i got a third eye, between the eyes its bent with the shadow. im like the cat buddha.
Thats nice.
i got a third eye, between the eyes its bent with the shadow. im like the cat buddha.
I always contest that Atheism is in fact an faith . . . they have yet to prove a thing.
jus sayin :dunno:
What is so fairy tale-ish about some intelligent force creating the universe? It makes a whole lot more sense than it just popping into existence out of nothing. As Spock would say, it is only logical.
In a way, atheism is also a safety net because everything is explained, everything is logical and no mysteries exist. That is a problem I have with some atheists is that they believe we are at the pinnacle of all science and knowledge. Did you know that even the Big bang theory is not universally accepted and many leading scientists have come up with alternate theories? We do not know everything. And there are things we will never know for sure.
God is one of those things, I am not saying he definitely is real, but there is always the possibility that he is.
It is just as fairy-tale-ish as me saying there are intelligent invisible dragons that control congress, or that Panda bears control the weather. Are these things possible? Well yeas I suppose they are as we can not disprove them. We can however show through scientific theory, repeatable experiments, and measurements, that the probability of them being true is beyond infinitesimal. Are Vampires real? Werewolves? Maybe, but probably not. The same goes for God.
Except that intelligent invisible dragons controlling congress is not a logical answer to any rational question, and I would say is scientifically impossible.
Much like the "big bang" theory. In fact, it is quite ironic that the "scientific" answer to the beginning of all existence actually contradicts science, while the concept of a God creating it does not. The "big bang" theory contradicts the laws of thermodynamics and a whole slew of other accepted science. The simple fact that thermodynamics states that matter can never be created, only transformed, completely dismisses a "big bang."
Science, however, does not and can not disprove the Divine creation of all matter; simply because God is not scientific. God is, according to the general concept of an ultimate deity held by most monotheistic faiths, not only above science, but created it along with everything else. God also could have created logic itself -- after all, how can something be truly inherent? Logic had to have been defined at some point as well. In another plane of existence could not 1 and 1 equal 27? Sure, it just doesn't in our plane of existence because our Earthly logic dictates that 1 and 1 makes only 2.
And if you think that it is impossible, you are simply not a very deep thinker. There is not a single logical flaw in the concept of a God as creator -- if you can name one, go ahead, because in all the literature I've read over the years, and discussions I've had, I have yet to see presented a flaw in the logical existence of a God.
And yet, in just a few words, I have already presented a logical flaw in the scientific explanation. One of countless.
Science is all about likeliness and evidence. Given the evidence, I simply have to conclude that belief in God is, ironically, the most scientific standpoint at this time. I just don't see how a rational thinker could possibly conclude that a decades-old theory constructed with outdated science, for which there is little to no evidence at all, is more logical than believing in a God as creator.
Personally I believe that people are inclined to convince themselves, above all else, that there is no God who might someday judge them for their hedonistic and reckless way of life. They seek reaffirmation in internet forums, literature, et cetera, from others that are similarly trying to convince themselves -- be it in the guise of science, logical thinking, philosophy, or just plain I-don't-give-a-shit-ism.
Much like the "big bang" theory. In fact, it is quite ironic that the "scientific" answer to the beginning of all existence actually contradicts science, while the concept of a God creating it does not. The "big bang" theory contradicts the laws of thermodynamics and a whole slew of other accepted science. The simple fact that thermodynamics states that matter can never be created, only transformed, completely dismisses a "big bang."
Personally I believe that people are inclined to convince themselves, above all else, that there is no God who might someday judge them for their hedonistic and reckless way of life. They seek reaffirmation in internet forums, literature, et cetera, from others that are similarly trying to convince themselves -- be it in the guise of science, logical thinking, philosophy, or just plain I-don't-give-a-shit-ism.
Nice. :glugglug: Don't get me wrong, I love science, but your right. Any cosmologist will tell you there are things they cannot explain. They will even tell you they have a name for it it's called a "singularity". Its right at the point where science can no longer explain the Big Bang. Right at the moment before it actually happens.
Genau. I hate my memory for betraying me so, but there is a wonderful book out there about scientists who had delved so deeply into quantum physics that some of them said they had "seen the face of God" hidden there in unexplored science. At any rate, there are endless amounts of similar stories available on the internet, if you know how to use Google.
I never understood the falsity that there is some "conflict" between religion and science. If anything, science and religion are nearly the same thing, and science certainly supports religion (well, the religion I'm familiar with at least -- Christianity. Obviously it would contradict Hinduism which asserts that rain is water being wrung from a goddess' hair, et cetera). Not only does science support Christianity, but the Christian scripture is absolutely full of science -- some if it many centuries ahead of its time. For example, Scripture describes perfectly the hydrological cycle, which was only discovered by the scientific community just 300 years ago. It states that air has weight, which was a conclusion that the scientific community had to make in order to define the hydrologic cycle -- which was all already stated in Scripture thousands of years ago. Scripture tells us that blood is the essence of life; that diseases are carried in the blood; that there are currents deep in the sea (which, interestingly enough, was precisely what motivated scientists to research this, finding it to be true); it even tells us that the Earth is a sphere (ironically again, the Bible never states that the Earth is flat; it was the scientific community).
I see you've been reading your Creationism pamphlets. It's too bad that they didn't explain the difference between energy and matter...or that the Big Bang Theory itself doesn't address any particular origin theories. Many M brane theories cover your conundrum quite effectively, although none quite as conveniently as the idea of an all knowing, all seeing eternal god that created everything and, apparently, itself.
LaLiLuLeLohan said:The beautiful thing about the scientific community is they are humbled by the universe...enough that they readily admit they aren't even close to knowing all the answers. That's why they tireless analyze, calculate, formulate, experiment and research knowing that their most likely goal is the success of find a new and even more complex avenue to explore.
I guess, to some, Stone Age, finite conclusions are still more palatable than the world's most intensive and thorough attempt at understanding.
LaLiLuLeLohan said:Bullshit. If that was the case, the idiocy of Christianity would cover all bases. Do whatever you want and then "accept Jesus" when you get too old to misbehave. Besides, our own self-interest would be inclined to accept the idea of immortality and eternal bliss given to us for a rather brief sacrifice in the grand scheme of things.
LaLiLuLeLohan said:The idea that a hedonistic and reckless way of life paves the way to damnation comes from the same novel that claims that mankind once co-existed with giants and that the ancestors of all life on Earth once inhabited a boat.
Is that what you believe? If so, you posting on a porn forum shows the blatant disregard to your soul and the blatant disrespect to your god.
Except that intelligent invisible dragons controlling congress is not a logical answer to any rational question, and I would say is scientifically impossible.
Much like the "big bang" theory. In fact, it is quite ironic that the "scientific" answer to the beginning of all existence actually contradicts science, while the concept of a God creating it does not. The "big bang" theory contradicts the laws of thermodynamics and a whole slew of other accepted science. The simple fact that thermodynamics states that matter can never be created, only transformed, completely dismisses a "big bang."
Why? Cause fuck you. Thats why.
Firstly, what makes you think that it is unlikely that many thousands of years ago one could find a 19-foot-tall man?.
it even tells us that the Earth is a sphere (ironically again, the Bible never states that the Earth is flat; it was the scientific community).
Except that intelligent invisible dragons controlling congress is not a logical answer to any rational question, and I would say is scientifically impossible.
This would be all well and true if it were thought that the big bang were the beginning of the universe which given current understanding, it isn't. The big bang is the point in which space in association with time or spacetime "expanded" into its current state.
The old "something from nothing argument" has been debunked so often it's actually quite amusing to see it cropping up once again, especially in the light of modern understanding of quantum theory. This time with a laughable "God is outside of science" argument added on in an attempt to weasel your way out of having to justify the actions of your creator.
Do you know why we've never been able to get something from nothing? It's because "nothing" as a concept doesn't exist. Is the space between Earth and the moon "nothing"? Of course it isn't, it's spacetime that's not nothing.
Where are the Fossils? People also claim that there were bigfoots, sea-monsters, and flying dragons. It is unlikely because there is no evidence of anything like these things. Much like God.
Where are the Fossils? People also claims that there were bigfoots, sea-monsters, and flying dragons. It is unlikely because there is no evidence of anything like these things. Much like God.
It also states that the earth is the center of the universe and that the Sun and the stars rotate around it....:rofl:
The same reasons you state for why Leprechauns and invisible dragons are impossible are the reasons why god is impossible.
why do people believe so strongly in their faith besides being raised in the dogma's environment?
No facts, no direct observations. No repeatable experiments.
Ask yourself this; if you believe in a specific belief of another religion (for example, if you're Jewish do you believe Jesus was the son of god?). Assuming in this case you would answer negatively, then I would ask you whether you think you would believe that if you were born in a Christian country to Christian parents...
...(as ridiculous as it may sound, many Christians and other religious types believe that the earth is 6000 years old).
I would be very interested in admission of evidence where creationism is given some theoretical weight, besides the bible or similar religious text.
Religion's roots are easily shown to be created by man. Examples of this might include (if challenged by a Christian) that the "devil" was not present in religious texts until the nomadic monotheists ran into polytheists and borrowed the idea.
Religion, throughout history, has been used to control the masses...
Example's of this include the Christian crusades, and the present day suicide bombings of Muslims. Are [insert faith here] really that different?
Religious texts are made up and inconsistent, and can not be backed up by theory. In the case of the bible, often entire verses, stories, and anecdotes were falsified for the sake of making a point. There are massive plot holes, inconsistencies and illogical and impossible things.
Religion has been often used to explain the unexplainable. The Greeks used Poseidon to explain how earthquakes happened (which we now know is due to the movement of tectonic plates).
What happens when we can prove, and you can't deny, the Big Bang theory and Evolution, which both have such large amounts of logic behind them that it's hard to deny that they are true.
When having this debate religious people often ask me, "What happens after death?" Many Christians try to use this argument to trick you into thinking you have to go to heaven.
However, I approach this by relating this to something that has already happened. What happened before you were born? Nothing in the bible says anything about this.
I'd like to finish by asking a question to which any logical answer would disprove the existence of God;
If God wanted to, could He could create a box which He couldn't look into? Most people who believe in God believe that, by definition, God is omnipotent. There is no answer to this question that doesn't imply that there is something God cannot do, which goes against the very definition of said being.
You were saying?
I'd like to finish by asking a question to which any logical answer would disprove the existence of God;
If God wanted to, could He could create a box which He couldn't look into? Most people who believe in God believe that, by definition, God is omnipotent. There is no answer to this question that doesn't imply that there is something God cannot do, which goes against the very definition of said omnipotent being.