am i right or what?


the difference between religion and science is that science is aware of its ignorance, and tries to find answers; whereas religion only tries to find "evidence" to support its pre-made opinions.

all politicians are self-serving, corrupt assholes who should be taken into the forest and be put out of their misery, for the greater good of humanity.

aliens have never visited our planet; if they had they would have contacted us instead of just making circles in cropfields or sticking thermometers up cows' asses.

capitalism is the financial equivalent of fascism, as it allows the rich to accumulate ever greater wealth and influence while the masses become ever poorer.
the financial equivalent of democracy is socialism, where the wealth is shared by all.
unfortunately, there is always at least one greedy bastard that ruins it for everybody else(see, item #2, politicians).


if the world came to be through "intelligent design (aka creation)", and the bible claims that "one should not lie with a man as one lies with a woman", then why are there homosexuals? either the bible is wrong, or the design isn't so intelligent, after all.
or, more likely, all this religious drivel is just that, drivel.

more when i'm not so sleepy.
the difference between religion and science is that science is aware of its ignorance, and tries to find answers; whereas religion only tries to find "evidence" to support its pre-made opinions.

all politicians are self-serving, corrupt assholes who should be taken into the forest and be put out of their misery, for the greater good of humanity.

aliens have never visited our planet; if they had they would have contacted us instead of just making circles in cropfields or sticking thermometers up cows' asses.

capitalism is the financial equivalent of fascism, as it allows the rich to accumulate ever greater wealth and influence while the masses become ever poorer.
the financial equivalent of democracy is socialism, where the wealth is shared by all.
unfortunately, there is always at least one greedy bastard that ruins it for everybody else(see, item #2, politicians).


if the world came to be through "intelligent design (aka creation)", and the bible claims that "one should not lie with a man as one lies with a woman", then why are there homosexuals? either the bible is wrong, or the design isn't so intelligent, after all.
or, more likely, all this religious drivel is just that, drivel.

more when i'm not so sleepy.

That is explained by the concept of "free will".
the difference between religion and science is that science is aware of its ignorance, and tries to find answers; whereas religion only tries to find "evidence" to support its pre-made opinions.

I don't think religion even bothers to find "evidence". They just know.
Or what?
Science is just as dogmatic as religion, not only do they claim to have the only true and correct worldview, but they can't even agree on what it is. Often times when someone presents a piece of evidence that goes against a theory held by the majority of scientists they are viciously opposed. And the fact that you don't hear about it demonstrates the fact- because anything that doesn't uphold the status quo isn't even worth discussing. Not exactly the pinnacle of open mindedness.

Just look at how the scientific community defended the ideas of Dr. Timothy Leary when he was persecuted by the government... They did no such thing, even though there was tons of testimony supporting him when he was conducting his research. ( and the hypocritical fucking government that knew how successful LSD could be for psychological treatment that they used it to brainwash spies and extract information swears that it "has no medical uses." Don't even get me started on pot. There is NO evidence at all against it, yet where are the noble truthseekers to defend it? only in high times, not in the AMA.))

Or think about ESP research. At the most skeptical evaluation of the evidence you could say that there has been no clear conclusion either way, but it is wholly dismissed and not even considered by "self respecting" scientists and they'd be laughed at by thier peers if they tried.


Or, you may just be a highly opionated asshole who thinks he's a lot smarter than he is. I think that's a more accurate statement.

have i offended you because i don't like religion? or are you sarah palin?
and i'm proud to have opinions.

That is explained by the concept of "free will".

i don't think one freely chooses to be hetero or homosexual, it just happens. and if this design were indeed perfect then that choice could not be made. and why do people get skin cancer from the sun? isn't it supposed to be perfect? and jurassic park was NOT a documentary of how we lived with dinosaurs.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Don't let the bigots bother you.

You Might have been sleepy when writing your original post, but you were pretty much right in all points, in my opinion.

Tolerance is the way for us, we must accept that there are so many people who enjoy believing strange stuff. If they are lucky, in time they'll learn.
the difference between religion and science is that science is aware of its ignorance, and tries to find answers; whereas religion only tries to find "evidence" to support its pre-made opinions.

all politicians are self-serving, corrupt assholes who should be taken into the forest and be put out of their misery, for the greater good of humanity.
No that can't be said for all or even bad ones all of the time.
aliens have never visited our planet; if they had they would have contacted us instead of just making circles in cropfields or sticking thermometers up cows' asses.
capitalism is the financial equivalent of fascism, as it allows the rich to accumulate ever greater wealth and influence while the masses become ever poorer.
the financial equivalent of democracy is socialism, where the wealth is shared by all.
unfortunately, there is always at least one greedy bastard that ruins it for everybody else(see, item #2, politicians).
Too broad a generalization.Regulated capitalism is the best system mankind has devised so far.Personal greed is ok even neccesary as long as its not allowed to overpower the notion of decency towards your fellow man and the enviorment.You can have socialism and capitalism co-exist and in fact that is what works best IMO.

if the world came to be through "intelligent design (aka creation)", and the bible claims that "one should not lie with a man as one lies with a woman", then why are there homosexuals? either the bible is wrong, or the design isn't so intelligent, after all.
or, more likely, all this religious drivel is just that, drivel.

more when i'm not so sleepy.

Creationism (screw their new code word for it "intelligent design") is just the ancients totally unscientific way to explain what they could not explain.It is an example of mans at times supreme arrogance that makes him think it was and is all about him.
i don't think one freely chooses to be hetero or homosexual, it just happens. and if this design were indeed perfect then that choice could not be made. and why do people get skin cancer from the sun? isn't it supposed to be perfect? and jurassic park was NOT a documentary of how we lived with dinosaurs.

In the context of the question it is explained by the concept of "free will".


In the context of the question it is explained by the concept of "free will".

but religionists cannot understand "fee will". everything that happens was planned that way by "god". or Q, from the Q continuum.
"ah, you humand are always suffering and dying.". he had a sense of humour, unlike this god dude, who asked a guy to kill his son to prove his loyalty to him. god or russian mobster?

Too broad a generalization.Regulated capitalism is the best system mankind has devised so far.Personal greed is ok even neccesary as long as its not allowed to overpower the notion of decency towards your fellow man and the enviorment.You can have socialism and capitalism co-exist and in fact that is what works best IMO.

absolutely correct. but who gets to regulate it? in a capitalist society, it's the capitalists, and they don't care about human decency.


and why are there so many idiots in the world? if god made man in his image then he is either severely retarded himself, or he suffers from incredibly low self esteem.

i know, there is no god, i'm just saying: that is even more evidence of no god actually existing, except for in the minds of the blind.

speeding: why is there a limit? we can go 100 only on the highway, even when there are no other cars around. why?
because of the idiots. you see, a good driver wit a good car, who has completed additional training courses, can judge his own safe speed and the limit of the car he is driving. he would never speed in a residential area, but he might go a little faster on the highway.

but the vast majority of people are idiots, so we must regulate speeds, because otherwise they'd think they can go play monster truck rally in the neighborhood. so we all have to be held back because of these retards.

and then the idiot environmentalists will say: OMG you can't drive faster it kills the trees and shit.

if you have to drive a distance of 100km, and drive at the limit of 100, it will take you 1 hour to get there. but if you drive at 200 it will only take half an hour, so your car is only producing emissions for half as long. how is that more harmful? cars emissions do not increase linearly with speed.

why is popcorn sold at movie theaters? it's the worst movie food, except for chips. it's noisy... why not sell cold pancakes with jam? or pudding?

i don't even go to the movies anymore. i always end up next to a guy who can't shut up, or some stupid girl who talks on her phone. if you wanna talk, go to restaurant, retards.
and then you have to pay $8, and another $6 for a drink, and still they make you watch 30 minutes of commercials.

and then they wonder why people choose piracy? retards.
but religionists cannot understand "fee will". everything that happens was planned that way by "god". or Q, from the Q continuum.
"ah, you humand are always suffering and dying.". he had a sense of humour, unlike this god dude, who asked a guy to kill his son to prove his loyalty to him. god or russian mobster?

The question was in the context of questioning the religious explanation. The religious explanation is again, "free will".
Science is just a method of analyzing observations and repeatable situations in an objective way from the evidence that is gathered.

Religion is a set of spiritual beliefs that are technically objective.

It's as simple as that. There is no reason to try to make either one out to be more or less than they are or to attribute more to either one than there is. You're making too many assumptions and applying those assumptions too indiscrimantly.
religion is making assumptions. science proves or disproves them.

Religion is believing in a set of spiritual beliefs and practices. It varies wildly, and it wouldn't too be far off to have a logically based religion. Many religions can back their morale codes and ethics with sound, logical reasoning. It's the faith in the unobservable that gets them into trouble. Religion doesn't have to be assumptions, but, culturally, we absorb assumptions quite frequently; religion happens to be a popular one.

Technically, science is all about educated guesses. They assume things are true in order to make a clearer picture, so it looks like you kind of got it backwards. Science deals with the natural world only, which doesn't give it much ground to go pick, "Nuh Uh!" fights with religion.
how can the religious explanation be free will, when the believers don't believe that such a thing exists?

Because the question I answered was in relationship to a religious explanation asked for.