I hate to break this to people, but I doubt Trump is ever going to go to jail for anything he's done. Now don't get me wrong. I definitely think he deserves to go to jail for the crimes he's committed, but lets get real here.
First, how often do super rich old white men get tossed in the slammer in this country?
Second, do you think some wishy washy person like Joe Biden is going to want to do anything like that. He's going to spout some bs about "healing", or "moving on", or "bringing people together". Nevermind that the best way to move on and heal is to have actual justice. Nevermind how much the right would laugh at that notion and would love to spit in democrats faces as they try the half-assed reconciliation crap they like to do while they take it with a smile it because the dems never learn. Sure a little bit, and I mean a little bit, of the hesitation might be from the notion of being careful about prosecuting a former president because it might set a precedent for future presidents who would want to go after the former one for unethical or spiteful reasons even if Trump really is guilty and does deserve like few have. No, an even bigger reason is because there will be and already has been for a long time a virtual de facto handshake agreement from the people that have held the office from doing that so every successive president can get away with their own shady shit and not face retaliation. While Biden is better than Trump by lightyears, he's also a corporate shill of a weakling. Everything about hims screams, "don't rock the boat". About the most we can hope for is that Biden is true to his world and doesn't interfere in his own Justice Department's dealings.
Third, all of the above assumes he somehow doesn't find a way to get himself pardoned. If that happens, (and there is at least a decent chance he does) all federal crimes he's done become pretty moot. A person with dignity might have to live in shame to resort to that to get off, but Trump has none, so he doesn't give a damn.
Forth, now I hear people say, "but Trump can't get himself pardoned for state crimes". While that might be true, lets just assume for the sake of argument that the best possible scenario comes about and some New York district prosecutor with an actual set of balls and a will to do what's right in the name of justice goes after Trump despite what some higher ups might want in some sort of civil suits because the statute of limitations has run out on a lot of criminal stuff over his lifetime. Lets say they go after him off all the decades of tax fraud, the campaign finance violations, running a scam of a charity and so forth because Trump has loved scams over his entire life. Lets say we are luckier and he's even convicted. If the past in this country is any indication of what will probably happen to someobody like that who is rich and famous and now politically connected it's this. He will end up paying pennies on the dollar for what's he's did in some sort of token punishment. Worse yet, he's scamming so many of his followers for money to help him now they are going to end up paying it for him in a roundabout way and he won't even have to suffer the little punishment of doing it himself.
I hope to look back on this post and to be terribly wrong, and have it be a really bad take. Few things would make me happier. On the other hand how many of you know deep down know this is probably the truth?