My penis is erect.
That is all
Damn. You could fly a flag on that thing!
My penis is erect.
That is all
Hand Salute!Damn. You could fly a flag on that thing!
lmao fossils? There were several dozen nephilim. You expect it to be practical to expect fossils? You also assume that they would have to have been left in a condition in which fossils could be made. Most likely they would have been incinerated, not left in a field intact.
I see you have been reading your Please source this statement.
Remember that next time you tout the old "universe is infinite" trash, lol.
Exactly. Why? This suggests exactly what Scripture will tell you -- that the knowledge of God is innate in all of us. That is, belief in God is our "default." It is the distancing of ourselves from religion that occurs as our beliefs change, not the opposite. We maintain that the very first homo sapiens (cave-men and what have you) had a religion. This is why.
Well done, you've pinpointed the one difference between science and religion. That's why religion is a faith and not (completely) a science.
Forgive me if I was unable to comprehend the point you are trying to establish here (I am not from an English-speaking nation) but if this answers your question -- my parents are of a different faith than me. I am a non-denominational Christian and come from a Catholic culture. I openly reject Catholicism as primitive, pagan and deceptive. Why? Because like a certain population of the human race I was born with the ability to think for myself. I already gave my reasoning in my original post for why I believe what I believe, and there are many more reasons I haven't given. Note that none of them have to do with the culture I was raised in.
Many people simply follow the faith of their parents. That's fine, what's wrong with that? To say that they should not believe what they believe, for the reasons they do, is oppressive and none of your business whatsoever.
Yes, that's embarrassing. Not because I fear being associated with those people; but because it shows how few people of any "faith" actually read the will of their God with any comprehension whatsoever. To insist that the Earth is 6,000 years old shows only absolute ignorance -- not just of science, but of the Scripture they allegedly believe in, because it never states this whatsoever.
Got Google? The fact that you haven't actually read any scientific evidence for Creationism only shows that you have once again not even minimally researched the concepts you're arguing against.
Interesting, because if you ask me, the devil still isn't in the Bible. Satan is, and he is the ruler of Hell, which is of course ultimate nothingness; as such, he is the ruler of nothing. Not the horned, bellowing fiend that was invented by medieval Catholics.
So has money, food, resources, recognition, and even science. When one wishes to control masses, they use what is called a scapegoat -- I thought this was common knowledge. Furthermore, don't blame a peaceful, beautiful text for the follies of corrupt politicians. They have nothing to do with each other.
And what, from a religious perspective, was wrong with the crusades? 200 years prior, muslims ravaged the East and destroyed and defiled Christian monuments, artifacts and holy sites. The crusade was to take them back. Oh, how horribly evil that is.
Where the actual evil comes in has nothing to do whatsoever with religion, and everything to do with personal gain. Thousands of rich merchants and nobles from all over the world -- many of them openly non-Christian -- took caravan with the crusades that they might take the opportunity of war in the East to take resources, land, and lives. Now, hundreds of years later, poor historians (not naming any names) conveniently can not tell the difference.
Go for it, this is always interesting. Not exactly original, but interesting.
Yes, as Scripture will tell you.
We've been waiting for that day for many decades now.
I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like they can not fully grasp Pascale's Wager.
Yes it does. It states that we are in a similar form to that which we become after we die. From God's presence into life, and then finally we return to it when we have completed our destiny here.
Hahaha. Could God heat up a burrito so hot that He himself could not eat it! You have truly blown my mind.
Except that now we return back to my original point -- that you are facing a serious fallacy if you truly think you can define God (the creator of all science and logic and all that is bound to it) with the extremely limited logic we have been exposed to in our minutely short time here on Earth. The main flaw in this question (letting alone that it is simply a loaded question that has no actual relative meaning) is that it is limited by nothing but the words in which it is asked. The answer is neither yes OR no. Or, more accurately, it is both. Yes, God could create a box which He couldn't look into, and then look into it. You speak of science and how it is admittedly limited -- what makes you think now that your relatively nil understanding of science and logic on Earth can be extended to the most powerful and ultimate entity ever to exist?
That question doesn't make any sense. I could ask you "What is north of the north pole?" and since there is no logical answer therefore the north does not exist.
You were saying?
If God wanted to, could He could create a box which He couldn't look into? Most people who believe in God believe that, by definition, God is omnipotent. There is no answer to this question that doesn't imply that there is something God cannot do, which goes against the very definition of said omnipotent being.
That question doesn't make any sense. I could ask you "What is north of the north pole?" and since there is no logical answer therefore the north does not exist.
If God is omnipotent, which as I have been taught is part of if not the entire definition of Him, then there is nothing He can not do.
Assuming this is true, then we can demonstrate that an omnipotent being, by definition, can't exist.
If he can create a box which he can't look into, then there is something he can't do, which in this case would be looking into the box. He would therefore not be omnipotent.
If He can't create a box of this nature, then this still shows that He is not omnipotent, since there is still something he can't do.
Either way, by this argument He can't be omnipotent, AKA all-powerful. If he is not all powerful, then by definition he is not God. If nobody is all powerful, then nobody is God. If nobody is god, then there is no god.
The Giant Human Skeleton is a well known internet hoax. The claims can be traced from its origin to the fake vid you posted. Nice try. :tongue:
As I suspected. You have nothing to say.
If God created the box He can't look into then He already knows what's in the fuckin box! Whatever was there when He made the fucking thing. :thefinger
Say some asshole puts something in the box later then asks God to tell him what it was. God doesn't need to look into the goddamn box to know He just needs to look into the asshole that put something there.
Andronicus Ry
This is a list of people I suspect are no longer even reading the thread anymore, yet are still posting just to be here..
Curious.. I think that is called Trolling..
It still implies that he can't look into the box. I didn't ask if he knows whats in the box or if he needs to look into the box, I asked if he can look into it. If he can't, he is still not all powerful, regardless of if he can find out whats in it.
I don't necessarily need to look into a car battery to find out whats inside. This does not mean I am all prayerful.
Are you a little slow or willfully dense?
As I suspected, nothing you say is ever relevant. I'm an atheist too, but it's embarrassing to be on the same side as you. Your arguments are just fundamentally retarded. I wish you would stop posting. You're really giving the rest of us a bad name. People are going to think that all non-believers are dumbasses...
Care to elaborate or are you simply unable?