

I got it started Saturday coughing, fever, eyes hurt, stiff in the back.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
In suburban Denver the store we usually frequent was out of TP, eggs, chicken, meat, and produce was emptier than normal. I'm not concerned with the virus so much as the hoarding by my fellow citizens. I was just doing normal shopping. Let's leave some stuff for those who really need it.

But did you really need it? Did you?
Dont be so selfish.
Pfft, eating when you are hungry. Savages.
Real men dont eat. At all. Ever.
lololol true fact.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Next step here in the EU:

EU to ban non-essential travel to all 27 countries over coronavirus for 30 days

EU chief Ursula Von Der Leyen has proposed a 30 day ban on all non-essential travel to the bloc as part of a joint battle against the coronavirus pandemic. The President of the European Commission proposed shutting borders for a month to stop the spread of the disease, but said it could be prolonged if necessary. ‘The less travel, the more we can contain the virus. Therefore … I propose to the heads of state and government to introduce temporary restriction on non-essential travel to the EU’ she said in a video statement today, adding: ‘These travel restrictions should be in place for an initial period of 30 days, but can be prolonged as necessary’. Ms Von Der Leyen said exemptions included long-term EU residents, family members of EU nationals, diplomats, doctors and researchers working on containing the health crisis.


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That's right. You might want to push your travel plans forward to July or August, at least, I think.

Regarding the shopping troubles, I noticed that it is a real gift to have so many arab, asian, african and other shops in this part of town. And you might have to switch to other noodle brands than before, or just completely switch to rice. You can get a full quintal of various rice brands or sorts, and all sorts of vegetables. Yeah, just switch your diet to healthy foods. Strange concept, huh?


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
But did you really need it? Did you?
Dont be so selfish.
Pfft, eating when you are hungry. Savages.
Real men dont eat. At all. Ever.
lololol true fact.

Ha. To be clear (and my comment wasn't necessarily), I am not one of the ones in need. The elderly and infirm are the ones who have more trouble getting around for this stuff. Fortunately, I am neither (yet).

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
*doesnt get rattled, too easily*
*is somewhat rattled*
I think getting older sucks. 1 out of the 4 last viruses I had were asskickers. Well 2 outta 5 if you count that STD from the ex wife.. *sighs*
I used to bat 1000 on illness.

I'm trying to keep my head up, but seeing the stock market do its plunge is like.. fuck, man. Another 20 years of this? We just keep trying to restore the economy and jobs and shit-keeps-happening to push it back down. Endless-assed recession feel to it, and its been half my life, now.
Another generation of people living like 'grapes of wrath but with smartphones' just feels so craptacular. I like working, I like being healthy.
Just a bad luck lottery thing. *shrug* I mean, its comforting to know that I'm one of a bajillion people that are/will be going stir crazy in a soft, muted despair.

I suppose, to look on the brighter side of things.. this will definitely be a 'muse' period. People will write more stories, songs will have more to tell, hardship creates good original content. Theater movies will go on-demand, in a week or two. So.. yeah.
*still depressed, tho*


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member


Light one for Me
Ireland in lockdown on St Patrick's day- this is serious shit. A friend works in the Fire Dept has been told they will be collecting and disposing of the dead. No funeral ceremonies, straight to the turf.

It's surreal here. End of the world stuff, and I'm not exaggerating.


Ireland in lockdown on St Patrick's day- this is serious shit. A friend works in the Fire Dept has been told they will be collecting and disposing of the dead. No funeral ceremonies, straight to the turf.

It's surreal here. End of the world stuff, and I'm not exaggerating.

There are only 225 confirmed cases in Ireland. It's good that they are locking down before it gets worse, this will slow it from spreading too fast.
China and other countries should have done the same 2 months ago.

China's numbers have barely changed in the past week because the Chinese government is censoring everything.

So, even going by the conservative estimates it's around to slightly lower than H1N1, and a lot more contagious. Hardly what I would classify as "far lower", and that's if the lower estimates around 1% or lower is really where it's at, which truth be told we don't really know yet. If it really is something like 2% or higher it will end up being much more horrific considering some estimates put 40%-70% of the world's population being infected before it's all over. Even that ignores what long term ramifications health-wise might arise from this from people that survive it, which again we don't know. Even that ignores the economic damage this will do before it's all over. Unlike something like H1N1 this is all still happening despite the world starting to take unprecedented modern-day measures to stem it's spread, even as poor and half-assed as some of the measures have been. We don't even know how long people can retain immunity to this once they fight it off or down the road are vaccinated against it.

You also bring attention to the higher death rates in China and Italy, but in that case you should also mention that the death rate from H1N1 in the U.S. was .02 percent. You can't have it both ways. Do you think the fatality rate from COVID-19 is going to be that low, even given only the information we have now? Even that one percent mark for COVID-19 is 50 times as fatal as H1N1 in the US. from a much more contagious virus.


Light one for Me
There are only 225 confirmed cases in Ireland. It's good that they are locking down before it gets worse, this will slow it from spreading too fast.
China and other countries should have done the same 2 months ago.

China's numbers have barely changed in the past week because the Chinese government is censoring everything.

The numbers cast a bit of doubt on the seriousness of the situation but the Irish PM addressed the nation tonight about Coronavirus- first time that's happened since God knows.

As you say Luxman, intervention couldn't be too early.


Hiliary 2020
I have recently been told by a learned colleague of mine that the Corona can be prevented by working oneself into a natural sweat through rigorous excercise.
Apparantly the Asians already know this:



This virus is terrible I never felt that!
Almost though I'm passing out last night.
Fever never end 5 day now, I'm gonna be mad!
So tired!

People that make joke on this are fools, this shit is not funny.
And is a lot worse than the flu!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
All the old people arent listening.
There is something to be said about the older generation that keeps hearing 10 different opinions on the matter and cherry-picks the one guy that says 'This'll pass. Dont worry'.


Lots of sleep is one of the best ways to fight the flu and colds, and lots of hot water or tea.
Whenever I feel a cold coming on I take one Tylenol Cold & Flu daytime pill about 1 hour before I go to bed.
Cold & Flu medicine suppresses the symptoms so you can sleep better and your body can fight the disease more effectively.
Tylenol Cold & Flu daytime pills is the only medicine I've used for the past 20 years. One bottle of 40 pills usually lasts all winter for me.
Maybe there are better cold & flu medicines, my cousin uses Advil cold & flu, and I read the Nyquil & Dayquil Severe is one of the best rated cold & flu medicines.
The most important time to take cold & flu medicine is about 1 hour before sleep, and then once or twice during the day.

What are your most effective methods to fight colds & flu ???
My best cold and flu fighting methods?

I suffer from migraines and several years ago I was given the best advice from a Dr on fighting them and I've since discovered that it really helps me personally with things like the cold and flu.
I take the strongest Paracetamol and Ibuprofen I can buy and take two of each at a time (four pills in total) and I've found that most aches and pains just roll up and go away for the day. I try to limit it to six of each a day, two short of the recommended max for adults, but I do on occasion take the eight, but that's only when I pick up one of those seriously nasty bastard flus that stop you sleeping for more than an hour at a time.
I also drink coffee. It only really helps because I don't normally drink coffee, the caffeine gives me a bit more energy and helps through the day.

As a last resort when I'm too sick to eat and I have no appetite, I drink flat Coca Cola, small amounts at a time. The one time where it has to be Coca Cola, no substitutes. Another old Dr remedy. It helps settle my stomach and the sugar gives me a little boost. Again this is only when I get one of those nasty flu's.

I hope it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, none of this should be considered for Covid-19. I hope anyone here who is unlucky enough to get it follows the advice of an actual medical Dr and no some random stranger from the Internet.