Postal Paranoiac
This is not too far from a reality. I just got home from the market. Lotsa shelves bare.
Talking to a boomer:
"I dont think we should isolate, we cant just.. I mean we cant do this. We'll go crazy. Life has to continue on like normal"
Well do you want 2 million or 20 million? We have to self isolate for awhile. And businesses wont be here, in a year. Be prepared. Read a book. Learn a language.
"Well I dont agree with that, at all."
Alright, best case scenario.. best, right? Think about if we all self isolated and only like.. 500,000 die. That wouldnt be so bad, right? Thats an optimistic projection, considering. Right?
"Yeah. So what're you getting at?"
Well they're self isolating. Imagine how many jobs it'll create.
".... how so?"
Someone has to go door-to-door to all those people that may or may not be alive, go inside after weeks or months in the summer have passed, and drag those rotting, covid-ridden corpses out to the fires.
Yeah. Flesh all gooshed and inseparable from the carpet, whole house reeks.. cat got COVID and died from eating the body. Good stuff. I look forward to the movie in october.
"I guess so, huh"
I was just being optimistic, yet explicit.
Let those fuckers that refuse to self-quarantine mingle among themselves, I've got no problem enforcing the quarantine on my property. I prefer Boomer Doomer to Boomer Remover.
This virus is terrible I never felt that!
Almost though I'm passing out last night.
Fever never end 5 day now, I'm gonna be mad!
So tired!
People that make joke on this are fools, this shit is not funny.
And is a lot worse than the flu!
This is not too far from a reality. I just got home from the market. Lotsa shelves bare.