I wish that you would not put words in my mouth.
Please re-read my post. I have not mentioned either disaster in it, nor have I explicitly defended the OP. I have said that his post was thought provoking, which it has been - there has been a lot of discussion provoked by it to prove my point there.
I will also repeat the main tenet of my post "In times of disaster does our culture teach us to look out for ourselves and our own families to the expense of others, or do we band together to try and help all of our neighbours?"
You accuse me of being so crass as to say that people commandeering boats to help others are stealing, this is blatantly not the case. I have only posed a question, I have not actually given a solid opinion, however in this particular case, I will say that using available equipment for relief and help of victims during a disaster is not looting. Taking food from flooded/abandoned shops to feed people is not looting. Taking clothing to ensure that people are kept warm is not looting. Taking a TV set, an MP3 player, a cell phone - that is looting. Taking goods that are of no immediate use to the abatement of the suffering of disaster victims is looting.
Thought provoking discussion ,from the op, about Katrina victims committing murders when it is absolutely untrue?:dunno:
That 's like having thought provoking discussions about Obama's worldview considering he may have been born outside the US, raised a Musilm in Kenya, & schooled in Madrassa's.

What thought provoking discussions can one have when the whole premise is based upon a lie? Those "thought provoking" Obama Birther discussions are based upon a lie.
What "thought provoking" discussions can be had about how the CIA/Us Government orchestrated 9/11 by imploding the World Trade Center to justify the War on Terror & infringe upon our individual rights in the U.S. ?

Good Luck having a "thought provoking" discussion with 9/11 Truthers when there whole premise is based upon something other than FACTS.
Having thought provoking discussions about Katrina & how the victims commited murders(according to the OP
