If anyone remembers this game, please help!

So back when I was a kid I remember playing this old RPG game on the Playstation 1. I dont remember much of it but it was a turned based RPG and I think the party members were kids but im not sure. The thing I remember about this game (and if you played it im pretty sure you'll remember it too), is that instead of healing yourself with potions or herbs like most RPG's in this one, you healed party members with hamburgers and cheeseburgers ( and no its not a McDonalds Brand RPG, I remember it was a pretty serious RPG not a kids brand or anything like that). I remember the first part took place in a cave or something, but yeah thats all I remember : (

If anyone can remember the name of this RPG I would be soooo grateful sorry for the lack of info but I played the game and my older cousins house once and never got to play it again.

Thanks in advance.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Yeah, that sounds a lot like EarthBound.

yeah I've played earthbound and its not that , I remember for sure that it was on the PS1 because I got chewed out for playing it by my cousins because the disc had been cracked and they thought it was going to mess up the PS1, thanks for the replys though
no clue on a name but i recall playing a game like that and it was on ps1
I believe ive finally found it!!!! I believe the game is called Guardian's crusade, anyone remember this game?

Im downloading the iso right now to see if it is the same game.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
From the screenshots, it looks like there aren't hamburgers in it.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
So... Is that it? Or what?
Yeah pretty sure its guardians crusade, Ive only played for a few minutes but the weakest healing item is a candy bar so im pretty sure its the same game hahaha, thanks for the help.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Another mystery solved by FreeOnes.
