The Eternal Question... which is manliest: A mother fuckin' jackhammer, or a badass chainsaw?
... which is manliest!?
I know it's gonna be controversial, but Imma go with chainsaw. You don't hear millions of people going on about the Texas Jackhammer Massacre, now do you? Ash didn't chop up a bunch of deadites with a jackhammer, now did he? So yeah, I'm goin' chainsaw all you mother fuckers!
(Oh, sorry if I got your hopes up zdenka and m12! ...and probably dirk...


... which is manliest!?
I know it's gonna be controversial, but Imma go with chainsaw. You don't hear millions of people going on about the Texas Jackhammer Massacre, now do you? Ash didn't chop up a bunch of deadites with a jackhammer, now did he? So yeah, I'm goin' chainsaw all you mother fuckers!
(Oh, sorry if I got your hopes up zdenka and m12! ...and probably dirk...