It's new to me. I like your style, son.
Never in the United States. However, maybe in Africa and/or in South America? And if so, they've may have done it also from exile. For example, the Shah of Iran, President of Burundi or the President of Haiti, etc. etc.How generous of Trump to leave once Biden is declared the winner. Has any president done this before?
Commenting on the voting infrastructure in the U.S. Trump said, “We are like a third world country.”
Four years ago it was fine. Now?
Biden can take the Trump road and blame everything on his predecessor. Then declare the need for an extra term because the first one was fucked up.Trump is going to "poison the well", out of evil spite, so that Democrats have more problems to deal with and possibly fail, to give Ahole Trump a better chance of winning in 2024, but hopefully republicans won't stupidly nominate him again.
Trump's 'minions are working hard right now to poison the well'
Didn't someone say during the summer that Trump was a winner and always wins? He is one big Loser.
From the court decision (written by Republican appointees):
“Calling an election unfair does not make it so ... Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”
“Voters, not lawyers, choose the president ... Ballots, not briefs, decide elections. … Alchemy cannot transmute lead into gold.”
Chief Justice John Roberts at this point will probably not want this entire mess invading the U.S. Supreme Court. He wants to keep his distance from the Trump campaign's legal squabbles.
No I don't care.In case anyone cares about Dick Morris' opinion:
Arizona would be the most difficult state for Trump to win, but Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, the "fraud was very blatant and well planned well in advance,' said Morris. "Pennsylvania prepared for the fraud by illegally extending that time you had to vote to 3 days after the election day, clearly in violation of the Constitution and state law," he added.
I didn't realize PA extended the voting time. That was news to me.![]()
The WaPo article is a great synopsis of the past 3 weeks.
He looks like he's wondering why he got involved too:... My apologies truly go out to Joe DiGenova. Why, he ever got involved? That remains a mystery. That's truly terrible. Maybe he'll resign beforehand like so many others.
Is Maria Bartiromo joining Kayleigh and Kellyanne?
Re: Today's 'interview' (phone call) with Trump
Trump: "This is total fraud. And how the FBI, and Department of Justice — I don't know, maybe they're involved — but how people are allowed to get away with this is stuff is unbelievable. This election was rigged. This election was a total fraud ... All I can say, is: With all of the fraud that's taken place, nobody has come to me and said, ‘Oh, the FBI has nabbed the people that are doing this scheme.’”The Department of Justice ... is “missing in action.”He also charged news media and social media companies with ignoring what he said was the worst political scandal in American history, and alleged, again with no evidence, that ballots were requested in the names of dead people, and that “many mailmen are in trouble for selling ballots.” He accused two leading Republicans in Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, of failing to properly administer the election. “I’m sorry I endorsed him,” Trump said of Kemp.
The DOJ and FBI involved in the fraud? They haven't nabbed anyone because it didn't happen.
Of the ensuing legal strategy, a senior administration told the paper that the theory was: "Just roll everybody up who is willing to do it into a clown car, and when it’s time for a press conference, roll them out.Only one clown car?
Finally: Donald Trump on election night was like "Mad King George, muttering, 'I won. I won. I won,' "
He looks like he's wondering why he got involved too: