Death toll from Nepal's earthquake rises to 2,500

RIP to all the dead and good luck in the ongoing rescue efforts

Earthquake death toll rises to 2,500 after 6.7-magnitude tremor triggers SECOND avalanche on Everest and sparks more devastation across Nepal

* Aftershock hit region this morning, intensifying search for survivors and sparking fears for Mount Everest climbers

* Violent shake was one of 60 aftershocks to hit region since Saturday's devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake

* Aftershocks have left tens of thousands effectively homeless as makeshift tent cities are erected in Kathmandu

* Comes as Foreign Office confirm no Britons have been reported dead or injured but that it is 'almost certain' several have been caught up in aftermath

The death toll from Nepal's earthquake has risen to 2,500 after a devastating 6.7-magnitude aftershock sparked further chaos across Kathmandu and triggered a second violent avalanche on Mount Everest.

The tremor struck the region early this morning, shaking even more buildings across India and Nepal and prompting fears for the hundreds of climbers who are still stranded on the world’s highest peak.

The violent shake was one of 60 aftershocks which have hit the region in the past 36 hours following Saturday's 7.8 earthquake. The quake - the biggest to hit the country since 1934 - led to deaths in Tibet and India and also reduced the historic Nepalese capital to rubble in a matter of minutes.

This morning's huge aftershock, which sent snow and boulders cascading towards hundreds of clumbers, left locals afraid to return to their homes, with makeshift refugee camps and tent cities erected across the city to provide shelter for those effectively left homeless.

Tens of thousands spent the the night sleeping in parks or on a golf course, while others camped in open squares lined by cracked buildings.


The death toll from Nepal's earthquake has risen to 2,500 after a devastating 6.7-magnitude aftershock sparked further chaos across Kathmandu and triggered a second violent avalanche on Mount Everest
A man walks through the ruins of one of the city's famous temples at Durbar Square in Patan as the city reels from the devastating earthquake
A man walks through the ruins of one of the city's famous temples at Durbar Square in Patan as the city reels from the devastating earthquake
Two female survivors sit outside ruined homes in Bhaktapur with injuries sustained in the disaster. At least 2,460 people have died in Nepal
The bodies of the victims are laid out in line outside a hospital in the city of Kathmandu in the wake of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that his the area on Saturday morning
Grieving women hold the hands of relatives as they lie beneath a thin white sheet in the city of Kathmandu. Makeshift funeral pyres are being set up across the city


The bodies of some of the thousands who have died in the disaster were laid outside the emergency ward at Bir Hospital in the Nepalese capital
In Bhaktapur, flowers and money are left on the body of one of the earthquake's victims outside one of the city's overrun hospitals
Health workers have resorted to placing numbers by the bodies of earthquake victims outside the overcrowded hospitals in Kathmandu
Mourners begin preparing a funeral pyre in a public park in the city of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley, as the bodies of those killed in the earthquake pile up


The United States Geological Survey said the quake struck 81 kilometres (50 miles) northwest of Kathmandu at 06.11 GMT, with walls crumbling and families racing outside of their homes

It came as the Foreign Office confirmed that no Britons had been reported dead or injured, but that it was 'almost certain' that British citizens - several of whom are believed to be at Everest base camp - had been caught up in the quake.

The initial quake spread horror from Kathmandu to the slopes of Mount Everest, triggering an avalanche that buried part of the base camp. At least 18 people died there and 61 were injured.

It also led to widespread damage and destruction of buildings, roads and other infrastructure, sparking fears of a humanitarian crisis. In Kathmandu and Pokhara, bodies are still lying among the ruins of collapsed buildings, as rescuers desperately try to reach those who are still alive.

Rajendra Dhungana, 34, who spent the day with his niece's family for her cremation at the Pashuputi Nath Temple in Kathmandu, said: 'We don't feel safe at all. There have been so many aftershocks. It doesn't stop.

'I've watched hundreds of bodies burn. I never thought I'd see so many. Nepal should learn a lesson from this. They should realise proper buildings should be built. There should be open spaces people can run to.'

Sanjay Karki, Nepal country head for global aid agency Mercy Corps, added: 'The aftershocks keep coming ... so people don't know what to expect.

'All the open spaces in Kathmandu are packed with people who are camping outdoors. When the aftershocks come you cannot imagine the fear. You can hear women and children crying.'

As national radio warned people to stay outdoors amid fear of more aftershocks, survivors wandered the streets clutching bed rolls and blankets, while others sat in the street cradling their children, surrounded by a few plastic bags of belongings.

'Thousands of people have to stay outside of their homes, which have been damaged or destroyed by the earthquake. Shelter assistance is urgently needed,' said Save the Children's Peter Olyle.

Each aftershock also intensified the rescue mission, with landslides continuing to hinder attempts to reach those in need.

Rescuers, some wearing face masks to keep out the dust, scrambled over mounds of splintered timber and broken bricks in the hope of finding survivors. Some used their bare hands to fill small white buckets with dirt and rock.

Rescuers said the situation was likely to worsen with scores more bodies discovered every hour across the country.

'Tragically, more bodies are being pulled from collapsed buildings every hour. Communication is down in many areas. Widespread destruction, rubble and landslides are preventing access to provide aid in many villages,' an Australian Red Cross statement said.

Some of the most remote mountain villages could be completely buried in rubble, where rockfall may have claimed the lives of hundreds, if not more.

'Villages like this are routinely affected by landslides, and it's not uncommon for entire villages of 200, 300, up to 1,000 people to be completely buried by rock falls,' said Matt Darvas, a member of the aid group World Vision. 'It will likely be helicopter access only.'

This evening, the Department for International Development announced it would be pledging an extra £5million to help relief efforts.

International Development Secretary Justine Greening added that a team of more than 60 search and rescue responders and medical experts had also been deployed.

A DFID-chartered flight is due to leave London this evening for Kathmandu, carrying seven UK International Search and Rescue crews, four search and rescue dogs, a medical support team and a hazardous materials specialist.

They will take with them more than 11 tonnes of kit, including torches, axes, rope, search cameras, stretchers and tents.

Also on board will be trauma medics travelling as part of a DFID-deployed UK Med team, a five-strong Foreign Office Rapid Deployment Team who will provide further consular assistance for British nationals affected by the disaster, and experts from leading aid agencies including the British Red Cross, Medecins Sans Frontieres and Map Action.
Suresh Parihar plays with his 8-month-old daughter Sandhaya as he is treated for injuries sustained in an earthquake at a city hospital in the city of Kathmandu
Health workers examine a tiny baby wrapped in blankets in the city of Kathmandu where hospitals have spilled out onto the devastated streets
A man grieves for his sister as she is cremated in a funeral pyre at the Pashupatinath temple, on the banks of the Bagmati river, in Kathmandu. Right, another mourner is unable to contain her sorrow


Thousands of people have set up in the town's squares and open spaces though aid workers fear water and medical supplies will run out. Residents are frightened to return to their homes for fear that an aftershock may cause further devastation
A sea of tents is seen in the Chuchepati area of the Kathmandu Valley after residents fled what remained of their homes to set up camp outside
In Kathmandu, a police officer tries to hold order over crowds of desperate survivors as he gives out emergency tents to the homeless


A near-empty road on the outskirts of Kathmandu is divided by a crack caused when the earthquake struck. Cyclists and motorists are the few to brave travelling on it the day after the disaster
Men dig through the debris of ruined homes in Bhaktapur as survivors continue to look for bodies in the rubble after yesterday's quake
A man surveys the destruction at his home in Bhaktapur, a historic city in the east of the Kathmandu valley where hundreds of homes were destroyed


An elderly woman is accompanied through the street in the Bhaktapur after undergoing treatment for a head injury at one of its remaining hospitals
In Bhaktapur, a man weeps as he is pulled away from the site where his house once stood. The Kathmandu Valley is densely populated, with thousands living in close conditions
Aid workers use their hands to dig bricks from piles of rubble in Bhaktapur as more relief arrives from neighbouring countries on Sunday


A monk holds his hand to his head in disbelief as he inspects the damage at Nepalese heritage site Syambhunaath Stupa, also known as monkey temple, after yesterday's earthquake
A woman mourns the death of a relative, one of the 2,500 people killed by the earthquake. It is the worst disaster in Nepal for more than 80 years
Women cry for loved ones killed in the disaster at a make-shift camp set up in a public park in Bhaktapur. Funeral pyres have been set up across the country in the streets
An injured woman is treated at the overcrowded Bir Hospital in Kathmandu. Rescue workers fear crucial supplies are due to run out with aid agencies and charities still unable to gain access to the city

International Development Secretary Justine Greening said: 'As the death toll rises and the scale of this devastating earthquake becomes evident, the UK is continuing to do everything it can to help all those affected by this tragedy.

'I have now activated the Rapid Response Facility. This means we can fast-track funding to aid workers on the ground so they can provide desperately needed supplies including clean water, shelter, household items and blankets. We are also sending humanitarian experts from the UK to provide urgent support on the ground.'

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said it was 'almost certain' that Britons had been caught up in the quake but that there had so far been no reports of any Britons killed or injured.

He said: 'There are several hundred British nationals in Nepal at this time of year and we expect that almost certainly some will have been caught up in the earthquakes. But at this moment we have no reports of any British nationals killed or injured.

'British Embassy staff are on the ground and have provided practical help to around 200 British nationals. Teams of consular staff have also been out scouring hospitals, hotels and areas popular with tourists looking for British nationals who may need assistance.
Men ease their way around the ruins of homes in Bhaktapur, scouring the site for any survivors. The death toll is expected to rise yet from 2,500


In Bhaktapur, a Buddha survived when the rest of the temple collapsed. Many of the country's temples - which attract thousands in tourism every year - were destroyed
Police carry the body of another victim through the rubble-strewn streets of Bhaktapur. The earthquake is the worst disaster the country has seen for more than 80 years
In the capital city, thousands are camping in the streets for fear of more tremors from the earthquake's aftershock. This morning it measured 6.7 on the Richter Scale
A small child takes shelter at a makeshift camp site where scores are gathering in fear of more devastation in the capital city of Kathmandu
Indian men fight for coveted places on an airplane due to leave the country this afternoon after Kathmandu airport reopened


Emergency workers take rest on care packages and ruck sacks as the search for survivors across Nepal continues into its second day

'Damage to communications infrastructure caused by the earthquakes is making it difficult to contact people who may have been trekking in remote areas so it may be some time before we, working with the tour companies, are able to identify who is in Nepal and to account for them.

'The Foreign Office is urgently deploying additional consular response teams from London and Delhi to reinforce our embassy staff and looking at what else we can do. In the meantime my colleague Justine Greening chaired a COBR meeting in London this afternoon and DFID is providing £5m of humanitarian aid for Nepal.'

A spokeswoman for Intrepid Travel - which arranges treks in Nepal and around the Everest region - confirmed they had groups with British travellers in the area and said they are still attempting to contact those tours.

Oxfam is also lending its support with teams flying in from the UK with supplies to provide clean water, sanitation and emergency food supplies. Christian Aid has made an initial £50,000 available to help victims.

A team of 16 volunteers from UK charity Search and Rescue Assistance in Disasters (SARAID) set out for Kathmandu today, taking with them 1.5 tonnes of specialist equipment to help rescue people in collapsed buildings.

SARAID a charity specialising in rescuing people trapped in collapsed buildings, is taking 1.5 tonnes of equipment including sound and vibration detectors, search cameras and cutting equipment.

The disaster has underlined the woeful state of Nepal's medical facilities. The country has only 2.1 physicians and 50 hospital beds for every 10,000 people, according to a 2011 World Health Organization report.

Officials fear hospitals may begin running out of crucial supplies at any moment. Trauma surgeons have begun operating on the critically wounded in tents after losing their theatres to the devastation.

'We only have one operation theatre here. To be able to provide immediate treatment we require 15. I am just not able to cope,' said Dipendra Pandey, an orthopaedic surgeon at the National Trauma Centre.

'Both private and government hospitals have run out of space and are treating patients outside, in the open,' said Nepal's envoy to India, Deep Kumar Upadhyay.

Charity Medecins sans Frontieres was struggling to get relief supplies including thousands of blankets and shelter in from India's northern state of Bihar - also hit by Saturday's quake - because landslides had made roads difficult to navigate.
Up to 18 people are feared to have died on Mount Everest after being buried by an avalanche that was triggered by the earthquake yesterday. Above, rescue helicopters return to base camp to collect remaining survivors



Google have relaunched their 'person finder' tool to help those affected by the earthquake in Nepal.

The tool is a searchable, online database to help people track down their loved ones who are involved in the disaster.

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake, which killed hundreds and destroyed homes, also damaged communications in the region.

Person Finder collates information from emergency responders and individuals who post details about relatives missing or found.

Within hours of the disaster, 200 names had been uploaded.

The tool was first launched in response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, and has been used in several major disasters ever since including the 2011 Japanese tsunami and 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.

India flew in medical supplies and relief crews, while China sent in a 60-strong emergency team. Relief agencies said hospitals in the Kathmandu Valley were overflowing and running out of medical supplies.

A US disaster response team was en route and an initial $1million in aid to address immediate needs had been authorised, the US Agency for International Development said.

Australia and New Zealand together pledged more than $4.5million, and said they were working to locate hundreds of their citizens believed to be in Nepal, and South Korea promised $1million in humanitarian aid.

Among the capital's landmarks destroyed in the earthquake was the 200-foot Dharahara Tower, built in 1832 for the queen of Nepal, with a viewing balcony that had been open to visitors for the last 10 years.

A jagged stump was all that was left of the lighthouse-like structure. As bodies were pulled from the ruins on Saturday, a policeman said up to 200 people had been trapped inside.

A rescue operation in the Kalanki neighbourhood of Kathmandu saw police rescuers tried to extricate a man lying under a dead person, crushed by a pile of concrete slabs and iron beams, as his family members watched on in horror.

'We are digging the debris around him, cutting through concrete and iron beams. We will be able to pull him out but his body under his waist is totally crushed. He is still alive and crying for help. We are going to save him,' said police officer Suresh Rai.

Prime Minister David Cameron pledged that the UK would do all it can to help in the aftermath on the Nepal earthquake.

On Twitter he said: 'Shocking news about the earthquake in Nepal - the UK will do all we can to help those caught up in it.'

Labour leader Ed Miliband also expressed his sympathy for all those involved, tweeting: 'The awful scenes in Nepal are heartbreaking. My thoughts go out to the people affected, and to those caring for survivors.'

Speaking at a campaign event in north London, he also pledged that Britain would do everything it could to help Nepal in its 'hour of need'.

He said: 'We have seen truly appalling scenes as a result of this earthquake. We now know thousands of lives have been lost and we know that British nationals have been caught up in this tragedy.

'We must ensure all international efforts support Nepal during this desperate time.'

The quake's epicentre was 50 miles north-west of Kathmandu and it had a depth of only seven miles, which is considered shallow in geological terms. The shallower the quake, the more destructive power it carries, and witnesses said the trembling and swaying of the earth went on for several minutes.

Indian tourist Devyani Pant was in a Kathmandu coffee shop with friends when 'suddenly the tables started trembling and paintings on the wall fell on the ground.

A Swedish woman, Jenny Adhikari, who lives in Nepal, told the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that she was riding a bus in the town of Melamchi when the earth began to move.

'A huge stone crashed only about 20 metres from the bus,' she was quoted as saying.

'All the houses around me have tumbled down. I think there are lot of people who have died,' she told the newspaper by telephone. Melamchi is about 30 miles north-east of Kathmandu.

A terrified Kathmandu resident said: 'Everything started shaking. Everything fell down. The walls around the main road have collapsed. The national stadiums gates have collapsed,' Kathmandu resident Anupa Shrestha said.

The earthquake also shook several cities across northern India and was felt as far away as Lahore in Pakistan and Lhasa in Tibet, 340 miles east of Kathmandu and India's capital of New Delhi.

The Indian cities of Lucknow in the north and Patna in the east also reported strong tremors.


Before and after: The Dharahara Tower, one of Kathmandu's landmarks built by Nepal's royal rulers in the 1800s was reduced to rubble when the earthquake struck yesterday morning
People inspect the damage of the collapsed landmark Dharahara, also called Bhimsen Tower, after an earthquake caused serious damage in the capital city


People inspect the damage of the collapsed landmark Dharahara, also called Bhimsen Tower, after an earthquake caused serious damage in the capital city


A survivor is pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building in Kathmandu yesterday shortly after the earthquake struck at around noon


Nepal's worst recorded earthquake, which took place in January 1934, measured 8.0 and all but destroyed the cities of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan.

The quake, the centre of which was near to Mount Everest, was the strongest to hit the Himalayan nation in 68 years and claimed nearly 10,000 lives.

During that devastating incident, many of Bhaktapur's ancient buildings were destroyed. Kathmandu's Darbar Square and the 19th century Dharhara Tower were also grounded.

Those buildings were later rebuilt, largely due to efforts from Western communities.

Just this month, a group of earthquake experts gathered in Kathmandu to discuss how to prepare the city better for a quake of the same magnitude as the 1934 temblor.


In Siliguri, India, where at least two people including a woman were killed, the front of an earthquake-damaged house was trapped in wiring and the branches of a tree
A collapsed house in Nyelam County in Shigatse, Tibet (left) while a man looks through the ruble of a similarly damaged building in Kathmandu
As well as leveling many of Kathmandu's homes and structures, the quake also left a dust pall over the valley, doctors and witnesses said


People search for survivors under the rubble of collapsed buildings in Kathmandu Durbar Square yesterday in the immediate aftermath


Rescue teams and tractors clear the rubble of collapsed buildings, crumbled temples and broken walls in the famous square yesterday


Rescue teams search through the ruins for survivors after one side of a building collapsed in central Kathmandu


Men stand cautiously on sections of collapsed road after yesterday's earthquake in Kathmandu as officials confirm at least 2,500 have died


A young girl takes pots and pans out from her ruined home in Bhaktapur on the outskirts of Kathmandu as thousands flee their houses to set up camp outdoors

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Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Once the volcano in Chile erupted after 40 years of dormancy, something big was going to happen. Unfortunately, there is no way to know where. And with an earthquake of that magnitude, there is no place to go.