As someone outside, who has lived in the USA, it sure is frustrating talking socialised health care with a lot of Americans.
In Australia we pay a levy of 2% of taxable income, to cover everyone. It went from 1.5% to 2% in 2014 when they decided to cover permanently disabled people too. If you make over 90k as a single or 180k as a family and don't have private health insurance then you may be subject to a surcharge of between 1 and 1.5% extra. If you want to buy private health insurance, of which there are quite a few operating, you get your contribution back.
Then there's the pharmaceutical benefits scheme, which is where the government tells pharmaceutical companies what they can charge for drugs in Australia, and subsidises the cost to the consumer. If you have a government concession card, like a pensioner or low income earner, your prescriptions are typically a few bucks.
If it was up to me, they'd put it up another 0.5% and give us dental too. What the hell, put it up to 3% and make haircuts free. It's fucking NOTHING compared to what I paid in the states for health care, even when I had a good job with good insurance, that money could have been going into my pocket instead.