

If there are unvaccinated members who visit this thread, I want to ask a big favor: Please speak up.
We promise we won't bite or ridicule you, your beliefs or your reasons. (or at least, I promise I won't).

I just really want to understand the thought process regarding the hesitancy. I want to believe it's more than a fear of nanochips injected into the bloodstream or some government conspiracy. There has to be a reason that otherwise rational people aren't getting the jab, but the crazy ones are taking up the spotlight.
I'm not ambushing anyone. Just a polite discussion about vaccinations. I can understand the thinking of both sides but feel one decision is definitely superior. Play the law of the averages and take the less risky option. That's why I decided to get vaccinated.
I think we should reserve the firing squad for our public servants, the weasel politicians. Whether flaunting their stupidity or hypocrisy both sides of the aisle failed us and set horrible examples. Don't allow these scumbags to divide us any longer. We are their boss, not their livestock.
What I don't get is the ones who believe that a tracking device will be put into your blood so the Government can find you anywhere. Even if your phone dies, do you really think the Government cares that you go to the bar twice a week? I am more worried about Amazon and Walmart knowing everything about than our highly competent government officials who have already proven they can't find their own ass in a closet


If there are unvaccinated members who visit this thread, I want to ask a big favor: Please speak up.
We promise we won't bite or ridicule you, your beliefs or your reasons. (or at least, I promise I won't).

I just really want to understand the thought process regarding the hesitancy. I want to believe it's more than a fear of nanochips injected into the bloodstream or some government conspiracy. There has to be a reason that otherwise rational people aren't getting the jab, but the crazy ones are taking up the spotlight.
I've been trying to find out the reasons myself, I have a friend who is avoiding the vaccine, he sent me to a link to a weekly show called The Highwire, I've only watched 20 minutes so far, fairly interesting to see how they perceive things.
I've been trying to find out the reasons myself, I have a friend who is avoiding the vaccine, he sent me to a link to a weekly show called The Highwire, I've only watched 20 minutes so far, fairly interesting to see how they perceive things.
Thanks, I can see how confirmation bias could convince someone who might be on the fence that watches this. I noticed there were some stories focusing on international resistance (Canada, UK, etc), so I could see how that might be persuasive as well, thinking that there're "not alone" in their fight.
From the lack of pushback it seems we are all vaccinated. That's good. We can only apply pressure to each other while we're here. People can still laugh at us for being perverts but at least we're not idiots.





When are those cool and trendy ball and gag COVID Masks coming out? Dr Fauci says the globe attracts, attacks, and neutralizes the virus then recycles it properly so it doesn't harm the environment. I haven't seen a doctor so influential since Ayman Al-Zawahiri.



"Get your shot, Infidel Jackal."




Nattering Nabob of Negativism
We may have to get booster shots every year.

US health officials call for booster shots against COVID-19
An annual shot makes sense. The flu shot protects against 4 variants and gets updated annually.

All of us vaccinated posters are out of the money it seems.

Pure semen will be gold in the future.