So I Walk Into my Basement Bathroom and Find 4 of These Varmint on Wall

We do get other, smaller spiders as well. I don't know the name off the top, but there is a small white variety and a little bit bigger brown/black version. These don't get very big at all, but these little fuckers do bite, and I have woken up before with bites.

This stems from several minor floods we had in the past before we got drain tiles installed. I basically have to run a dehumidifier quite religiously when we get into the muggy middle of the summer. The 'pedes like the cool basement particularly at that time. I think I'm going to caulk my foundation as well a little better this summer.

:ak47: 'pedes.
Just imagine:

You're sleeping peacefully and you wake up feeling a itch and it turns out to be three of them crawling all around on you. Who knows what's under the covers! :D

Good night.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The ones we get here are tiny. Maybe an inch long at the longest. I don't mind them, really. They mostly stay in the corners of the basement.
Lucky Bastard. I got a family of about 1000 brown spiders that decided to take my place over.
The ones we get here are tiny. Maybe an inch long at the longest. I don't mind them, really. They mostly stay in the corners of the basement.

The real small ones aren't terrible, but picking up a piece of clothing with the vermin is unsettling nonetheless. My buddy lived in an older house east of mine and was going to town on his girl, was about to lay her down on his sack and alas, a nice cenipede was taking up residence in his bed. That's is the worst feeling, for sure.

Lucky bastard. I got a family of about 1000 brown spiders that decided to take my place over.

Oh dear, you have my sympathy. Not much you can really do. Move your bed away from the wall in the summer is the best advice. Make sure blankets and such aren't sitting on the floor. Get some of that Ortho Home Defense and bomb you problem areas. They make another thing that is a can you open and leave the area. My buddy used a can in his old ass basement and apparently the varmint were dead all over the place. It's called Hot Shot Fogger. Open a couple of those bad boys in your house and that can help as well.

I hope in your case they are not Brown Recluse spiders. :helpme:

Oh dear god. I just looked those things up and damn. Those things aren't indigenous to the midwest, are they? :confused:
I do believe so. However like the name they are rather reclusive. Just give your clothes a good shake before you put them on and your bedsheets too.

I'd bomb the hell out of your house with insect killer gas and anything else.
I do believe so. However like the name they are rather reclusive. Just give your clothes a good shake before you put them on and your bedsheets too.

I'd bomb the hell out of your house with insect killer gas and anything else.

Yep. I have a couple cans of Hot Shot Fogger that my room is gonna get nuked with later this week. Then the foundation gets a healthy dose of Ortho spray. Bloody buggers will not have the last say on the matter. :D

I'm in the northern Midwest and we don't get a lot of house centipedes up here. However, during the late summer and fall these guys are everywhere:

Creeps my wife out to no end. A good shot of Ortho Max around the foundation usually keeps them from taking over the interior of the house, though.

I've seen those around outside before. They are ugly bastards as well.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
My buddy lived in an older house east of mine and was going to town on his girl, was about to lay her down on his sack and alas, a nice cenipede was taking up residence in his bed. That's is the worst feeling, for sure.

Yeah, centipedes are the animal world's cock-blockers.
Brings back horrible memories of my old place when i was asleep and a cochroach fell from the ceiling onto my mouth (thankfully my mouth was closed at the time). I immediately woke hoping it was nothing but then saw the cochroach scurrying away, felt absolutely disgusted as I hate insects and rodents with a passion.
