Yes!!! A-Rod comes clean!

If you think about it, this situation is hilarious. I know that there aren't a lot of posts in this thread at the moment, but I think we can all agree that most people feel the same way as the people who have already posted here.

Clemens, Bonds, McGwire (etc) are all viewed as complete scumbags who shouldn't be elected into the Hall of Fame, because they tainted the game (and it's records) by taking steroids and lying about it.


Alex Rodriguez is being viewed as a good guy for coming clean about his steroid use (the same steroid use that Clemens, Bonds, McGwire (etc) are being hated for) and it is thought that it should have no bearing on whether or not he gets into the Hall of Fame.

So, if Clemens, Bonds, McGwire (etc) all came clean about their steroid use, should they get into the Hall of Fame just for being honest? Is it the steroid use that people are really upset about, or is it the honesty, or lack thereof?

I agree. The only reason he came clean was because he was CAUGHT in his big fat lie! Stop praising this A-hole! He should be viewed just as Palmeiro was! Let's face it. ALL the records are tainted. I don't think they should keep people out of the Hall of Fame, just add the * next to their name and stats or categorize them under the "Steroid Era" and move on. I don't blame these guys for doing it (millions of dollars were at stake and realistically it was the only way to keep up).
I still consider Hank Aaron to be the TRUE home run king. Bonds may have the number, but that number is TAINTED. What is Bonds' true number? If I had a vote for the Hall of Fame, I wouldn't vote for McGwire-he only had about 1600 hits. A-Rod may eventually pass Aaron, but his numbers are TAINTED also. Clemens' numbers are meaningless now too. How many Cy Young awards did he win while on the juice? Bonds, Clemens & McGwire all have ruined their images. Not by taking steriods, but by lying. They have to get over themselves, admit their errors, come clean and let the fans judge their records before they juiced. All players were tremendously talented before they juiced-it's too bad their pride got in the way as they got older.
Of course for the other people they might not come clean because there will be legal ramifications for them if they do. (Well maybe not McGwire because he never technically lied about it under oath.) It's kind of unfair to compare the situations. If A-Rod was in the same situations he wouldn’t be talking. Plus he was in no hurry to confess until some information leaked. This is assuming that Rodriguez is telling the whole truth and isn't hiding more than he's telling.

As far as the Hall of Fame goes. If they don't let those people in they might as well as dump half the people in it who broke the law or were jerks in some major way at some point in their lives. Otherwise you're punishing people that really didn't break any significant rule baseball had at the time. Barring something like murder, rape, or destroying the integrity of the game by breaking it’s rules like with gambling and throwing games, you shouldn't really base it on personal opinion of the people.
I agree. The only reason he came clean was because he was CAUGHT in his big fat lie! Stop praising this A-hole! He should be viewed just as Palmeiro was! Let's face it. ALL the records are tainted. I don't think they should keep people out of the Hall of Fame, just add the * next to their name and stats or categorize them under the "Steroid Era" and move on. I don't blame these guys for doing it (millions of dollars were at stake and realistically it was the only way to keep up).

Finally!!!Someone who see's this shit for what it is.

If that reporter had not blown the whistle,then does anyone think that he would've had a sit down with Peter Gammons to "come clean"?Fuck no he wouldn't have!
Finally!!!Someone who see's this shit for what it is.

If that reporter had not blown the whistle,then does anyone think that he would've had a sit down with Peter Gammons to "come clean"?Fuck no he wouldn't have!

I agree that he would have kept quiet, but you still have to give him respect for admitting to it.
I don't know much about baseball other than I think that Alex looks cute, but certianly I feel he owned up to his mistake and will bear the burden of it forever. Personally I would rather take some one who f'd up and admitted vs some one who's screaming that they are innocent. Though I think the person who admits a mistake gets a better 'image' they end up 'paying' more. Again though if it were me, I'd take less than I was getting to keep the better image, not just outwardly but self respect too.
I'm sure he feels a weight has been lifted.
And for those of you boys who play fantasy baseball, I bet he has a good year trying to prove a 'contract year'? is that right? Something my brother said.....
I don't know much about baseball other than I think that Alex looks cute, but certianly I feel he owned up to his mistake and will bear the burden of it forever. Personally I would rather take some one who f'd up and admitted vs some one who's screaming that they are innocent. Though I think the person who admits a mistake gets a better 'image' they end up 'paying' more. Again though if it were me, I'd take less than I was getting to keep the better image, not just outwardly but self respect too.
I'm sure he feels a weight has been lifted.
And for those of you boys who play fantasy baseball, I bet he has a good year trying to prove a 'contract year'? is that right? Something my brother said.....

I couldn't agree more!

For someone who says; "I don't know much about baseball", you really know your shit.


Will the finest performing major league baseball players have to, in conjunction with Pfizer Pharmaceutical or Dupont . . . whatever, create their own separate "Hall of Fame" ?

"Brought to you by Bristol Meyers Squibb"

"Brought to you by Schering Plough Pharmaceutical"

Maybe ?
Ah well done A-Rod, you finally learned how to wipe your ass properly.

A round of aplause ladies and gentlemen if you will . . . .

Now you wont have a shitty ass when your out and about.

I have no idea who this is.
I couldn't agree more!

For someone who says; "I don't know much about baseball", you really know your shit.

Thanks...I might have been talking about everybody or anybody that makes mistakes and admits them or were you refering to what I overheard my brother say...he's gonna have a monster year? Thanks for the rep too!