


  • 4613.jpg
    31.4 KB · Views: 285
HA! I was the FIRST to post a comment here! I rule!
You suck! :1orglaugh

Was the object to shame people into NOT declaring that they are the awesomest for posting a comment FIRST?

First is the only thing to put in the first comment. Being first is the reason I hover over the key board waiting for new threads. I love being first and this in no way should make me an idoat or whatever the term was!

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Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm glad people don't do that here. At least the first poster usually has something relevant to add. Unless it's me of course... :D

Will E Worm

I'm not sure why people think they are special because they were first to comment.

It's usually just, First! :crash:

One word is not really a comment.

It's pride and we all know about pride. ;) :tongue:
First. aww goddammit

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I bet I was the first to have that graph remind me of a boob.