Search results

  1. Ainttalkinlove

    Man Caught Having Sex With Dogs

    I think it would have gone over better if that thing didnt look like a cat and looked more like a dog.
  2. Ainttalkinlove


    I havent seen something that bad ass in a while:thumbsup:
  3. Ainttalkinlove

    Mr. W is misunderstood
  4. Ainttalkinlove

    What the hell is wrong with us?

    I used to watch family matters all the time when I was little so i gotta say: "Did I do that?"
  5. Ainttalkinlove

    Paraguayan baby declared dead, found breathing during wake

    Shoot that sun of a bitch in the head thats not a baby its the living dead. a mother fucking zombie.
  6. Ainttalkinlove

    Hey look, 2 dawgs humping!

    Thants just 1 dog dumping
  7. Ainttalkinlove

    Whacky! Porn actress with glass eye!

    Wow, eye better watch out what threads eye look at from now on.
  8. Ainttalkinlove

    Speak Chinese

    :rofl: that is Fa kin su pah
  9. Ainttalkinlove

    Clever rooks repeat ancient fable

    wow:glugglug: good post
  10. Ainttalkinlove

    I'm working my way up to 10 mins!

    She cheats at 1:45 I got a boner and lost all concentration
  11. Ainttalkinlove


    I guess I wont post roofie roulette then
  12. Ainttalkinlove

    D B Cooper.........Live or Die?

    yeah hes dead by now so the legend lives
  13. Ainttalkinlove

    Choose Your Own Apocalypse

    Thats kind of a stupid survey. Everyone knows that its gonna be a zombie apocolypse.
  14. Ainttalkinlove

    That porn director with the lisp.

    ith it Leon Phelpth the ladieth man?
  15. Ainttalkinlove

  16. Ainttalkinlove

    Good Ol' Rusty

    Strange enough thats my great grandmothers nickname.
  17. Ainttalkinlove

    Power Glove

    Nintendo could totally bring that thing back for use with the wii and it would make sense in our more modern times
  18. Ainttalkinlove

    Felicia (Darkstalkers)

    Hasnt this been posted :rofl:
  19. Ainttalkinlove

    The 10 most historically inaccurate movies

    Those are more accurate than anything mel gibson does.
  20. Ainttalkinlove

    Bill Clinton off to North Korea to discuss U.S. journalists

    That reminds me of the family guy episode where Clinton and peter are in bed together and peter looks at bill and says "wow, your good"
  21. Ainttalkinlove

    hamburger anyone?

    Wheres gunslingingbird? thats similar to his avatar
  22. Ainttalkinlove


    rainbow facial:1orglaugh
  23. Ainttalkinlove

    Grab a pair!

    I love this thread
  24. Ainttalkinlove

    Sweet Jesus and the Orphans

    I think Ive heard that band before
  25. Ainttalkinlove

    The eyes are catching on!!!

    Thats actually kinda funny:thumbsup:
  26. Ainttalkinlove

    Dragon Ball Z

    I used to dig it as a kid, but It just seemed to drag onso I got bored after seeing the same shit for 600 episodes before anything happens with the story
  27. Ainttalkinlove

    Acheiving inner peace and serenity.

    . . . or you can close your eyes, go you your cave and find your power animal. . .
  28. Ainttalkinlove

    Bonuses for workers at bailed out banks...

    Theyve all been bought out by the corporations:thefinger
  29. Ainttalkinlove

    Ever pay a girl to have sex?

    Ive had my meals paid for. Not bullshit either. Ive also been offered cash for my time. I refused cause I woulda felt bad. I know that makes me sound like a pussy but I love women and they dont need to pay me. I would do porn for free.
  30. Ainttalkinlove

    Courtroom Quotations

    I dont know I think humans are still a work in progress. . . in the very early stages
  31. Ainttalkinlove

    Favorite 60's-70's muscle car?

    '69 Chevelle SS midnight blue with the SS racing stripes With a 454 under the hood :rubbel:
  32. Ainttalkinlove


    I obsered that too. Nice too meet you.:wave2: Your cynicism is refreshing:glugglug:
  33. Ainttalkinlove

    Is Persia Pele Jewish?

    she definitly looks middle eastern. not so much hispanic
  34. Ainttalkinlove

    Bonuses for workers at bailed out banks...

    If the bonuses were going to the ground level workers, meaning tellers, that would be one thing. But the executives are the ones who put our country, ney the world, in the position its in. They desevrve to be hung by the neck until theyre dead, dead, dead, in the middle of town at high noon.
  35. Ainttalkinlove

    Best News Coverage

    Oh man I must be really tired I thought the headline read BREAST news coverage.
  36. Ainttalkinlove

    Stewart or Colbert

    Colbert is the man but I went with stewart because I think he is Just a teansy bit more inteligent and colbert is just a character of himself, he still makes very intelligent and well articulated arguments, but stewart is fo' real
  37. Ainttalkinlove

    am i right or what?

    Or what?
  38. Ainttalkinlove

    You will be freaked out by this!!! This is to promote AIDS Awareness???

    that dud is fucking my ex. good luck to him
  39. Ainttalkinlove

    ...And we love that you love it too!:-)))

    is that mary carey? she is hot as hell
  40. Ainttalkinlove

    This kid shot a man...

    . . .:sing:In reno just to watch him die :violent:
  41. Ainttalkinlove

    If You Were 18 Again?.........

    Its never too late dude, its just about motivation go for it. as for me I would marry my girl instead of break up with her.
  42. Ainttalkinlove

    Big big big

    if thats what I think it is thank you.
  43. Ainttalkinlove

    Big big big

    hears anuther four ewe
  44. Ainttalkinlove


    First. aww goddammit
  45. Ainttalkinlove

    Betrayal: Should we hate Judas Iscariot?

    Even when I was a little kid I thought Jesus told him to do it. It kinda suprises me that alot of people dont think that way the bible has been edited and censored to the point of flat out butchery. It is not acurate at all and the church tries to paint judas as evil when it reality he may have...
  46. Ainttalkinlove

    A thong...

    who knew they came in his and hers?
  47. Ainttalkinlove

    Britain's Strongest Beer

    Sam adams beat them to it but I heard an interview with the dude who runs sam adams and he was saying you serve it as a shot like liquor.
  48. Ainttalkinlove

    New Taser 3 shots in one now !..... the dirty fucks !!!!

    God save us from the police with an itchy finger and a boner for pain.