over.
  4. Wizard Sleeves

    Gay test

    I couldn't help but look for something else besides the girl at first just because this said "gay test." I'm not gay though...I dont think.
  5. Wizard Sleeves

    We need your help! Interview questions for pornstars

    To all the girls: I don't know if you use your real names or identities or not and I could care less, but if you don't how did your pornstar alias(s) come to be?
  6. Wizard Sleeves

    and i thank you my man :glugglug:

    and i thank you my man :glugglug:
  7. Wizard Sleeves

    Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes!

    haha i laughed my ass off at every one of those i read. i just imagined an asian person saying it haha.
  8. Wizard Sleeves

    What is the latest BAD film you watched?

    It wasn't that bad, but it definitely could have been better. The lady cop just ruined the movie for me, and how they reenact how the killings went down was so fucking gay. Besides those, it definitely would have been 10x better.
  9. Wizard Sleeves

    man wins a millon dollars throwing prefect game on mlb2k10

    Only two months after the game was released. I really thought it would last longer than that.
  10. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    Haha, I love reading all the hate comments on the Pens..keep them coming! :thumbsup:
  11. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    It's one game. You can't win them all.
  12. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    Good game. SJ goes up 1-0 on Detroit. Can't wait to see how this series turns out.
  13. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    Not just because I'm a Pittsburgh fan, but because he deserves the Hart Trophy...Crosby gets my vote. Henrik comes in close second with 3 votes less than Crosby. And Ovechoke way in the back with no votes to his poor name.
  14. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    I wouldn't call Montreal a free ride. They played the best defense of their lives against the best productive offensive team in the NHL, and they played it to a T. They came back after being down 3-1 to a team much superior than them. Pittsburgh is going to have their hands full. There are no...
  15. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    Thought I'd update it to the "best" hockey player in the world.
  16. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    Good job Washington...
  17. Wizard Sleeves

    Cool faces found in mountains

    They forgot about this one too...
  18. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    Their defense was fucking awful tonight. I think they gave up at least 10 breakaways. Come to think of it, their fucking offense was fucking terrible too. Datsyuk basically scored their only goal of the game off a faceoff.
  19. Wizard Sleeves

    30 Billion Dollars

    I'd buy my momma a car and spend the rest on PCP.
  20. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    Detroit is officially shitting all over the Coyotes right now. 5-1. Not the outcome I was hoping for.
  21. Wizard Sleeves

    Skinny Jeans are for Skinny Girls

    I'm just tired of seeing fat girls and guys altogether.
  22. Wizard Sleeves

    Weird shit going on

    The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later. Now im getting that... I'm sure it won't last long, just frustrating.
  23. Wizard Sleeves

    thank you kind sir :glugglug: now go watch that movie.

    thank you kind sir :glugglug: now go watch that movie.
  24. Wizard Sleeves

    Weird shit going on

    503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request. First of all, I got that a couple of times ^ and one time the page was completely white with only black font which was weird as shit, I've never seen that before. And it seems like it is taking forever to load. Anyone...
  25. Wizard Sleeves

    MLB 2010 Thread

    The Pirates may have lost 20-0, but you gotta remember its still early in the season and it was only one game. They have a lot of games left, and time to learn from this loss... ah wtf am I talking about, they're fucked.
  26. Wizard Sleeves

    Holy Sh!t!! Tim Tebow Goes to Broncos in 1st Round

    Tim Tebow is a first-class american sir. He's done things with his life that you couldn't even dream of. He's the perfect human being, and he's never done a thing wrong in his life. He wouldn't harm a fly, and after every hit he made in college he felt bad because he doesn't want to even get a...
  27. Wizard Sleeves

    Madden 2011 cover

    Plus Fitzgerald shouldn't even had been on the cover IMO.
  28. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    Ah fucking Ottawa won 4-3 in 3OTs. Good game, to Ottawa we go for game 6. Motherfuckers.
  29. Wizard Sleeves

    Penis Pump On Asshole

  30. Wizard Sleeves

    Wiping Your Ass: Do You Stand Or Sit?

    My mom wipes my ass with baby wipes.
  31. Wizard Sleeves

    Holy Sh!t!! Tim Tebow Goes to Broncos in 1st Round

    Tebow over Clausen? Terrible decision.
  32. Wizard Sleeves

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    Have you been watching this game? These fucking officials are a fucking joke. The calls they are making and blowing are just fucking ridiculous. What the fuck. Good game though, its 3-3 in going into overtime 2. Both teams have had their chances to win it. Ottawa is playing their hearts out...
  33. Wizard Sleeves

    Best Movie Villain Death

    You're welcome, it's definitely a good movie. And Stan you're right, the black knight is invincible.
  34. Wizard Sleeves

    Best Movie Villain Death

    I thought the ending to this movie was fucking sweet. Had a good twist to it. Probably one of the worst ways to fucking die too. I wouldn't watch this if you've never seen the movie, or else it ruins the whole movie for you. t2qP0pikVBA
  35. Wizard Sleeves

    Best Movie Villain Death

    Don't think he dies...but he might as well have dhRUe-gz690
  36. Wizard Sleeves


    It's not a contest, if you get 5000 posts you get a free t-shirt. So keep posting back to back to back posts, you're well on your way!
  37. Wizard Sleeves

    can you guess what it is yet?

    haha cool shit. Finally a thread that had a point from on! Deserves some rep!
  38. Wizard Sleeves


    Oh, that guys profile! Shit, why didn't you say so in the first place?
  39. Wizard Sleeves


    Whos fucking profile were you looking at? Was it a checked star members, or a regular members profile? I know Ember Reigns has a contest to win 3 free weeks on her site if you know a funny joke. Ain't that some shit? :rofl: And quit talking to yourself, 1 post is fine, you don't need to post...
  40. Wizard Sleeves


    Well in that case I have no idea wtf you are talking about. Unless you want the win a date with Whimsey or Pirateking contest. :dunno:
  41. Wizard Sleeves


    The Miss Freeones contest I assume? It ended... Here's the results thread. And you can find the complete list here somewhere....
  42. Wizard Sleeves

    What are you listening to right now?

  43. Wizard Sleeves

    Worst Beer You Have Ever Drank...

    Schaeffer Light Beer... :throwup: Made me shit like crazy for like 3 days straight after drinking it too.
  44. Wizard Sleeves

    PS Draft

    What round is it? Is it my turn to select?
  45. Wizard Sleeves

    3 FREE WEEKS of my site!!

    I have a pretty good joke, but damn it creating a new account is such a hassle. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually.
  46. Wizard Sleeves

    Awesome make up!!! That's terrible.
  47. Wizard Sleeves

    Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:

    Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:
  48. Wizard Sleeves

    Microsoft/Windows updates question/advice

    Haha, glad I could humor you.