"So why are there so many broken families out there today as compared to previous generations and why does society e.g. hollywood, media and education ridicule the family unit ? It wouldn't have anything to do with politics and the idea that "CHANGE" is well underway, would it ?

This is a bit mixed up isn't? I'm not sure "Hollywood" whatever that is, ridicules the family any more than it promotes it. Same goes for the "media" whatever that is. I don't ever remember reading a pro-family-destroying editorial, even in the New York Times.
Education, I am very familiar with and don't know anyone who ridicules the need for family stability. Let me restate that, out of the hundreds of professionals I have met nobody wants this.
On the question of a family being broken and this being a problem on the increase, well that is not so cut and dried. ie up until recently Ireland had no divorce so, technically, there were no broken families. Do you think people were less open to abuse and heartache? Do you think that having a religious entity get its way with marital law produced happier better adjusted people? Marriage as a modern institution had some fantastic PR in the late 20th century. Nuclear families have historically been nowhere as prevalent as the idea would seem to suggest. Many of the forces that have put pressure on the traditional nuclear family are often seen as beneficial in their own right. ie women getting educated and being able to support themselves. The availability of divorce etc.
I have no idea what you mean by "politics and the idea of CHANGE." Could you expand on that please?