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  1. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    I did read your other post, I'm still not sure what point your trying to make. Post one has all the sincerity of a crack addict telling his therapist exactly what he wants to hear in hope of scoring a hit of methadone. Post two still smacks of the same nonsense dotted around the board like so...
  2. D

    Disgusting and stupid assholes

    If you don't like it, leave.
  3. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    I hope you don't honestly think anyone on this board will fall for this crap? Or the more likely that this is an attempt at bad sarcasm, through which any hope of actual sarcasm is lost.
  4. D

    Squirting, please help. need advice

    I don't buy porn star squirting clips, it just looks like orchestrated peeing to me. Oh of course there will be those who swear to the high heavens its real, but I smell bullshit every time I see a clip like that. Don't parade a group of 20 - 30 women in a "squirting orgy" and have me believe...
  5. D

    [SOLVED] Gorgeous Blonde

    As always my thanks
  6. D

    Squirting, please help. need advice

    In a sexual relationship of 6 years, it's happened once and it was a total fluke. Go figure.
  7. D

    [SOLVED] Gorgeous Blonde
  8. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    One of my favourite girls, Mai Ly
  9. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    I just found this is another thread and it made me think of the OP -
  10. D

    What's your story?

    Isn't that a double negative? So what you're saying is Happy knows everything?
  11. D

    Please Delete Account

    You can close your account, but your post history would be left behind
  12. D

    What's your story?

    Assorted ladies and gentleman, we are now officially being trolled. Stay your tongue and save your effort. Do not reply to these threads any more.
  13. D

    What's your story?

    A break usually constitutes longer than 12 hours. Now your just baiting members, which is sad and pretty much proves that now you are just trolling.
  14. D

    whats the odds of sunny leone not being 100 percent indian

    You mean the 0.8% they found in his DNA? My cum has more Indian content after a Tikka Masala than Royal wanker boy has in his whole fucking body.
  15. D

    What's your story?

    So he logs in 12 hours later for a peak anyway.
  16. D

    What's your story?

    I thought you knew everything you needed to know, now here you are begging for back stories and ways in?
  17. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    Once again, "I'm thinkin' about keepin' a blog", commit yourself to something.
  18. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    I don't recall ever criticizing your look. You seem to defend everything in this thread with "But! But! But!" I'm reading a lot of "I will" - "I'm going to" - "I've Read" - "I've watched", but where have you said "I have" - "I've done" (and I mean real progress). You want advice, but...
  19. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    Male porn stars have names? I don't care to know the male talent by name because lets face it, no one cares about them. Asides from the greats like Peter North, most male talent blends into the background, they might as well wear a shirt the same pattern as the couch they are fucking on, thats...
  20. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    Weren't you going to post some of those emails a while back? I'd love to read some. P.S Mason - This is the guy you actually wanna be friends with and in one sentence you alienate him. Well done. *Slow Clap*
  21. D

    The NO list of Aaliyah Love

    Oh, this thread is such a good idea isn't it?
  22. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    Close the thread then
  23. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    Does anyone read this thread and feel like they are dealing with this guy again? Who by the way has still raised $0 on his charity drive. I found his...
  24. D

    The Blindness of Religious People

    All I had to do was see the thread title to know who the OP would be. Here we go again?
  25. D

    Pilot and the Wing Walker killed

    Soon as the roll started you could see it wasn't going to end well.
  26. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    Four posts in an hour, one of which is quoting yourself. You really are an attention whore aren't you? Lack of social graces aside, you have made derogatory comments that would have been avoided if a brain had been in gear, or if anything resembling common sense had been involved. I'll give...
  27. D

    The forum, enough is enough

    I have a Mr Kettle on line one, he's expecting your call.
  28. D

    The forum, enough is enough

    155 posts in three years. Negative rep from you because I labelled you a duplicate account. You've only really become vocal in the last month or two. Now you start a thread where you plan to rally the board members around to your way of thinking and potentially dictate terms in what should be...
  29. D

    When you Google Image your username whats the first image?

  30. D

    Pics are taking a lot to be approved.

    Pics are taking a long time to be approved* At this moment in time, there are pics that are over 36 hours are still waiting to be approved. This is becoming increasingly common in the ID threads.
  31. D

    Forgotten name

    You know whats really annoying, I thought I saw a name flash up, but when I rewound nothing showed up. Guess I didnt go back far enough, thanks
  32. D

    Forgotten name

    I'm sure I used to know this girls name, anyone able to remind me?
  33. D

    You might want to get OCSM status, it will give your posts credibility

    You might want to get OCSM status, it will give your posts credibility
  34. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    Be sure to take them doggie style, that way you can prop your book "how to ass fuck like a pro" on the pillow. (You have zero respect for women and I bet as much experience with them)
  35. D

    Blowjob from Craigslist

  36. D

    Would you be able to hit it? (pic)

    Looks like Helena Bohnam Carter
  37. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    Lost what debate? Contrary to the scene from American Pie with the sex book hidden under the library floor boards, there is no holy grail of sexual advice. What works for one woman is not guaranteed to work on another and those who assume so are in for a disappointing night ahead. Most books...
  38. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    There are just so many things I wanna comment on this, but my favourite is probably "I have books about eating pussy", this really made me laugh. Sex is not something you learn from reading a book, by the way this wasn't the book you read...
  39. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    I do not suffer fools gladly.
  40. D

    ID please

    Not a chance
  41. D

    how long before...

    However long the school bus usually takes
  42. D

    AMA officially recognizes obesity as a disease.

    Definition of disease provided by the first result in my online dictionary results - "illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by infection or a failure of health rather than by an accident" I appreciate some instances of obesity can be caused through uncontrollable elements within a...
  43. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    You must be outsourcing that advice because you came with little and were given even less. You want to swing to get practice? Your deluding yourself if you think that sleeping around like man whore will give you any form of experience that will be useable in a porn set environment. (P.S...
  44. D

    Deal Breakers for Porn Stars (question for OSCMs)

    A 35 year old aspiring porn star who admires men who look like "fuckin' scumbags". Makes thread about aspiring career which receives the appropriate level of attention i.e none. Comes back almost a year later saying "I'm kinda over this" and asks for our feedback about it. Feedback on what...
  45. D

    HD has not been good for the porn industry

    What is this magical lense filter that can reverse the aging process by two decades? Whats the point of bitching about the imperfections being visible? Criticising porn for things like that is shallow but at the same time indicative that you watch far to much. Real women aren't layered in...
  46. D

    Tip of the tongue brunette

    I feel like I should know her name already -
  47. D

    polish babe plans to sex with 100 000 men

    You know I can honestly say I wouldn't. She isn't doing this for personal enjoyment, she has basically reduced herself to a walking, talking wank sock that travels door to door. I'm all for exploring and enjoying your sexuality, but setting yourself a ludicrous target for the means of...
  48. D

    Weird and Funny Sexual-Practices

    Well, the BBC seem to be in the habit of hiring performers who have some unique sexual trends and practices.