Search results

  1. Ainttalkinlove

    Economic Solution

    best solution yet
  2. Ainttalkinlove

    Best "Dark Lord" ?

    Ozzie osbourne
  3. Ainttalkinlove

    1932 Helicron

    Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang We love you:sing:
  4. Ainttalkinlove

    Why not post a wicked looking creature, fictional or otherwise

    Which came first?The. . .? Or the egg?
  5. Ainttalkinlove

    Greatest Pink Floyd album?

    Darkside. . . If I was stranded on a desert island with the option to choose one album to listen to for the rest of my time on earth, and the means to listen to it. . . Darkside.
  6. Ainttalkinlove

    Atheists sign here.

    Is this some trick by the catholic church to weed out all those who say they arent believers for a new holocaust? because if it is, Im with whoever doesnt put me in an easy bake oven.
  7. Ainttalkinlove

    Dating older women

    I am currently dating a woman 8 years older than I, and I dont know what I got myself into but the sex is fuckin awsome shes really insecure and its kinda a drain. So good luck to ya
  8. Ainttalkinlove

    Hot musicians whose music........

    Pat benetar and Dolores O'Riordan the chick from the cranberries shes not that hot but her voice gives me a boner
  9. Ainttalkinlove

    future pornstar?

    tits, Check. lips, check. ass,:dunno:but based on what ive seen :hit:
  10. Ainttalkinlove

    Unbelievable sixpack

    nice sixpack
  11. Ainttalkinlove

    Boxer and his kid.

    Think his wife had the mail man visit?
  12. Ainttalkinlove

    I wonder what would keep the sun outa my eyes

    people wear hats backward to suck dick. If it were forward he couldnt suck his friends dick, so he turned it around.:blowjob:
  13. Ainttalkinlove

    Pornstars real name?

    Not a good Idea they use stage names so that people dont know who they really are so they dont get a shit ton (yes, shit ton is in fact a scientific measurement) of creepy stalkers. just let them be like animals in a wildlife safari park. Oh shit I forgot there are brits on this board, we...
  14. Ainttalkinlove

    Jewish in porn

    what a wierd fetish. Kathy Pornenstienenfeldenbaumenbergowitz maybe? All in good fun.:glugglug:
  15. Ainttalkinlove


    obama hasnt even been in office for 9 months yet it takes nine months for a human baby to be born. Cut the Obama bashing. It only took ten months before we we were bowing down to king george saying "hit 'em back Georgy Boy hit 'em back" Who knew that al quida would give us one black eye and Bush...
  16. Ainttalkinlove

    Which Superhero are you?

    The Green Lantern Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination
  17. Ainttalkinlove

    Which Super Villain Are You?

    Mr. Freeze- I am cold and I think others should be also, literaly. I was almost Lex Luthor. Damn my poverty
  18. Ainttalkinlove

    All of californias problems solved.

    one of my local radio stations yesterday was tearing this chick apart.
  19. Ainttalkinlove

    Calling All Headbangers

    Devil driver - I could care less The dillinger escape plan- sunshine the werewolf
  20. Ainttalkinlove

    Bullet for my Valentine

    horrible band terrible metal they sound like fall out boy if fall out boy were pissed off and didnt suck
  21. Ainttalkinlove

    Porn Library...

    AARRGH Shiver me timbers ye salty dog, pretty sure you didnt pay for that so dont go boastin' 'bout your pirate life AAAARGH ya never know who might be listenin aaaarrrrgh
  22. Ainttalkinlove

    Help me with my english

    English is meant to be expressive. there are alot of right and wrongs but most of the time it depends on the message you are trying to convey. like most things the best way to learn is to do read a book preferably non-fiction if you are trying to learn then you knock down two birds with one...
  23. Ainttalkinlove

    Man Fired For Marrying a Porn Star

    So wait by the time I get married Who will I be able to married. I cant marry a man (dont want to any how, sorrys fellas), I cant marry a woman if my boss doesnt agree with their job, I cant marry my goat, dog, cat, horse named Alalbama thunder clap, cow, sheep, mouse, my chimp named Cheetah...
  24. Ainttalkinlove

    Worst Singer Ever

    No, really how much is that dog in the window? . . . The one with the waggely tail?
  25. Ainttalkinlove

    Da Ali G translator

    dis is wicked batty, but me would dig to know wot its useful fa?
  26. Ainttalkinlove

    Post a pic of yourself

    You are sexy as hell
  27. Ainttalkinlove

    Tenga Flip Hole

    My hand is perfect why would I pay to jack off plus my hand loves me. . . or so it says
  28. Ainttalkinlove

    Upside down hope

    haha I got one flip your screen over for maximum effect.
  29. Ainttalkinlove

    All of californias problems solved.

    All it took was this woman. AH-nuld is worthless. :helpme:
  30. Ainttalkinlove

    My kids can watch this show.
  31. Ainttalkinlove

    What is the theme ?

    strange japenese fantasy?:dunno:
  32. Ainttalkinlove


    she is not owned, slavery has been illeagle for more than 140years
  33. Ainttalkinlove

    Condoms are worthless.

    Dont take the headline out of context, condoms are neccesary if you dont want a disease or a tricycle motor running around. I bought some of those new trojan extasy condoms, and my first observation is that they look like half regular sized condom and half magnum sized. They are goofy looking...
  34. Ainttalkinlove

    Who would date a very attractive woman who is wheelchair bound?

    fuckin-A thats what I was thinking. Freddy Got Fingered style. She doesnt want Jewels, she just wants to suck your cock.
  35. Ainttalkinlove

    This Is What Video Games Are Doing To Our Youth!

    Holy shit I almost forgot about my mom doing that shit to me that shit hurts almost as bad as a willow switch or a fucking fly swatter handle (the metal ones not the plastic ones) yeah that kid needs to be beat with something for real. The track would definitly do the trick
  36. Ainttalkinlove

    This Is What Video Games Are Doing To Our Youth!

    It seems we have a trilogy Here is the sequel and another freakout video from this kid Sequel New freak out
  37. Ainttalkinlove

    The answer is...

    is this a real movie or what it is bad ass I want to know where its from.
  38. Ainttalkinlove

    darts anyone?

    I know which bullseye i wanna hit
  39. Ainttalkinlove

    Party Entertainment

    Ive seen this before that is some good shit. good post. Rep to you
  40. Ainttalkinlove

    Mickey mouses illegitimate sister

    Actually she looks pretty Goofy
  41. Ainttalkinlove

    Wish I Worked Here!

    I hope thats not the dentist.
  42. Ainttalkinlove


    Thats a fail
  43. Ainttalkinlove

    Thats how all girls . . .

  44. Ainttalkinlove

    Skee Ball!

    I know where im aiming. BAM 100 points
  45. Ainttalkinlove

    Be careful how you use your bullets 2:Survival Horror

    plus the were wolf can only doggy paddle hes slow in the water anyway. zombies can walk under water but it takes them a while to get anywhere. by then you should find relative safety to find more ammo and or a better place to hunker down.
  46. Ainttalkinlove

    Best Cartoon of all time

    Anyone remember Dino Riders? that show was bad ass. otherwise its G.I. Joe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.