The Star Wars Holiday Special


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I just watched this in my class and it is TORTURE!!! :rofl2: Talk about a piece of shit. We had to plea to our professor to shut it off, but it was a case study of when television programs go bad.

For those of you who dont know what I'm talking about, this was an 2 hour long spin-off television show done by CBS after Star Wars came out. After it aired, Lucas was so embarrassed that he used all his money to buy the rights and very rarely speaks of this crap! Bad acting, bad effects, bad makeup, bad dialogue, bad story, bad everything.

I dare you to sit down and watch this thing in full length:

But if you cant stand it already and want to see the quick version:
dude, don't be a hater. It's the first appearance of Boba Fett, you gotta give it props for introducing the biggest badass in the star wars galaxy.

Lucas was so embarrassed that he used all his money to buy the rights and very rarely speaks of this crap! Bad acting, bad effects, bad makeup, bad dialogue, bad story, bad everything.

Yet, isn't it odd that he don't hold any of those things against the prequels?


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dude, don't be a hater. It's the first appearance of Boba Fett, you gotta give it props for introducing the biggest badass in the star wars galaxy.

Yet isn't it odd that he don't hold any of those things against the prequels?

Well the cartoon part of it was cool, but the acting was just horrible! Its like a really bad acid trip.
you have to watch it while reading the youtube comments, it's great.

"Harrison Ford is there at gunpoint, Mark Hammill looks like Julie Newmar, the Jefferson Starship "Dildo" microphone, a coked up Leia, no stormtrooper corpse at the bottom of the tree and some uber irritating inbred wookies!!"

"They couldn't feed me enough drugs and alcohol to participate in this! "

"Jesus wept"

"good gracious... it's so bad ive gone blind."

"Dear god... this is so gay, gays disavow this.

And the sad fact is... still cooler than the prequels."

"May the force be with you... and your children. Now buy our shit."
It was absolutely woeful.I`ve got a copy of it.Have to watch it every now and again just to remember how bad it was.As for Chewies family....
It kinda makes sense if you look at it in the context of 1970's TV specials. that's really the only excuse I can think of.
that was so bad it gave me cancer