Exotic dancer set on fire outside LA bar

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
"LOS ANGELES – An exotic dancer was set on fire outside the club where she worked early Thursday, burning more than 60 percent of her body, police said. They were searching for two suspects."

Unbelievable!! I hope the girl survives my heart goes out to her! I wish I was their to help that girl, cuz their would be 2 fucktards laying in the middle of the alley with there knee caps blown the fuck off! :rolleyes:

I just can't fathom what it is that makes people lose their fuckin minds in situations like this??? fuckin CRACKHEADS or something?? :dunno::thefinger
it would be a terrible thing that happened to anybody. its especially sad that it happened to an exotic dancer. its not like her life would be that great. i hope those guys get heaps of charges thrown at them. they probably would have been in the club, and thus cameras would have caught them.

hope they get 40 years.
As a former General Manager of a strip club.....

I would like to know where were the security staff?? In my club, girls never went outside alone. PERIOD. The GM and the Owners should feel accountable as well considering it was their lack of caution and security, as well as intelligence!!!

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
That's hot!! lol

For real?? are you a fuckin MORON?? Did you by chance ride the short bus to school?? what if that was your sister, cousin, mother, Girlfriend, Wife?

Wouldn't be so fucking hot and hilarious now would it? some shit just isn't funny, you must use common sense to decipher whats funny and whats not fuckin funny @ all!

I think you need to go back to school, or be the sobering victim of reality and learn for yourself a lesson in humor and tragedy! :rolleyes: :mad::cussing::thefinger
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^ Bit harsh. It was a valid pun.

Or maybe it was just too soon. I think you have to wait a couple of weeks before a joke about bad news becomes funny.
As a former General Manager of a strip club.....

I would like to know where were the security staff?? In my club, girls never went outside alone. PERIOD. The GM and the Owners should feel accountable as well considering it was their lack of caution and security, as well as intelligence!!!

Your right......I thought that was SOP in a club.
WHat is the story behind this tragedy? A lover's triangle? Swinger's revenge?

This is a strange, sad case. Maybe the dancer/mother can sue these 2. Hopefully the club will have a week where all tips/wages go to her? That would be a great gesture....
I thought it was funny, but i really dont give a fuck about anything, especially some burnt stripper. sorry that is just who i am.

If you read that story, and thought it was funny, genuinely funny, then there is something very wrong with you. Sorry for saying that, that is just who I am.
I did not think the story was funny, i think it is messed up that someone would do that to anyone, especially a mother, but i did think the "Thats hot" comment was funny.
You can keep banging away at the stone all you want. But you won't make "the thinker" out of your efforts....

Will E Worm

I thought it was funny, but i really dont give a fuck about anything, especially some burnt stripper. sorry that is just who i am.

That's just who you are? A non-caring person?

I know she is a stripper, she also has two children.

I don't agree with what she does, but that is her choice.

She has the right to be a stripper.
They did not have the right to set her on fire.

I would give them the death penalty.