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Since when are actors allowed to yell at the DP's?
Would have been funny if the guy he was yelling at said, "Why so serious?"
He was Batman. He can do whatever he wants.
Fucking A.Fake or not, I fucking hope it's on the DVD!!!
Check out this:
Some people are fucking geniuses!!
Is anyone finding his accent distracting?
I don't think it's a publicity stunt. Obviousley that have the mics set for where Bale is, so that explains why you can hear him.
Bale is a Divo-Dick by the way. If I was that guy I'd drop a stage light on his ass. Plus this movie is going to be awful. I hate when they make sequals without even including any of the original cast,(Tokyo drift, the new american pie movies etc.)
Yes, it looks like it is going to be a fantastic film, but that guy need to learn some manners! There is no need to speak to anybody like that, and he deserves a good smack for that!
Yes he does need to learn some manners. I would love to beat them into him as well. And if I got fired or not, if he spoke to me like that, I would have been in his face demanding he bring it and see what he's made of. I'd knock the fucking ego out of the fame seeking whore.