I'm not surprised at all- Bull sharks are cranky little buggers, and really are every bit as dangerous as the Great White or Tiger Sharks. Add to that the fact that the bull shark can and does hang around in shallow water, and aggressively looks for prey to scavenge, thus the reason it came checking around when the guy had speared a very large fish in the water. And that article is a bit misleading- Bull sharks are often very aggressive predators.
And Wainkerr99- that is the kind of ignorance that just floors me. A shark, in his natural little world, swimming around a reef that he frequents, investigates the smell of blood in the water, and does what nature intends him to do (Swim, eat, make little sharks), and so it should be hunted down to make people on the land feel better? Ridiculous. This magnificent, apex predator should be respected and left alone. If you don't want to get bitten, don't go in the ocean and spear fish. This isn't 1975, and it isn't manly to kill a fish.