Porn clip interrupts Super Bowl broadcast



Updated Monday, February 2nd 2009, 11:36 AM
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PHOENIX - A Tucson television station's broadcast of the Super Bowl on Sunday was interrupted for some viewers by about 10 seconds of pornographic material, the station said.

KVOA TV in Tucson released a statement saying that the only viewers who were able to see the material were those who receive the channel through Comcast cable.

The station said it will investigate the incident.

"When the NBC feed of the Super Bowl was transmitted from KVOA to local cable providers and through over-the-air antennas, there was no pornographic material," KVOA president and general manager Gary Nielsen said in a statement.

The KVOA statement said the station was dismayed and disappointed that some Comcast customers and their families were subjected to the material.

"KVOA will continue to investigate what happened to our clean signal and make sure our viewers get answers," Nielsen said in the statement.

Comcast spokeswoman Tracy Baumgartner confirmed that the company's standard feed was interrupted during the Super Bowl, although she said its high definition feed was not.

Baumgartner said engineers were investigating Sunday night.

Tucson media outlets reported that they received calls from irate viewers about the pornographic material.

A spokesman for Cox Cable said the company had not been affected.

"We have received no evidence that any inappropriate material was broadcast on any of our channels during the Super Bowl," Mike Dunne said. "The alleged incident appears to be isolated to the Comcast territory. We will offer our support to all appropriate organizations to help them determine what happened."

Joel Hilander of Tucson told The Associated Press that he and his young children saw the clip.

"I couldn't believe it. And I couldn't believe that my children were watching it either," Hilander said.

He said the interruption came just after the Arizona Cardinals' Larry Fitzgerald scored on a long touchdown reception during the final minutes of the game.

Will E Worm

PHOENIX - A Tucson television station's broadcast of the Super Bowl on Sunday was interrupted for some viewers by about 10 seconds of pornographic material, the station said.

I'm sure this wasn't intentional. :error:

This has happened before.

One of those times was during the Flintstones on Cartoon Network.

So, I'm sure this wasn't intentional. :spin: :updown:


Closed Account
Porn shown during the Superbowl

In Tucson AZ yesterday, comcast somehow accidently broadcast a pornographic clip lasting 30 seconds in front of thousands of viewers during the superbowl!

He gets up and flops his dick around right in front of the camera :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh


Closed Account
Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

Nope looks like i did not miss too much i was lucky enough to keep watching the wondurful waste of the rest of the game wow!!!!!
Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

This isnt real
Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

I cant believe it. I saw them talk about it on ESPN.. How could that happen.


Closed Account
Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

Im watching about this on the news and of course everybody is having panic attacks! Get over it, it was funny.
Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

I love how everyone is getting so up in arms about this......christ, so the fuck what? It's not like they showed some guy getting his head chopped off.

This country's double standards piss me off some time.:mad:


Closed Account
Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

They interviewed some 70 year old woman from Arizona who was watching when this happened and she wants the person in charge arrested. LOL.

God how I wish this happened world wide.
Got a new slogan!

How about "It's Cumcastic!"

It's a chronic fuck-up. It's totally unfair to the parents who actually do take the time and care what their kids watch and they get this shit. I'm totally against censorship, completely, but I'm 100% for requiring disclosure.

I wish they would have done it with the "wardrobe malfunction" a few years back. The NFL would have to put up a notice for the next 3 years, "WARNING: This segment may contain nudity" at the half-time show.

Works for me. No censorship, but only disclosure.
Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

This was unreal. I live in Tucson and unfortunately I don't get cable via comcast, so I didn't get to see it live. Too bad.

Does anyone know who the girl is? Or what film this is from?

Will E Worm

Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

clip lasting 30 seconds

Thirty seconds? There is supposed to be a delay on live programong so things like this don't happen.

They interviewed some 70 year old woman from Arizona who was watching when this happened and she wants the person in charge arrested. LOL.

Why not? Remember how upset people were when Janet Jackson's nipple was exposed?
That's why there is supposed to be a time delay on live programs.

The station and Comcast should be fined.

Anyway, there was already a thread, 12:26 PM.
Porn clip interrupts Super Bowl broadcast.


Lord Dipstick
Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

Evan Stones ugly ass televised on the Super Bowl!!
No wonder the country is going to shit!!:(
Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl

I think this was revenge against McCain because McCain has been a principled and outspoken critic against the Cable Companies and their monopolistic practices and rate structure.

Wasn't there also another porny-type image during the Boss's Halftime show? Didn't he slide into a camera so far that he gave the world an upclose boner shot?