Bonuses for workers at bailed out banks...

:lame: Thats it, Im gettin a job at a bank.

Better yet, let's start our OWN bank! If it fails, we'll just get bailed out... if it does well, we do well. Either way, we win if we are in the upper management! :rolleyes:


Closed Account
bonus' can't be taxed and most are IOU bonus' given to employees that were suppose to get them before the bank ran out of money. But yes it still makes me mad:mad:

Evey bonus I've ever received was taxed at an incredible rate...around 40%. :confused:
Bonuses most certainly can be and are taxed. And no, it doesn't piss me off that bank employees are receiving bonuses. Unless I'm a shareholder and they're cutting into my earnings and dividends then I don't give a shit.

Corporate employees have been receiving bonuses since far before our socialist, law breaking, contract ignoring government started paying them.

It does not make me mad that bank employees are receiving long customary forms of compensation, it makes me mad that our drastically irresponsible federal government is using public funds to subsidize them.
Well if they were never bailed out there would be no bonuses. Congress and Congress alone are to blame. Let the Free markets work and quit meddling with business.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
Well if they were never bailed out there would be no bonuses. Congress and Congress alone are to blame. Let the Free markets work and quit meddling with business.

Yes! It is like congress is rolling around naked in a room full of mousetraps and blaming the cheese when one snaps on their weiner. :dunno:

OK not a good analogy, but at least I'm laughing now.

It was part of the employees' pre-arranged financial compensation. Why would I care what they get paid for the work that they did? Why would anyone? Is it greedy to want the compensation owed you, or is it greedy to want someone to not receive financial compensation for the work they did?

Besides, they knew about it beforehand and then put on the ol' SHOCKED act, when the public found out about it.


bonsus are taxed and they are not guarentueed so get over it, it's money earned to them


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
It's not the bank employees getting bonuses that pisses me's the bank's decision to continue handing out bonuses after they take their handout from the government that pisses me off.

Any bonus promised should have been put on hold until the bank could pay free and clear out of their OWN profits. This means every last penny they received from the government should have been paid back first.

Of course, this should have been a stipulation in the agreement to get bailout money...but I'm just a lowely taxpayer. What do I know about these things. :dunno:
If the bonuses were going to the ground level workers, meaning tellers, that would be one thing. But the executives are the ones who put our country, ney the world, in the position its in. They desevrve to be hung by the neck until theyre dead, dead, dead, in the middle of town at high noon.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The whole bail out was a bad idea. It would have been worse to let them fail, I suppose, but its thinking like this that lead to the great depression.
That's capitalism for you. I thought that you guys were opposed to the pinko government controlling business?

Either businesses are allowed to do whatever they want to and waste money, run their companies into the ground and take loans that they don't deserve and probably can't pay back and let the banks that loaned them the money fail as well collapsing the economy... or else the government can insure the banks against the national treasury, decide which businesses it wants to keep and which ones it wants to fail, give them money and then become the controlling sharehnolder in the company and dictate how it runs. It doesn't work both ways.
Wake up people, this happens all the time. Its not just the banks. I would recommend you switch your news sources to public radio, if there are any left.
Wake up people, this happens all the time. Its not just the banks. I would recommend you switch your news sources to public radio, if there are any left.

Theyve all been bought out by the corporations:thefinger,0,5217512.story?track=rss

" 'Say on Pay' bill passes in largely party-line House vote"

Reporting From New York and Washington -- Responding to the public furor over bonuses paid to Wall Street executives, the House of Representatives has voted to give regulators the authority to ban compensation practices that encourage banks to take excessive risks.

The passage of the measure, which represents the first piece of President Obama's overhaul of financial regulations, comes a day after the release of a report showing that nine big banks paid out a combined $32.6 billion in bonuses despite taking $175 billion in taxpayer aid to survive the financial crisis."

Can you guess which party was on what side ?:D
Evey bonus I've ever received was taxed at an incredible rate...around 40%. :confused:

That wasn't quite what I meant. The company doesn't get taxed on bonus'. I know full well that the employee does. Which is a bunch of crap! Sorry for the confusion.