Worst film you have ever seen?


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Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

I think that the fascinating thing about bad movies is, that it is a bit like the genius/madness flip-over,

When a moviue gets REALLY bad, it gets somehow fascinating in its self. Best example:

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Isn't that one a true gem???


Closed Account
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

"Napoleon Dynamite," "Bubba Hotep," "Northfolk," to name a few complete wastes of plastic.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Napoleon Dynamite was an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back. I was looking toward to watching Miracle At St. Anna, and a couple days ago I tried to watch it but it's just bad. It's a shame too, because Spike Lee's last movie, Inside Man was really good.


It's good to be the king...
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

Justice League of America
(my first American comic EVER was JLA vol. 1 #97 - so you can imagine my anger at watching this pile of doggie doo)

(I'll never forgive Jonathan Frakes for making this travesty of a classic TV series)

Terminal Error

Killer Flood: The Day the Dam Broke
(what IS it with movies featuring Matthew Ewald? He was also in "Terminal Error")

(much as I fancy Halle Berry, Catwoman truly stank)


Dangerous Seductress (1992)
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
Elektra (2005)
Basic (2003)
Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
Ultraviolet (2006)
XXX: State of the Union (2005)
On Deadly Ground (1993)
Beverly Hills Cop III (1994)
AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)


It's good to be the king...

(methinks a merger of both threads would be a good idea, btw)

Oh - I like to add:

2 Fast 2 Furious (nice cars, shame about the movie)
Ghosts of Mars (waste of Pam Grier)
Dreamcatcher (same shit, different movie)
Street Fighter (all I'll say is - Kylie Minogue as Cammy = LOL!)
Speed 2 - Cruise Control
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

But some peoples minds are more suited for the Saw franchise...

Yeah I love the Saw franchise. I think it grabs the audiences attention right from the beginning. You get so into it that you have to watch them all (like me).

I forgot to mention Catwoman and Elektra were probably two of the worst Marvel movies made.

Also...the first Matrix was alright, then the next two just screwed the series.
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

Yeah I love the Saw franchise. I think it grabs the audiences attention right from the beginning. You get so into it that you have to watch them all (like me).

Or bore you to death. I can't believe I actually got halfway through the third one. :sleep:
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

Yeah I love the Saw franchise. I think it grabs the audiences attention right from the beginning. You get so into it that you have to watch them all (like me).

I forgot to mention Catwoman and Elektra were probably two of the worst Marvel movies made.

Also...the first Matrix was alright, then the next two just screwed the series.

Catwoman is from the DC Universe,you know?

Yeah,they were both horrible though.And that's putting it lightly.

They really should not have made Matrix 2 and 3,they shipwrecked the franchise.Revolutions was ok,but Reloaded just flat out sucked.They should've just stopped after The Animatrix and called it a day.
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

Catwoman is from the DC Universe,you know?

Oh...I'm not really familiar with the comic names. But yeah worst two movies from 'superhero comics'.
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

Oh...I'm not really familiar with the comic names. But yeah worst two movies from 'superhero comics'.

Don't forget The Punisher with Thomas Jane too.That was pure horse shit and they should've known better.
Oh yeah...that too. It definitely better than Catwoman and Elektra though.
Oh yeah...that too. It definitely better than Catwoman and Elektra though.

I'm gonna say The Punisher is worse only because they should have better.Catwoman was intentionally made bad and it's almost obvious that's the case,but what's the Punisher's excuse?How could they actually fuck that movie up?

By the way,if anyone hasn't seen Punisher:War Zone out of fear that it's just as bad as the Thomas Jane one,fear not.It's a violent masterpiece! Almost as big of a body count a the last Rambo movie,and with some good kills.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

The Godfather


That is the most over-rated movie I have ever seen. Seriously, when I was watching it, all I could think was, "Why do people think this movie is good?"

Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.


That is the most over-rated movie I have ever seen. Seriously, when I was watching it, all I could think was, "Why do people think this movie is good?"


I agree, it is the most overrated movie of all time. Its not the worst movie ever made but it shouldnt be praised so highly IMO.
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

I agree, it is the most overrated movie of all time. Its not the worst movie ever made but it shouldnt be praised so highly IMO.

For some odd reason,this country is obsessive with Mob movies,and I really don't know why.

Every rapper has a picture of Scarface somewhere in his house and I just don't get it.

Goodfellas,Casino,and Donnie Brasco are just about all the Mob themed movies I can take.I heard that Carlito's Way was really good,but quite frankly,I'm just way too mobbed out to even ever watch it.
Re: The worst movies you've ever watched.

For some odd reason,this country is obsessive with Mob movies,and I really don't know why.

Every rapper has a picture of Scarface somewhere in his house and I just don't get it.

Goodfellas,Casino,and Donnie Brasco are just about all the Mob themed movies I can take.I heard that Carlito's Way was really good,but quite frankly,I'm just way too mobbed out to even ever watch it.

The thing is I'm a huge fan of those movies you have listed and many other "mob" movies, but I just dont get why The Godfather is so hyped up, yeah its a decent movie but it really isnt the greatest ever.