Best Movie Villain Death

The Captain Rhodes death, that is actually the only part of that movie I have ever seen. I tend to stay well away from anything by Romero.

You're missing out. Sure Romero dropped the ball big time on the later "Dead" movies, but the early trilogy is great.
I didn't care much for the Star Wars prequels, but when Darth Maul got cut in half in Episode 1, that was pretty fuckin cool.
Good one. I agree. Darth Maul pwned General Grevious and Count Dooku who were pretty boring when it was all said an done.

When Vader dispatches Palpatine that's pretty much cinematic gold :bowdown:


It's good to be the king...

& Trevelyan in Goldeneye, Falls off a radar dish tower, still alive. But then the aforementioned radar dish tower falls on him!

Actually that movie reminded me of Sully's death...

I knew I wouldnt be the only one watching it!

I stopped watching half way through to come on to this site. Was shocked to discover that Valérie Quennessen who played the kidnapped Princess Yasimina died in a car crash in 1989 aged only 31. Always thought she was hot in this film, to think when I first watched Conan The Barbarian (90s sometime) she had already died. :(
Underworld 2 Final Battle
Death of William and Marcus
Whiteboy Bob in Out of Sight. This fat dumbass runs up a flight of stairs with a revolver, he trips on his on feet, falls, and shoots himself in the face and dies instantly.
Messala's death has always been grueling for what is shows and doesn't show. For those who don't know he got trampled and dragged by a team of horses during the famous chariot race.

Ben Hur - Great flick, Very good Movie Villain Death.
even at the end of his own life he still was a spiteful bastard.

Gene Hackman (little Bill) Unforgiven.
Tony Goldwyn (Col. Bagley) The Last Samurai
I burst out in the theater when the sword went into that mother fucker.
Mathieu Amalric (Dominic Greene) Quantum Of Solace
I think that was the most poetic justice death of a Bond Villain.
Julian Glover (Walter Donovan) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Greedy fuck got what was coming to him.
Christopher Walken (Frank White) King of New York
Man made himself so scary no one would help him when he was shot.
can't find the clip.
In Hostel when Paxton runs over those 2 hot bitches Svetlana and Natalya (also Alexei) after realising their complicity in the whole ordeal. Was more glad he got them as when he kills the 'surgeon' that murdered his friend Josh.