
Yeah..sure...except the virus is shaped like a crown and THAT is why it got it's name..also if you consider the amount of OTHER coronaviruses that have been around for decades (maybe longer, as humans only first discovered them in the 60s).

THIS garbage is why the world can't trust Russia. (not like American media doesn't do the same shit and force lies down our throats lmao)

Trump trusts Russia...

Anyways, there are countless conspiracy theories concerning Coronavirus. None of them are real.


What Bill Gates is afraid of


10 times Trump downplayed the coronavirus

What Bill Gates is afraid of

Obviously no one heeded his call. :(
Always been impressed by 'big picture' visionaries such as Gates.
I suppose one could say SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, Zika, and Ebola were mere "tremors" (warnings) in advance of the "Big One", i.e. Covid-19.


USA is 3rd with most infected people, and will probably be 2nd by April.

China's numbers haven't changed in two weeks. It's obvious that the Chinese government is censoring the truth. There could be millions of infected people in China. Some rumours are saying that they are killing some infected instead of trying to cure them, to cut costs. No matter the political or economic system, money is always more important than human lives.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Not that you fellows needed it, but for any of those people asking the question with obvious answers: "Why did it hit China/Italy so hard?"

"Oldest populations in the world, standardized at 65 y.o."

Rank | Country |# 65+ (in millions) |% 65+ (of total population) | # total population (in millions)
1 China 166.37 11.9 1398.03
2 India 84.90 6.1 1391.89
3 United States 52.7616.0 329.15
4 Japan 35.58 28.2 126.18
5 Russia 21.42 14.6 146.73
6 Brazil 17.79 8.5 209.33
7 Germany 17.78 21.4 83.10
8 Indonesia 15.16 5.6 268.42
9 Itlay 13.76 22.8 60.34
10 France 13.16 20.3 64.83
11 United Kingdom 12.24 18.3 66.83
12 Pakistan 9.31 4.3 216.57
13 Mexico 9.17 7.2 126.58
14 Spain 8.99 19.1 47.07
15 Bangladesh 8.35 5.1 163.67
16 South Korea 7.83 15.1 51.85
17 Thailand 7.61 11.5 66.37
18 Turkey 7.27 8.8 82.61
19 Ukraine 6.94 16.5 42.04
20 Poland 6.72 17.5 38.40
21 Viet Nam 6.72 7.0 95.66
22 Canada 6.44 17.2 37.41
23 Philippines 5.51 5.1 108.12
24 Nigeria 5.43 2.7 200.96
25 Iran 5.12 6.1 83.91
26 Argentina 5.10 11.4 44.94
27 Colombia 4.63 11.4 44.94
28 Australia 4.00 15.8 25.31
29 Ethiopia 3.92 3.5 112.08
30 Egypt 3.86 3.9 99.06
31 Romania 3.52 18.2 19.36
32 South Africa 3.51 6.0 58.62
33 Taiwan 3.27 13.9 23.59
34 Netherlands 3.27 18.9 17.34
35 Myanmar 3.19 5.9 54.05
36 Algeria 2.67 6.2 43.41
37 Peru 2.66 8.4 31.78
38 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2.60 3.0 86.79
39 Morocco 2.53 7.1 35.59
40 North Korea 2.44 9.5 25.67
41 Greece 2.33 21.8 10.70
42 Chile 2.26 11.8 19.11
43 Portugal 2.24 21.8 10.27
44 Belgium 2.15 18.7 11.46
45 Malaysia 2.11 6.4 32.75
47 Sweden 2.05 19.9 10.29
48 Venezuala 1.95 6.8 28.52
49 Hungary 1.89 19.3 9.77
50 Sri Lanka 1.71 7.8 21.90



Do not approach, call 911
As awful as this virus is, it could be so much worse. Saw something on CBC last night about an avian flu that kills 50-60% of people infected but luckily is hard to spread between people. It is currently circulating in live-animal markets alongside other viruses that do spread rapidly when they jump to humans like COVID-19. Just need those two to get together and we have a true apocalypse. Prime Minister Trudeau was asked yesterday about putting pressure on countries to close live animal markets and he gave a politically-correct non-answer but implied that should be on the table as we move past this. In my opinion, the world can get along just fine without them, they are like going on Tinder dates without using condoms - eventually you are going to get burned.
Another day. Went to the bank to deposit some money and also get some cash. Then I went grocery shopping. First Ralph's Market which is nearest to my house but also the worst one had a line leading to the front door. I kept driving onto the next Ralph's. It was stocked really well. I was able to get water, ground beef, bacon, sausage, cheese, 3 loafs of bread, and other stuff. Things seem to be getting better as far as some of the stores go. Then, on the way home I went to the weed store. There was this extremely friendly Persian dude working behind the counter who hooked me up with "The Coronavirus Special". It was basically 3/8 of the strongest cryptic Indica for $80 plus he threw some moonrocks in for free. He didn't want me to tip him but I insisted as I am grateful they are still open and the guy was really cool.

Find as much joy in your lives that you can. We will get through this. Take care of your families and friends and stick close to your neighbors. Keep people cool and stay that way yourselves.


Light one for Me
UK in practical lockdown. This is serious shit folks. Protect yourselves by social distancing.

Keep our frontline workers and volunteers in your thoughts and prayers.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Another day. Went to the bank to deposit some money and also get some cash. Then I went grocery shopping. First Ralph's Market which is nearest to my house but also the worst one had a line leading to the front door. I kept driving onto the next Ralph's. It was stocked really well. I was able to get water, ground beef, bacon, sausage, cheese, 3 loafs of bread, and other stuff. Things seem to be getting better as far as some of the stores go. Then, on the way home I went to the weed store. There was this extremely friendly Persian dude working behind the counter who hooked me up with "The Coronavirus Special". It was basically 3/8 of the strongest cryptic Indica for $80 plus he threw some moonrocks in for free. He didn't want me to tip him but I insisted as I am grateful they are still open and the guy was really cool.

Find as much joy in your lives that you can. We will get through this. Take care of your families and friends and stick close to your neighbors. Keep people cool and stay that way yourselves.

Denver tried to close the alcohol and cannabis stores. Then lines surged which counteracted the original intent of increasing social distancing.


Some estimates say it will take about 2 more months before infection rates start to decrease.
If Trump wasn't an incompetent ahole more medical supplies could have been manufactured last month.
There is a shortage of test kits, but I'm sure Trump, his family & his cronies get tested at least once a day.
If Trump gets sick, he has his own private hospital and medical staff to cure him, because Presidents have free unlimited medical care.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
In the case of New York, even if medical supplies are produced, apparently the mafiosi mayor and governor running NYC and the state still wouldn't be able to find them. I guess in their world, New Jersey is just a place that you go to look for the bodies of gangsters, not where medical supplies would be stored.

I'm not here to defend Trump, by any means - and I don't want to make this about politics. But the incredible level of incompetence and ignorance on the part of many state governors and big city mayors is downright mind blowing. These talking chimps seem to spend more time whining and blaming Trump for conditions that they have contributed to, than using their powers to help their citizens.

I've been watching some travel vids on YouTube. One young man and his girlfriend have become of particular interest to me. They seem to be really good souls and I'm even tempted to send them a couple of bucks to help them through this (iam_marwa is the channel they're on - his name is Marwa and her name is Bo, he's from Kenya and she's from Thailand... kids traveling and trying to enjoy life... then the world caved in on them). They're trapped on a small island (Niedo, I think) in the Philippines right now, and they're doing live streams about every other day. Anyway, the way the federal and local governments there have responded is pretty amazing. Every day, someone designated by the state (in this case, the manager of the hotel) has to take their temperatures and report back to a government health care office. For such a poor country, I was really impressed. My state isn't hard hit yet. But my governor could be doing the exact same thing - he doesn't need Trump's permission to do that. But he's a complete dumbass. He's more worried about dreaming up more gun control laws than keeping the citizens of my state safe and healthy. He spends more time on his knees under Mikey Bloomberg's desk than he does in the state capitol anyway.

All that we can do is be smart and don't let ourselves succumb to depression or hysteria (like that nutball congresswoman on the House floor the other day). Good luck to you all - especially if there are people here from Spain and Italy. Man, I really feel for you folks. :(

