Batman, Spiderman, X-Men or Ironman movies

Its a toss up between Iron Man and Batman. I have to go with Iron Man, only because I didn't like Batman Begins nearly as much as either The Dark Knight or Iron Man.
I'm with Trebus here, the entire 'Superhero' movie genre has been beaten to absolute death and every new rehash of an old idea that comes out really doesn't interest me at all.

But, they're still profitable so roll on the 'Rainbow Boy' movie.....

I'm with Trebus here, the entire 'Superhero' movie genre has been beaten to absolute death and every new rehash of an old idea that comes out really doesn't interest me at all.

But, they're still profitable so roll on the 'Rainbow Boy' movie.....


What is it with you and 'Rainbow Boy'?.
I really like Christopher Nolan's take on the Batman movies. It's been great so far and I have to agree that his next Batman movie should be his last. Wrap everything up and then hand the torch to someone else.

Spiderman started off good but it turned into a mess in the third movie. I don't like the whole, I am not really the bad guy but a really good person stuck in a bad situation that they painted Doc Ock and Sandman in. Please make them evil and leave them evil. Also stop killing off the villians. Leave the door open. I really hate the whole Spiderman reboot idea. Just change up the cast if need too but continue on with the stories. They should treat this like they do James Bond movies.

I really dislike the X-Men movies except for maybe the second one and Wolverine Orgins. This franchise really needs a reboot and needs to be done right from the get go. Look into the giant size issue that came out in the mid 70's called Gensis. The one where the original team gets kidnapped and Xaiver and Cyclops puts together a new X-Men team to save them. Alter the story some and make Magneto the villian. This would make a great reboot movie with a new team learning to work together to save the original team. Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Colossus are some of the new members I am talking about learning to work together. For a sequel at some point make Apoclypse the villian.

Ironman is pretty great. It's done right. Can't really complain.


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It's a tossup. I think the new spider man reboot is going to be shit. Though I was never crazy about Tobey Maguire as Spider man, I liked the direction of the first two movies in particular. The third one just didn't have a central villain IMO. Ironman was good but I'm not too crazy about this second one. It just doesn't seem to have any good villains. The fact is superhero movie franchises either start out crappy or they kill themselves with mediocre/terrible sequels. The thing that makes me mad is when they keep trying to make sequels to X-men, but with a different director or writer. If it ain't broke don't fix or change it. When Nolan stops directing batman movies then I will stop going to see them.
im scared to see new spiderman and x-men movies now that disney bought out marvel i just know they will ruin the films


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Iron Man. Long time favourite.

im scared to see new spiderman and x-men movies now that disney bought out marvel i just know they will ruin the films

I'd be more worried about Thor, since it is actually being made by Marvel. Spider-Man is made by Sony, so I don't know how much input Disney has.
Iron Man hasn't had the opportunity to have shitty sequels yet. Spiderman is a bad franchise that regressed with each movie. X-Men is meh. I don't like all the stars in that series, or the movies being made with those characters. Batman has redeemed itself with the last two, but the ones before that were fuckin shit. (Besides the 1st and Batman Returns)


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I remember watching Iron Man and thinking to myself, 'Man, they corrected all the mistakes they made with Hulk!' They started off the movie with rock. Stuff blew up. Then they rewound a bit to tell some story - it was great. Hell, my biggest complaint of the movie was that Iron Man was gimped during the finale and couldn't actually do anything cool. The rest of it was fabulous.

Upstaged only by The Dark Knight, which was simply an epic movie. Batman Begins was certainly an upgrade from the old series of Batman movies, which heralded from the days of the gimmick action film: see the original Batman movies, or the old James Bond movies. Both the Bond and Batman series have benefited from this removal (mostly) of gimmicks: no longer does Batman have carousel reversal spray, nor does Bond get introduced at the beginning of each movie with a myriad of unlikely gadgets that will inevitably find one crucial use somewhere in the movie.

The X-Men movies, on the other hand, grew more and more gimmicky. The third movie was like a cinematic trading card game, with Magneto walking around asking mutants 'What do you do? And you?' Even the last fight was like a Pokemon battle. 'I choose you, Pyro!' I might have to give the Wolverine movie another watch, because most folk seem to like it and I thought it was shit - the plot was all kinds of convoluted, and story strands from the previous movies were re-written in ways that don't fit.

And then Spider-man...well. I much enjoyed the first two movies. And then the third happened. Now, I grew up on Spider-man comics. And Venom was pretty much my all-time favorite character, period. So when they &^%$ed him up, I was done with the movie. To make matters worse, they picked Sandman, one of the least believable villains available (Green Goblin? Genetic modification, okay. Doc Ock? Again, within the realm of believability, even if the fusion science isn't accurate. But sentient sand? That can fly?). Fail.

So, to summarize: the new Batman movies (because of The Dark Knight), Ironman, Spider-man, and X-men, in that order.
The first Spiderman was passible, but it seems sillier each time I see it and the rest were crap. Please no more.

None of the X-men movies did it justice, but the first two were OK. Wolverine was the best of the bunch and X3 may be one of the worst films ever, falling just shy of spidey3.

Ironman was good and seeing Tony create the suit was what was best...however when it came down to the fighting it suffered the overall story flaw which is that he's just a guy in a fucking suit! Anyone with superpowers could kick his ass in two seconds flat, he's a laughable superhero.

Marvel needs to stop making movies. I want to see more comicbook non-superhero movies.

Even though it would suck, i'd still love a Preacher movie. The humor would be perfect for Kevin Smith (he's already got down porn and making fun of religion), if he could handle the violence. Swamp Thing and Constantine also need reboots.