Fortunately, Maildude is a lot smarter than the "real" Cliff Clavin

Wow, I guess after he lost his gig on Cheers (when that show finished), his life went downhill. How else to explain John Ratzenberger's idiotic appearance at a DC teabagger event?

Relevant excerpt:

Actor John Ratzenberger, known partly for his role as Cliff Clavin in the 1980s sitcom "Cheers," slammed the Democratic bill as a form of socialism.

"These are Woodstock Democrats," he said at the rally. "We have to remember where their philosophy comes from. It doesn't come from America. It comes from overseas. It comes from socialism. And socialism is a philosophy of failure."

Police later arrested 12 protesters outside Pelosi's office for unlawful entry or disorderly conduct, according to Capitol Hill police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider.


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Clavin - ""These are Woodstock Democrats," he said at the rally. "We have to remember where their philosophy comes from. It doesn't come from America. It comes from overseas. It comes from socialism. And socialism is a philosophy of failure."


Damn, did he hit the nail on the head or what? We've got to stop importing Socialism from these foreign countries. I wonder what kind of box it arrives in...

Seriously, John. You might have been a know-it-all on Cheers, but evidently your prowess doesn't extend to situations that aren't scripted. If your going to attend these events, keep your mouth shut lest people wonder about your sanity...
Yeah, I also bet that Maildude would be smart enough not to blow all his money on a Final Jeopardy question when he's up by $20,000 and has pretty much already won. :D


How else to explain John Ratzenberger's idiotic appearance at a DC teabagger event?

The baggy eyed bolshevic department of homeland security bureaucracy chairwoman hasn't deemed these events as "domestic terrorist assemblies" yet ?

Why is he an idiot for ? because he wants to retain what little remains of our own personal self determination , he's an idiot ? This is worse than those fookin jaysus freaks ! Are you kiddin me ? You want to surrender to da fedz ? You're off your rocker facial king ! :1orglaugh :glugglug:
"These are Woodstock Democrats," he said at the rally. "We have to remember where their philosophy comes from. It doesn't come from America. It comes from overseas. It comes from socialism. And socialism is a philosophy of failure."

... I never tire of this argument.


The baggy eyed bolshevic department of homeland security bureaucracy chairwoman hasn't deemed these events as "domestic terrorist assemblies" yet ?

Why is he an idiot for ? because he wants to retain what little remains of our own personal self determination , he's an idiot ? This is worse than those fookin jaysus freaks ! Are you kiddin me ? You want to surrender to da fedz ? You're off your rocker facial king ! :1orglaugh :glugglug:

So Ratzenburger is a tea baggin' doosh. :dunno:

Who cares. I thought wackoes distrusted hollywood types? I thought wackoes didn't like to be lectured by hollyweirdoes?


Hiliary 2020
Yeah, I also bet that Maildude would be smart enough not to blow all his money on a Final Jeopardy question when he's up by $20,000 and has pretty much already won. :D

beat me to it D, but cliff was just overconfident.

So, ratzenberger doesn't like obamas bill.
Damn him, damn him to hell.
you know you guys are alot like that gay guy that trashed ms. california because she thinks marraige is for men/women only.

you dont respect others opinions and you resort to name calling and show hatred for those who disagree with you.
you speak out against hatred but you don't realize the hatred that is coming from you.

another reason i cant identify with the democratic party.
I wouldn't bring Carrie Prejean into the discussion meester. Her cred has gone up in flames with the bombshell sex vid she made which is about to hit the 'Net.

The conservative christian "halo" she tried to give herself has evaporated. She might as well turn to porn fulltime because that's pretty much her only card left.


Hiliary 2020
I wouldn't bring Carrie Prejean into the discussion meester. Her cred has gone up in flames with the bombshell sex vid she made which is about to hit the 'Net.

The conservative christian "halo" she tried to give herself has evaporated. She might as well turn to porn fulltime because that's pretty much her only card left.

she aint the point man.
and you just proved my point by that post that had nothing to do with what i said.
ratzenberger has the right to believe and speak whatever he wants.
would you rather he be silenced? threatened? jailed? wtf man
He had a show on Food Channel I believe it was or Travel Channel.

However, his life is downhill for a political statement? At least he isn't going to countries to see dictators that hate America like Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Kevin Spacey, and half the other liberal Hollywood folks do.

Anyone else find it ironic that his insurance is almost certainly provided through the actor's union? Paying his portion with actor residuals from "Cheers" that he only gets due to the many years of effort & struggle by all the socialists in his union. ;)


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
for a dude whose life has gone downhill, he seems to be doing OK. If I am not mistaken, he is the only voice actor to have a role in every PIXAR movie (Toy Story, etc.) I may not agree completely with his politics, but I think he is laughing all the way to the bank
The baggy eyed bolshevic department of homeland security bureaucracy chairwoman hasn't deemed these events as "domestic terrorist assemblies" yet ?

Why is he an idiot for ? because he wants to retain what little remains of our own personal self determination , he's an idiot ? This is worse than those fookin jaysus freaks ! Are you kiddin me ? You want to surrender to da fedz ? You're off your rocker facial king ! :1orglaugh :glugglug:

First off, it's spelled Bolshevik, with a k. If you're going to use that word as part of your ready-made bag of ammo against anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun, you could at least learn to spell it right. I'm guessing you've mostly HEARD the word, at your local pub full of alcoholics, with FoxNews on the tube, or on right-wing radio. Had you read any books - even those critical of Bolshevism - you probably would've remembered how to spell it by now.

Second, quit playing the victim card. This is at LEAST the 2nd teabagger event in DC, not to mention the events where the wingnut loons showed up as close as they could get, openly carrying weapons. Nobody took their weapons, nobody banned the protests, nobody has labeled the entire group of right-wing protestors as terrorists (although certainly there are some mixed in; I'm betting tomorrow's Tim McVeigh has already attended a rally or two, not to mention another Poplawski). And nobody will. You're not being oppressed in any of the ways you're whining about. None. And only the most willfully ignorant and gullible ingrates are going to buy such "arguments" over the long-term. It will eventually dawn on some of these people that they've been remarkably FREE to disagree and to express such disagreements. However, the whiners must accept that when they publicly demonstrate and make complete idiots of themselves, comparing health care reform with the Holocaust (including signs with photos of Dachau's piles of corpses), that they are also eligible for criticism for their speech and their behavior. That's the way it works.

Did I surrender to the Feds when I drove on an interstate highway last week? If so, it was a very pleasant experience, all things considered (traffic was light, and I got to my destination quickly, with maximum fuel efficiency for my car)...

beat me to it D, but cliff was just overconfident.

So, ratzenberger doesn't like obamas bill.
Damn him, damn him to hell.
you know you guys are alot like that gay guy that trashed ms. california because she thinks marraige is for men/women only.

you dont respect others opinions and you resort to name calling and show hatred for those who disagree with you.
you speak out against hatred but you don't realize the hatred that is coming from you.

another reason i cant identify with the democratic party.

Huh??? What in the hell are you talking about? I respect your right to HAVE an opinion, but I don't necessarily respect your actual opinion. Do you think similarly? I'm guessing (hoping) that you do. It's a reasonable way to approach major differences.

If I say "It's time to bring down capitalism and to work towards a true socialist economy!" I bet you wouldn't respect my opinion, would you? Would you actually respect my right to even HAVE such an opinion?

If someone thinks that people should be able to make movies with children and animals doing "things" then I don't respect that opinion. They can HAVE that opinion (they shouldn't be jailed for thinking it, but they can't act on it), but I don't respect it.

Anyway, as for name-calling and displays of hatred, have you SEEN any of the hundreds of damning photos from any of the teabagger protests?? Name-calling galore, and hating aplenty!

she aint the point man.
and you just proved my point by that post that had nothing to do with what i said.
ratzenberger has the right to believe and speak whatever he wants.
would you rather he be silenced? threatened? jailed? wtf man

If she ain't the point, why did you bring her up??

He had a show on Food Channel I believe it was or Travel Channel.

However, his life is downhill for a political statement? At least he isn't going to countries to see dictators that hate America like Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Kevin Spacey, and half the other liberal Hollywood folks do.


Oh please, this is getting old. Obviously, people on both the right and the left like it when famous celebrities that everyone sees in the movies share their opinions and speak openly about those opinions. The right-wingers are happy to trot out their big-name celebs (Jon Voight, James Woods, etc.), even if there aren't many, who agree with them. Actually, it seems as though more right-wing Hollywood types have had more actual IMPACT on the country (and the world) than any H-wood libs have. I'm thinking of guys like Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenneger, and Fred Thompson, for starters...

As for cavorting with America-haters and/or terrorists, let's not forget this:



Postal Paranoiac
I only got arrested because I was opening Nancy's mail!
for a dude whose life has gone downhill, he seems to be doing OK. If I am not mistaken, he is the only voice actor to have a role in every PIXAR movie (Toy Story, etc.) I may not agree completely with his politics, but I think he is laughing all the way to the bank

Yeah, I would love to have his job. Beats the living crap out of mine. Him and Mark Hamill has it made.


First off, it's spelled Bolshevik, with a k. If you're going to use that word as part of your ready-made bag of ammo against anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun, you could at least learn to spell it right. I'm guessing you've mostly HEARD the word, at your local pub full of alcoholics, with FoxNews on the tube, or on right-wing radio. Had you read any books - even those critical of Bolshevism - you probably would've remembered how to spell it by now.

This is at LEAST the 2nd teabagger event in DC, not to mention the events where the wingnut loons showed up as close as they could get, openly carrying weapons. Nobody took their weapons, nobody banned the protests, nobody has labeled the entire group of right-wing protestors as terrorists (although certainly there are some mixed in; I'm betting tomorrow's Tim McVeigh has already attended a rally or two, not to mention another Poplawski). And nobody will. However, the whiners must accept that when they publicly demonstrate and make complete idiots of themselves, comparing health care reform with the Holocaust (including signs with photos of Dachau's piles of corpses), that they are also eligible for criticism for their speech and their behavior. That's the way it works.

If I say "It's time to bring down capitalism and to work towards a true socialist economy!" I bet you wouldn't respect my opinion, would you? Would you actually respect my right to even HAVE such an opinion?

If someone thinks that people should be able to make movies with children and animals doing "things" then I don't respect that opinion. They can HAVE that opinion (they shouldn't be jailed for thinking it, but they can't act on it), but I don't respect it.

Anyway, as for name-calling and displays of hatred, have you SEEN any of the hundreds of damning photos from any of the teabagger protests?? Name-calling galore, and hating aplenty!

If she ain't the point, why did you bring her up??


Wow...foolish and weak you may be, scared of anything slightly macho and "manly", but you at least are consistently weak, foolish, and girly-manish.:hatsoff:

The term is "Tea Party", from the Boston Tea Party tax revolt many years ago. I guess you haven't seen it written , or haven't read any history books about the event...just heard about it somewhere like MSNBC (Mighty Stupid News Broadcast Network)...or at the Wuss bar where you drink Lattes and weak Designer Beers.
Teabagging is dipping balls into someone's mouth, not a political protest rally. Get it right for once, silly child.
I seem to recall Pelosi claiming the group was a terrorist-acting protest group, just one among many leftwingnuts; and even though the gun toters were legally carrying firearms in public nowhere near any politicians speaking, you are trying to portray the action as some kind of subversive act...sorry, just people wearing firearms in public legally.
I seem to recall it was a Democrat wingnut in the House who made lunatic references to the Holocaust and HealthCare, very offensive and ultimately stupid. Get it right sometimes, can't you? Do you have selective, or defective, memory?
Like...meesterperfect's reference to Prejean was specific and relevant...yet you can't see the difference between a specific reference and some general rant about her other actions. Selective and defective memory at the same time...low quality rebuttal at best.

It doesn't matter how many hairs you split, your opinion is silly, off center, weak and of course any serious adult wouldn't respect your "opinion", or you...if and when the feces hits the fan you'll be hiding under the nearest bed crying and wailing how unfair it is.
You are good at trolling the 'Net and repeating what other people have said, but when you give a supposed opinion of your own it's apologetic, non-specific, and usually revealing of your intellectually dishonest and weak take on things.

But... you sure took Facetious to the mat on spelling "Bolshevik" with a "c"'re the MMA bad boy of spelling! :rofl:


Hiliary 2020
if she ain't the point, why did you bring her up??

If she aint the point why did you bring her up.
You know I was using her as an example, not the point.
This is why its impossible to discuss anythng with extreme left wingers.
the point was that when you guys don't like someones viewpoint you resort to cheap shots, word twisting and name calling,and i used the guy who trashed miss california on youtube (the same guy that baited the situation) as an EXAMPLE, not the POINT.
But you know that i know that you knew that.
If she aint the point why did you bring her up.
You know I was using her as an example, not the point.
This is why its impossible to discuss anythng with extreme left wingers.
the point was that when you guys don't like someones viewpoint you resort to cheap shots, word twisting and name calling,and i used the guy who trashed miss california on youtube (the same guy that baited the situation) as an EXAMPLE, not the POINT.
But you know that i know that you knew that.

So you used an example of someone trashing an irrelevant person as...hmm. What exactly? :dunno: Prejean has "whored" herself out to whoever will give her a microphone--and, sadly for the christian conversvatives--they were the doofuses that stepped up with a microphone:dunno:

Ratzenberger is free to say whatever he wants to. But why can't we criticize him? I think he was just playing it up for the crowd. Maybe "HOllywood" will retaliate against him and remove him from his Pixar gigs. Or, maybe not.

Philby--the Teabaggers named themselves FIRST. Remember--it was that whole campaign of mailing teabags to your congressperson, which Faux covered as "actual news." It was other, non-Faux news outlets that had a laugh over the choice of Teabagger because of the sexual connotation.


So you used an example of someone trashing an irrelevant person as...hmm. What exactly? :dunno: Prejean has "whored" herself out to whoever will give her a microphone--and, sadly for the christian conversvatives--they were the doofuses that stepped up with a microphone:dunno:

Ratzenberger is free to say whatever he wants to. But why can't we criticize him? I think he was just playing it up for the crowd. Maybe "HOllywood" will retaliate against him and remove him from his Pixar gigs. Or, maybe not.

Philby--the Teabaggers named themselves FIRST. Remember--it was that whole campaign of mailing teabags to your congressperson, which Faux covered as "actual news." It was other, non-Faux news outlets that had a laugh over the choice of Teabagger because of the sexual connotation.

They sent bags...just post one link where a Tea Party organizer or goer referred to the event or themselves as Teabaggers and I'll post how wrong I was.

You are a specific terrified UberLib type who has to denigrate the entire citizen protest movement precisely because it's a real citizen protest and shows how offcenter and dead wrong the entire Obama agenda is in reality...the agenda you and others like yourself have wholeheartedly backed with a blind devotion to a crowdpleasing ideologue who has no real idea what to do or what needs to be done to fulfill his job obligations.
The President is not King, and the country is in his care, not his possession. The Left has no desire to do what is right for the Nation, only what is right for the Left. And millions and millions of Americans are gonna throw the admin out asap since the mess is getting worse and the same old politicians are still doing the same old BS...the GOP will get another chance simply because the Dems have shown near complete incompetence for years, crowning it all with the Obama admins blatant disregard for the American majority...conservatives.
Not everyone is a Bible Thumping Black Liberation theologist, or a far left antiwar socialist...a majority of Dems and Repubs are ordinary types who are more conservative than radical. And the current admin is nothing if not radical.
Bye Bye...:wave2: