New Taser 3 shots in one now !..... the dirty fucks !!!!


New Taser device can shock 3 people without reload

By AMANDA LEE MYERS, Associated Press Writer – Mon Jul 27, 7:38 pm ET
FOUNTAIN HILLS, Arizona – A Taser stun gun, capable of shocking three people without being reloaded, was unveiled Monday in front of hundreds of law enforcement officers who applauded after watching six rounds of the barbed wire fired at metal targets.
The demonstration at the Scottsdale-based company's annual conference was performed by Taser International Chairman Tom Smith, and his brother, CEO Rick Smith, who says the device will become the new standard for police officers who want greater tactical abilities.


Only Obama can stop it !!!!! :crash: I'm kidding

Ultimately, I think that the reaction will be more violence against the cops.
God save us from the police with an itchy finger and a boner for pain.


Can't they develop something that can do the job free of causing a lingering sense of enmity toward the cops ?

I mean, do they have to use a device that makes you pee your pants ?

th' shitz ! :crash: