trump's Coronavirus Failures and Lies




It should have been $2000 per month for the past 10 months.
Everyone could have bought enough food, paid their rent, and all other expenses.
The shut down wouldn't have affected the economy as much as it did, and things could have started to get better instead of worse.

President Trump Pushes $2,000 Checks: ‘Give Our People The Money’ | TODAY
It's amazing that so many politicians that wrote of the pandemic or downplayed it, said it was a hoax, went against the consensus advice of the majority of experts in the field, or excused the people that were concerned about it as alarmist are now jumping at the chance to be among the first people that in the country that are getting vaccines for it.
It should have been $2000 per month for the past 10 months.
Everyone could have bought enough food, paid their rent, and all other expenses.
The shut down wouldn't have affected the economy as much as it did, and things could have started to get better instead of worse.

The rest of the world is shocked and disgusted watching the USA watch its own people suffer with callous indifference. What happens when unemployment runs out and your stimulus check is gone and you've literally got no money left? You lose your house? You starve? You die of a lot more ailments than covid because you can't afford the most basic health care?

No civilized country is allowing that to happen to its citizens. It's not even for altruistic reasons either (I'm not blind), it's because it's economic suicide. you can't just turn shit back on overnight when your work force is living in a tent city with no access to phones or internet. republicans government stopped believing in fundamental economic reality back in the early 80's and have no clue how an economy even works now.

Your country is fundamentally broken. You guys really have to get your shit together. No going to sleep once Biden is president. Everybody needs to keep paying attention and start getting more active and more educated. You have a lot of work to do.
The rest of the world is shocked and disgusted watching the USA watch its own people suffer with callous indifference. What happens when unemployment runs out and your stimulus check is gone and you've literally got no money left? You lose your house? You starve? You die of a lot more ailments than covid because you can't afford the most basic health care

Basically yes. Until Americans learn to vote their self interest first. Which may be never.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
It's amazing that so many politicians that wrote of the pandemic or downplayed it, said it was a hoax, went against the consensus advice of the majority of experts in the field, or excused the people that were concerned about it as alarmist are now jumping at the chance to be among the first people that in the country that are getting vaccines for it.

Seeing a few fellow humans who shared their dismissiveness die probably helped with their eagerness to get the vaccine.

The Trump Party is pandering to its masses instead of trying to lead them.
Uh-oh, here are the death panels. Thanks, Obama!!!

Back about 30 years ago when Bill And Hillary were in charge there was a plan to put Hillary in charge of developing a Nation Health Plan. For over a year I couldn't go to a Doctor without getting a lecture of the Horrors of Socialized medicine and how awful it would be. Long waits for Dr. appointments, few specialists available. etc. I guess it happened anyway despite Hillary's failure to succeed because in addition to the Trump death panels(name updated for the times) I had an arthritic flare up in my right knee 3 weeks ago and despite having significant pain I wasn't able to get any appointment with an Orthopedist till tomorrow. And try to get a non emergency MRI. You can wait 5-6 weeks. Thank God we have Capitalist based Medicine other wise all of the non Rich would be sick and sore all the time.
What I never got was people that didn't realize if you couldn't afford proper medical treatment you were quite literally "rationed" from it.

I would rather live in a world where if resources really are limited than doctors, the top medical professionals and professors, and other leading people stepped in medical ethics be the ones making the decisions to distribute what we have in as fair and ethical manner as possible to help society the most and not have it be based on whoever can pay the most or have it be a function of the market.

We have "death panels" now and always have. They are just run by hospitals and insurance, drug, and medical equipment companies.
What I never got was people that didn't realize if you couldn't afford proper medical treatment you were quite literally "rationed" from it.

I would rather live in a world where if resources really are limited than doctors, the top medical professionals and professors, and other leading people stepped in medical ethics be the ones making the decisions to distribute what we have in as fair and ethical manner as possible to help society the most and not have it be based on whoever can pay the most or have it be a function of the market.

We have "death panels" now and always have. They are just run by hospitals and insurance, drug, and medical equipment companies.
I have been saying that for years. Try to get a special procedure if your insurance doesn't agree. Today I had to sit in the Dr office for an hour while the Insurance decided if I could have a shot to treat my knee. The Dr though it was a good idea, I thought it was a good idea, but still that didn't mean squat unless the money spoke.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I have been saying that for years. Try to get a special procedure if your insurance doesn't agree. Today I had to sit in the Dr office for an hour while the Insurance decided if I could have a shot to treat my knee. The Dr though it was a good idea, I thought it was a good idea, but still that didn't mean squat unless the money spoke.
Do I have this right on the MAGA side: "We're good with insurance companies making those decisions, but not the government."

Gov't can't fuck it up any more than the private insurers.




FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Contrary to what Kayleigh McEnany's comments about how great President Trump's pet project Operation Warp Speed is, governors across the country are complaining about how slow the Federal government's roll out of the vaccine is taking. Also a second more important item, apparently there was no stockpile of the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine that the Trump Administration has promised. Those same governors are calling Operation Warp Speed a measure of gross incompetence.



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Evil ahole Trump is the Grifter in Chief.
I have no doubt that he redirected a sizeable amount of the vaccines to a secret warehouse so he can sell it to his cronies and anyone else who will pay a large amount to get the vaccine before everyone who needs it more, like the elderly, and healthcare workers, etc.

I still believe that evil ahole Trump will try to kill everyone who goes to Biden's inauguration, and try to remain as president/dictator by declaring martial law.
All it takes is one brainwashed Trumptard on the inside, pretending to be a Biden supporter, to plant a bomb or be a human bomb and kill himself for his Messiah/Fuhrer.
Most people can easily be brainwashed to do anything.

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