Mom Kills Son, Gives Him CPR, Kills Him Again...

These thread titles just keep on getting better!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for "baby in a blender".

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Wow...I can't believe I overlooked that. Nice catch, Dean Wormer. I just put myself on double secret probation.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
She should get the death penalty!!

I don't think that'll happen, sweetie. Her lawyers, if they have any talent or capacity at all will go for a diminished capacity/criminal insanity defense.

Of all the people in my friends list, you're one of them.:D Wait, that didn't make too much sense. I'm not really paying too much attention right now. Venture Bros is on adult swim and my mind is wandering.


It has always been a sick world, just as there are more people populating it there are more chances for the most aberrant to increase in number.
We have instant reporting and 24 hours a day to fill with attention-getting news stories...there are hundreds of cruel stories occurring all over the world every day, and there have always been cruel horrible things being done to the powerless and helpless by the strong and cruel.
Can you imagine the horror being experienced by just the unknown and unreported little children in all the third World countries, let alone here and in other Western countries? It's the human condition, and we do what we can when we can.
There isn't an increase in abuse, just an increase in reporting on it.
I sometimes think of all the women getting mistreated and beaten all around the world by their "masters", and I wish the aliens would snatch me up, give me superpowers just for an experiment, and watch me tear the place up at superspeed.
Then, of course, I shrug and go on about my business...but it could happen.
I wish they'd hurry up and get here...
Not to turn this into a death-penalty debate (plenty of threads we can resurrect), but how is that an "answer" for this type of problem?

If she is a cruel heartless bitch, sending her in a mental asylium won't help. It is too much expense of time and money for trying to save a piece of garbage and this of course at the cost and expense of hardworking honest citizens.
End her life, once a cruel heartless bitch remains always a cruel heartless bitch.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
she should be shot in the face or she should be ran over with a truck

Why not both? Then, why don't you take a rusty knife and carve her eyes out and spend about 30 minutes stomping on her head until it becomes a bloody pulp???

I totally understand and share the anger about a horrific crime like this but comments like Geroges' indicate to me that the statement-maker is no different than the perpetrator of the crime. It's pure blood-lust and vengeance and does nothing to stop these types of crimes from occurring in the future and it damn-sure isn't bringing little Ty back to life.

When is mankind going to realize that killing is just plain wrong?

If she is a cruel heartless bitch, sending her in a mental asylium won't help. It is too much expense of time and money for trying to save a piece of garbage and this of course at the cost and expense of hardworking honest citizens.
End her life, once a cruel heartless bitch remains always a cruel heartless bitch.

As I stated, I'm not going to hijack this thread and turn it into a death penalty debate. We've hashed and rehashed that a million times here and all of you know where I stand. I still don't see an answer for my original question that Georges addressed about how putting this woman to death provides some sort of "answer" as Biomech suggested it does.


Its a sick world out there.

Yes it is.

Had their not been so many broken families out there today there wouldn't be so many people who suffer from depression, anxiety, feelings of inequality etc. So why are there so many broken families out there today as compared to previous generations and why does society e.g. hollywood, media and education ridicule the family unit ? It wouldn't have anything to do with politics and the idea that "CHANGE" is well underway, would it ? :rolleyes:

Let's examine this, shall we ?
Let's start with - degeneracy tends to breed degeneracy, OK ? the topic at hand sort of supports that thesis as we have a young woman who grew up in an "unloving environment" and we expect her, particularly as a single parent, to love her child and have the moral strength and fortitude to raise her child with the best of interests ? Shit, this chick wouldn't know best interests if it smacked her upside the head ! and so the liberal side of me says that we should maybe look into compassion for some of these "cases", not all, but some. I just wish there was more info available because I get the sense that the murderer here is a direct product of her upbringing e.g. bad breeds bad.

Sad, It really is.
and it's all over the fuggin' place, these types of broken families.


It has always been a sick world, just as there are more people populating it there are more chances for the most aberrant to increase in number.
We have instant reporting and 24 hours a day to fill with attention-getting news stories...there are hundreds of cruel stories occurring all over the world every day, and there have always been cruel horrible things being done to the powerless and helpless by the strong and cruel.
Can you imagine the horror being experienced by just the unknown and unreported little children in all the third World countries, let alone here and in other Western countries? It's the human condition, and we do what we can when we can.
There isn't an increase in abuse, just an increase in reporting on it.
I sometimes think of all the women getting mistreated and beaten all around the world by their "masters", and I wish the aliens would snatch me up, give me superpowers just for an experiment, and watch me tear the place up at superspeed.
Then, of course, I shrug and go on about my business...but it could happen.
I wish they'd hurry up and get here...

I concur with much of what you attest to in this post, however, there is a "broken family" - single parent issue going on today that really needs some debate.

As I see it, the fall of the western world family as a cohesive unit is a socialists' dream. Creepy social engineers domineering over other peoples lives kinda freaks me out, Saul Alinsky and "Georges Soreohhs !
you Turkeys !! :pukey:

"So why are there so many broken families out there today as compared to previous generations and why does society e.g. hollywood, media and education ridicule the family unit ? It wouldn't have anything to do with politics and the idea that "CHANGE" is well underway, would it ? :rolleyes:"

This is a bit mixed up isn't? I'm not sure "Hollywood" whatever that is, ridicules the family any more than it promotes it. Same goes for the "media" whatever that is. I don't ever remember reading a pro-family-destroying editorial, even in the New York Times.

Education, I am very familiar with and don't know anyone who ridicules the need for family stability. Let me restate that, out of the hundreds of professionals I have met nobody wants this.

On the question of a family being broken and this being a problem on the increase, well that is not so cut and dried. ie up until recently Ireland had no divorce so, technically, there were no broken families. Do you think people were less open to abuse and heartache? Do you think that having a religious entity get its way with marital law produced happier better adjusted people? Marriage as a modern institution had some fantastic PR in the late 20th century. Nuclear families have historically been nowhere as prevalent as the idea would seem to suggest. Many of the forces that have put pressure on the traditional nuclear family are often seen as beneficial in their own right. ie women getting educated and being able to support themselves. The availability of divorce etc.

I have no idea what you mean by "politics and the idea of CHANGE." Could you expand on that please?

Will E Worm

I concur with much of what you attest to in this post, however, there is a "broken family" - single parent issue going on today that really needs some debate.

As I see it, the fall of the western world family as a cohesive unit is a socialists dream

The destruction of the traditional family is their goal.

This is horrible, but so is the murder and dismemberment of every child in the womb.
This happens every day.
I honestly can't ever remember reading a socialist tract where the destruction of the family was a stated goal. Could someone do me a favor and supply a text or a link to one of the seminal socialist texts where this goal is outlined and why it would be of a benefit to a socialist nation? (If there is such a thing.)

Failing that could you just explain in your own words why the destruction of the family benefits socialism? I'm not seeing the connection?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Let's examine this, shall we ?
Let's start with - degeneracy tends to breed degeneracy, OK ? the topic at hand sort of supports that thesis as we have a young woman who grew up in an "unloving environment" and we expect her, particularly as a single parent, to love her child and have the moral strength and fortitude to raise her child with the best of interests ? Shit, this chick wouldn't know best interests if it smacked her upside the head ! and so the liberal side of me says that we should maybe look into compassion for some of these "cases", not all, but some. I just wish there was more info available because I get the sense that the murderer here is a direct product of her upbringing e.g. bad breeds bad.

Sad, It really is.
and it's all over the fuggin' place, these types of broken families.

This is dead-on, F! The issue is societal and tends to replicate itself over and over again. How many times do we hear of spousal abuse cases where the perpetrator was also abused as a child....alcoholics or drug addicts who had a parent or parents who were drunks or junkies....multi-generational welfare-system parasites who pass their cultural practices on to their offspring as a normal way of life....fatherless children choosing to have fatherless children of their own?

The question becomes....what can be done to prevent these types of things from happening in the future? I'm not sure there is a sufficient answer for that question.

How incredibly tragic it is that this sick, twisted sociopathic woman felt compelled to take her own son's life rather than to try to seek an alternative solution. :(:(
Not gonna get into the death penalty debate. Just wish that she either had the abortion or put her child up for adoption. Hell the moment she realized she's not willing to provide for the child she should find an adoption agency to find her son a nice home. What she did was inexcusable and I hope she will spend rest of her life behind bars.